3 Mar 2020

2m UKAC activity contest

2m SSB contacts this evening
Starting at 2000z is the March leg of the 2m activity contest organised by the RSGB. Because my voice is poor I usually manage an hour. This is about 40% of the time in the contest.  I use an omni big-wheel antenna and 5-10W.

Activity is usually high and, unlike many contests, this one is fun. Although I usually submit a log in the AL (low power) section there is no compulsion to do so and many just come on for fun.

UPDATE 2130z: With my poor voice this evening, it seemed very hard. I all 7 QSOs made with best DX G4RUL/P on the south coast.

Feline friend? - NOT amateur radio

On our walk around the village at the weekend, my wife managed this photo. Shortly afterwards the cat decided to run away. I think it was just checking me out!

Another loop

Jay, W5OLF sent me a photo of the loop antenna he has been using on 10m WSPR. The loop is quite small, but the wire diameter quite large, so it should be pretty efficient. For modes like WSPR, FT8 and PSK loops can be a good choice as they are small and narrowband.

OFCOM updates

As usual at the start of the month, OFCOM has updated its Communications Monthly. See the OFCOM website for details.

Expensive garden furniture - NOT amateur radio

This was on sale in Cambridge earlier. At not much less than £10k I don't think I shall be rushing out! It is a garden pod complete with padded seats.

15m FT8

A few moments ago, I switched to 15m FT8 after being QRT overnight. As of now (1000z) no spots given or received. I am using 2.5W from the FT817ND and the tiny loop on the windowsill again.

UPDATE 1645z: So far today 34 stations spotted on 15m FT8 with the best DX being ZS2EZ (9900km) in Eastern Cape. My 2.5W to the tiny loop was spotted by 5B60ALJ (3185km). Nobody has spotted me now since early afternoon.

UPDATE  1736z: Soon be time to go QRT on 15m.

Sunspots - Tuesday March 3rd 2020

Solar flux is 69 and the SSN 0. A =5 and K=1.

2 Mar 2020

Village walk - NOT amateur radio

We went for a walk around the village today. The sky was spectacular.

Spring promises - NOT amateur radio

Everywhere we look now there are signs of spring. New buds on trees, blossom and, of course, as the photo shows, daffodils. According to the UK Met Office it is already spring.

15m FT8

About 5 minutes ago I went on 15m FT8 again. Guess what antenna? The tiny loop! No spots given or received yet. Using the FT817ND at 2.5W as yesterday.

UPDATE 1148z: No spots of me yet. 2 spots on RX so far with best DX OD5ZZ (3438km).

UPDATE 1403z: 14 stations spotted on RX so far. No TX spots.

UPDATE 1610z: 34 stations spotted and one European spotting my 2.5W.

UPDATE 2230z: Now QRT. Just a single TX spot. On 15m FT8 RX 48 stations spotted with best DX spotted being LU2DAJ (11212km).

My tiny indoor loop

As I have been asked about this, here are some details.

It has been used for 20m,17m and 15m. with powers up to just over 10W. It should work even better on 12m and 10m. This was a gift many years ago from the people who designed the Whizz Whip.  I have to admit that it works far better than I expected. As you know, it is tiny and just sits on the windowsill of the shack.

My main issue is getting a good match on the FT991A: if the SWR is too high the auto ATU just gives up, so my technique is to connect it first to the FT817ND on AM, tune initially for maximum noise, then tune the loop for lowest SWR then connect to the FT991A and engage auto-ATU. This seems to work just fine. Of course, with the FT817ND I just tune for lowest SWR. When tuned, the SWR is very low.

It looks like the match is made with a tapped toroid which is part of a tuned circuit. Being a loop, it is narrow band. With a thicker loop it could be even better, but even more sharply tuned.

Solar forecast page updated

My favourite website for solar forecasts was updated yesterday.

See https://www.solen.info/solar/

Sunspots - Monday March 2nd 2020

Solar flux is 69 and the sunspot number 0. A=8 and K=1. This is the first time solar flux has dipped below 70 in some time.

1 Mar 2020

What is the best HF band at the moment?

Some people ask what is the best HF band currently? I guess this depends on what you are after. In terms of the best daylight band I guess 20m or 17m. Later in the day, lower frequencies are better. 17m has the advantage of being less busy than 20m and the antennas are smaller. However, it will close to DX sooner than 20m.

If you have time and patience, 15m, 12m and 10m can open for DX far more often than people think, especially on N-S paths. Es can liven up 10m and 6m at any part of the solar cycle in May, June, July and August. Es openings can occur at any time but tend to be best in these months.

