24 Aug 2020

10m WSPR TX beacon

Late morning I turned on my 10m WSPR TX beacon using 500mW to the tiny indoor loop antenna. So far (it is now 1425z) 3 different stations have spotted me.

Sunspots - Monday August 24th 2020

Solar flux is 71 and the SSN 0. A=7 and K=1.

23 Aug 2020

Growing fast - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows some of our grandchildren growing fast.

10m WSPR (500mW and indoor loop)

So, I am expecting to be spotted by no-one! If anyone is monitoring I shall get a pleasant surprise.  As the 10m TX WSPR beacon was available and the indoor loop, I have turned these on "just in case".

UPDATE 1205z:  Surprise, surprise! A single spot by DJ9PC (825km) proves that there is some propagation on 10m after all. I am sure I'd have far more spots on FT8, but that ties up the main rig and PC.

UPDATE 1325z:  Also being spotted by a Danish station. Sometimes he's getting me very strongly.

UPDATE 2016z:  QRT.

2m FT8 (10W and big-wheel omni antenna)

It is now 0816z and I have been active for a few minutes. So far, 17 spots of me in 2 countries with the best being F0EYI (465km) in Brittany. G7RAU (461km) has a great site and antenna and is also spotting me. No RX spots yet.

UPDATE 1030z: 37 stations in 3 countries have spotted my 10W FT8 so far with the best DX spot being by GI6ATZ (479km). It seems odd that none of my spots have been uploaded. I may try a total reset.

UPDATE 1225z: 40 stations have spotted me so far, but just 1 station copied on RX. This suggests there are far more stations monitoring than transmitting.

UPDATE 1630z: 54 stations in 5 countries have spotted my 2m FT8 10W so far today.

UPDATE 2017z: QRT. 56 stations in 6 countries spotted my 10W FT8 today on 2m with the big-wheel omni antenna.

Time - NOT amateur radio

This year, I shall be 72 years old.

In some ways I feel old now, but at the same time I feel as if the years since I was a teenager have never happened: in some ways it is almost as if time is just an illusion. Memories of those days are still strong.

Time and memories could be illusions.  Every day we wake up it could be that we think we remember past events and places, but we don't. There is always the feeling that time's arrow goes forward into the future, but it could equally well point into the past. Our whole notion of time past, present and future could be flawed.

No, time is puzzling.

Our view of space also puzzles me. I note the similarly between the very big and very small. Is the universe somehow different from how we see it? 100 years on we may say, "did they believe THAT?".

Favourite walk - NOT amateur radio

One of my favourite walks (when I was fit!) was along the coastal path from Hope Cove to Salcombe along the coastal path in South Devon. It remains very unspoilt and beautiful. I cannot imagine this has changed much since my father walked this way almost 100 years ago.

Sunspots - Sunday August 23rd 2020

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0.  A=8 and K=2.

22 Aug 2020

2m FT8

As 6m seems dead here, I have QSYed to 2m FT8 with 10W and the big-wheel antenna.  After about 15 minutes 19 stations in 4 countries have spotted me.

UPDATE 2034z:  QRT now. 34 stations in 7 countries spotted me today. Just 1 station spotted on RX today on 2m.

Butterfly - NOT amateur radio

If this has been on before, sorry but too bad!! 

It is a nice photo taken earlier this summer. If I recall correctly, it was at nearby Anglesey Abbey.

Social media - NOT amateur radio

Like many, I seem to be addicted to instant social media fixes. When waking in the morning I grab my smart phone to check Facebook, emails, blogs, BBC etc. Most of these could easily wait several hours or even days. Talk about "must get a life"! These things could and should be relegated to their proper place.

More IC-705 videos

These are now coming think and fast as more dealers around the world are seeing samples. Only today I saw videos today from Finland, Wimo in Germany and the USA.

6m FT8

It is now 0800z. A few moments ago I turned on the 6m FT8 gear (10W and the V2000 vertical). So far, no spots given or received.

UPDATE 0833z:  Still no 6m FT8 spots.

UPDATE 0904z: Nothing on RX but I have been spotted by 1 station in Sweden.

UPDATE 1622z:   So far today, still just the single spot of me and no spots at all on RX.

Sunspots - Saturday August 22nd 2020

Solar flux is 71 and the SSN 0. A=4 and K=1.

21 Aug 2020

South Hams video - NOT amateur radio

This video shows some of where I come from from the air.

Fen blows - NOT amateur radio

The UK Fens are very flat with some of the best agricultural lands in the country.  Most of the topsoil is peat.

With strong winds we can experience "fen blows" when the strong winds blow this topsoil away. At the moment we are having exceptionally strong winds for August. This morning on our walk, we could see the brown clouds of dust in the sky: evidence of a "fen blow". Although I tried to take photos, the "fen blow" is hard to make out. At the moment, winds are gusting to about 50mph here.

Cycle 25?

From regular visits to my favourite site for solar data, it looks far more likely that we have passed solar minimum. Most days now we see some sunspots and indicators are increasingly good.

As mentioned before, it could be some time before HF conditions get noticeably better. With luck we should see more openings to "real DX" on bands like 10m, 12m and 10m.

This is the first time we will have had FT8 available as a tool on the climb up to solar maximum. It is probably worth monitoring the FT8 frequencies on 10m, as I suspect the band is open far more often than is realised.

2m FT8

Following a poor outing on 6m and 10m FT8, I have returned to 2m FT8. So far, my 10W to the big-wheel omni antenna has been spotted by 23 stations in 3 countries at 1400z includin Northern Irelaand and Germany.

Stations spotting me to 2010z
UPDATE 1607z: Now 29 stations in 5 countries have spotted my 10W 2m FT8 today.

UPDATE 2010z:  36 stations spotted me today on 2m FT8.

UPDATE 2200z : Now QRT. 37 St spotted me today on 2m FT8 using 10W and the big-wheel omni antenna.

Salcombe, Devon, UK - NOT amateur radio

As a child I lived and was brought up in Salcombe, Devon. We took it all for granted, not appreciating just how lucky we were.

I have mentioned before how the light reflected off the water made patterns on the ceiling of the classroom. It was a long time before I realised what it was!

There are several videos on YouTube including these here.

2m progress

When I was first interested in amateur radio AM was king on 2m. Working 10km with a Heathkit HW30 "Twoer" seemed good. Nowadays working 200km with 10W of SSB is commonplace with a big-wheel omni antenna. With FT8 distances of 500km seem possible at any time. We have come a long way.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/lunchbox

Sunspots - Friday August 21st 2020

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 13.  A=3 and K=1.

20 Aug 2020

2m FT8

At about 1600z, I decided to QSY to 2m FT8. On 10m FT8,  I was again widely spotted across Europe despite running just 4W to the indoor loop.

On 2m I am running the usual 10W (high power eh?) and the big-wheel omni antenna. So far, 12 spots of me already in the first 5 minutes!

Stations spotting me at 1610z
UPDATE 1610z: Already spotted on the Isle of Man and Northern Ireland after just a few minutes.

UPDATE 2050z:  QRT.  In all today, my 10W was spotted 40 stations in 7 countries.

International Lighthouse Weekend 2020

For this year, the ILLW event when lighthouses around the world are activated has been moved to this weekend Aug 22nd/23rd. This is NOT a contest. Google for more details.

Flash floods - NOT amateur radio

After the floods 
A few days ago, the heavens opened and it rained so heavily that the drains could not cope. One of our old neighbours really suffered badly. I feel sorry for people who have their homes ruined by floods.

Cambridge shopping - NOT amateur radio

For the first time since March we ventured into Cambridge. We went shopping. It was busier than I expected, but still easy to social distance.

10m FT8

It is now 0836z. My 4W to the tiny indoor loop antenna has been on for about 15 minutes. So far no spots on RX and on TX 2 spots.

Sunspots - Thursday August 20th 2020

Solar flux is 71 and the SSN 15. A=6 and K=1.

19 Aug 2020

Swifts - NOT amateur radio

Most swifts have now left on their long migrations south. Imagine my surprise when I saw one earlier. There are a few stragglers still around, but most have now left until next spring.

10m FT8

Es about today.  Although I have only been on for about 10 minutes with my 4W FT8 and the indoor loop already 10 stations have been spotted and I have been spotted by 7. So far, just EU.

UPDATE 2110z: 27 stations spotted me today. On RX the best DX was a station in Chile, South America.

WSJT-X V2.2.2 or PC bug?

For several days now I have been using WSJT-X V2.2.2 on FT8. Several times when I first use it the RX signals are "smeared" and I get no decodes. Restarting the PC clears this and I get plenty of decodes. I am using a SignaLink USB interface that has given me perfect service for years.

I wonder if any others have experiences this?

Simple pleasures - NOT amateur radio

As we awoke early we decided to go on an early walk.

We picked some apples and blackberries as the photo shows.

8m activity

The 40 and 60MHz Facebook group has news of more activity on 8m. Some countries have an allocation and some stations have sought special access.

South Devon - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows where I come from in South Devon. This is the Kingsbridge Estuary in Devon in an area known as the South Hams.

Cycle 25

There is little doubt that cycle 25 has now started. We seem to be seeing a few sunspots most days now although it could be some time before HF conditions on bands like 10m are noticeably better. By the autumn of 2021 openings to the USA should be much more frequent on 10m.

Sepura - NOT amateur radio

It seems amazing that I retired from Sepura 12 years ago!

For almost 40 years I worked in the Pye/Philips/Simoco/Sepura empire. As a design engineer, I worked on some interesting products including a few years working on pagers including a brief spell in California.

See https://www.sepura.com/

Sunspots - Wednesday August 19th 2020

Solar flux is 71 and the SSN 12. A=6 and K=3.

18 Aug 2020

QSY to 2m FT8

As 10m seemed dead here today, I have QSYed to 2m FT8. Almost immediately my 10W to the big-wheel omni antenna was spotted by 11 stations including GI6ATZ (479km) in Northern Ireland and DF6PW (562km) in Germany. It never fails!

UPDATE 1858z:  42 stations in 10 countries have spotted me today so far on 2m with 10W and the big-wheel omni antenna. As this sort of DX seems to be available at any time, I do not think all of these are aircraft scatter or tropo. Some may be, but not all I think. Personally, I suspect some other sort of scatter that weak signals such as FT8 signals can access.

Stations spotting me
on 2m FT8 TX (10W) today
UPDATE 2039z:  47 spots of my 10W to the big-wheel omni antenna today. Even with my low power and simple antenna, it appears that these sort of ranges are possible on 2m FT8 at any time. On SSB with the same power and antenna, I am pleased to work stations 200km away!

Granddaughter - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows our 9  year old granddaughter on holiday in Norfolk.

Cartoon - NOT amateur radio

This cartoon appeared as a Facebook memory from several years ago. 

It seems appropriate in the UK at the moment.

Ultra-simple RX

Some years ago, I wanted to see just how simple a receiver could be made with a decent performance. Later, this was converted into a full transceiver.  For so few parts, it is remarkable.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/regen