Update on Chromebooks - NOT amateur radio

It is about 3 months now since I bought an Asus C213N Chromebook.

So far, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that this was a wise decision. So far everything I want to do I can do. It boots up almost instantly, the battery lasts all day. It is truly stunning.

For most things you can leave Windose way behind. I have still never used the Linux apps! No, this was a first class buy. Oh, and you can use it as a tablet, it has a touch screen and came with a 3 year "at home" guarantee!

Quantum entanglement - NOT amateur radio

It is a fact (I think) that Einstein had problems with quantum physics. Experiments have been done that prove quantum physics is real, if counter-intuitive. Very many years ago, I did a course in quantum theory at university. It was very mathematical and I struggled!

One thing I remembered (I think correctly) was that according to quantum mechanics everything can be described as a wave function that exists in all space and all time. What we experience as the "here and now" can be thought of as a wave that is most probable here and now. Indeed, tunnel diodes only work because of quantum mechanical tunnelling.

All this brings me to quantum entanglement in which entangled particles even at other ends of the universe instantly have a kind of affinity. Look up some videos on YouTube. On the face of it, this breaks the laws of relativity that says nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.

Does this mean teleportation might be possible? Apparently the Chinese have already done this with fundamental particles. In the future, who knows? One thing is certain: we really know and understand very little.

15m FT8

At the moment I am on 15m FT8 using the FT817ND at 2.5W with the tiny indoor loop antenna. This is TX and RX as I get no feedback issues with this rig. Of course running just 2.5W must help. So far no spots.

UPDATE 1050z: 35 stations spotted on RX and 1 QSO with a G station so far today on 15m FT8. No spots of my 15m 2.5W FT8 yet on PSKreporter.

UPDATE  1354z: 76 spots on 15m FT8 RX and a couple of European spots on TX, despite running 6dB less than on 17m FT8 yesterday. I guess the loop is more efficient as you go up in frequency.

UPDATE 2215z:  Now QRT. I went QRT about an hour ago.

Daffodils - NOT amateur radio

March 1st is the first day of spring according to the UK Met Office. The photo shows the daffodils on the way to the village church. Some parts of the church are over 1000 years old.

Sunspots - Sunday March 1st 2020

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0. A=11 and K=1.

29 Feb 2020

Antivirus - NOT amateur radio

This came in today on a FaceBook message. Well, it made me laugh!

17m FT8 with the tiny indoor loop

As 15m was not great, I have QSYed down to 17m FT8. So far just a single spot of my 10W from G4FTC (124km). On 17m FT8 RX 3 spots so far.

The photo shows the loop antenna on the windowsill. The ruler is to indicate the scale. It is tiny!

UPDATE 1225z: So far today, 12 stations have spotted my 10W 17m FT8 TX.

UPDATE 1507z: So far today, my little 10W FT8 TX signal from the tiny loop on the windowsill of the shack has been spotted by 17 stations with the best DX being KV4T (4361miles) in Alabama, USA. 2 stateside stations have spotted me so far today on 17m FT8 TX.

UPDATE 1630z:  Now 18 stations have spotted me today on 17m FT8 TX. This includes 3 Stateside stations. 62 stations in 5 continents spotted so far on 17m FT8 RX today.

UPDATE 1818z: With 39 stations spotting my 10W, this is the best day so far on 17m FT8 TX. The map shows the spots so far today.

Stations spotting my 10W
17m FT8 TX today
UPDATE 2205z: Now QRT, but after an incredible day with my best DX being a spot by PY2XAT (9565km). In all, 39 spots of my 10W in 5 continents. All with a tiny indoor loop!!


When I retired in 2008 I was kindly bought a leaving present. Thoughtfully, it was a very old crystal set called the Gecophone. Although it is about 100 years old it still works! I have now added a page on this to my website. As you can see, it is a work of art!

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/gecophone

15m FT8

At the moment I am trying 15m FT8 RX with the tiny indoor loop antenna. On TX there seems to be some RF feedback into the rig, so I am not on TX. As yet, no spots on RX.

UPDATE 1105z:  Still no spots on 15m FT8 RX. I may QSY shortly.

UPDATE 1115z:  Just one OD5 spotted on 15m FT8 RX, so now QSYed to 17m FT8.

Ely Cathedral - NOT amateur radio

If this has been posted before, please accept my apologies. Some call it "the ship of the fens" and it can be seen from miles around much like Chartres in France. It is our favourite cathedral.

Typical Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

This is a typical Cambridge scene. In the foreground are bikes and the university church, Great St Mary's. In the background is the Senate House, famous for degree ceremonies. The world famous King's College Chapel is about 200m from here.

Because of the corona virus scare, there are far fewer far eastern visitors in the city. I guess this is to be expected.

Solar forecast update

We are rapidly coming to the end of winter. Very early in each month my favourite solar forecast is updated. This is usually done on the first or second day of the month.

Up to now they have put the solar minimum as happening last summer. I hope they are still right. One of the indicators is polarity changes. This can also help us in the forecast of the size of the next peak.

At the moment the "experts" are expecting the next peak to be of a similar size to the last one in cycle 24. Some were predicting a Maunder Minimum with years of no sunspots, but this now seems unlikely.

Chinese poet - NOT amateur radio

In the grounds of King's College, Cambridge is a memorial garden and statue created in 2018 to remember the Chinese poet Xu Zhimo who was a college member about 100 years ago.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xu_Zhimo

Sunspots - Saturday February 29th 2020

Solar flux is 71 and the SSN 0. A=6 and K=2. Not much sign of an upturn yet!

28 Feb 2020

King's College lawns - NOT amateur radio

The lawns at King's College, Cambridge are immaculate. They have plenty of money and plenty of groundsmen.  Probably they spend thousands on their lawns every year.

By comparison, mine look dreadful! Mind you, I spend perhaps £25 a year and there is only one part-time groundsman - me! If the weather is decent, I might cut the lawns here next week as I think it unlikely I can expect the King's College groundsmen to venture out here!

Spring - NOT amateur radio

On Sunday, we start meteorological spring. Not before time as we have had a dreadful February with lots of wind and rain.

This part of the UK has escaped lightly, but some parts have had heavy snow and others bad floods. It has been mild with few frosts here, but much wetter than when I first came to this area. Spring flowers are now appearing and not soon enough.

CLM? - NOT amateur radio

Whilst posting to my blog, I noticed an advert saying proudly, "what to expect from your CLM".

Now, having been retired for nearly 12 years, it is entirely possible that I am totally out of touch with these acronyms.

Apparently it stands for Customer Lifestyle Manager. Sounds like another way of wasting money! Who thinks of these?

Upturn in solar conditions - when?

So far, February has been a big disappointment. Sunspots have been virtually absent and if anything things are certainly no better than last month. If we are to confirm that we have passed the solar minimum, I would expect a few more sunspots and a slow climb in solar flux. Based on the last few weeks, I see neither. It is wrong to expect big changes until next year, but I was expecting hopeful signs.

17m FT8

Today I am on 17m FT8 with the tiny indoor loop antenna. 27 spots on RX and plenty of stations spotting my 10W TX.

UPDATE 1110z:  11 spots of my 10W so far today with the tiny indoor loop antenna.

People that have spotted 
my 10W on 17m FT8 TX today 
with the tiny indoor loop antenna
UPDATE 1345z:  13 spots of my signal and 1 QSO so far today.  On 17m FT8 RX 98 stations spotted so far. 5 continents spotted so far on 17m FT8 RX with the tiny indoor loop today.

UPDATE 1806z: With 20 stations spotting me with the best DX being N4PYI (4171 miles) today has been good. I shall be going QRT shortly.

UPDATE 1912z: Now QRT on all bands.

Sword fighting - NOT amateur radio

During half term holiday we visited the Oliver Cromwell house in Ely with some of our grandchildren. Here they were sword fighting.

Oscar 100 update

The narrowband transponder of this geosynchronous satellite has been increased to 500kHz wide. My casual monitoring of the narrowband transponder shows no real change in occupancy: busier than earlier months, but still plenty of room.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/


It was Heathkit that got me into radio way back in the early 1960s.

In recent years, they have been trying to make a comeback, although judging by their product range, I suspect they must be struggling. Basically, I can see a very few loyal people buying these, but not many. Anyone know what has happened to them?

See https://shop.heathkit.com/shop/category/products-am-fm-shortwave-tv-explorer-tm-series-receivers-8

Sunspots - Friday February 28th 2020

Solar flux is 71 and the SSN 0. A=4 and K=2.

27 Feb 2020

Snow - NOT amateur radio

When I first came to Cambridge in 1970 the winters were cold and dry. Nowadays winters are wet and mild. Snow is a rarety. Many winters we see no snow.

This morning we had snow, although it had all gone by lunchtime.

The photo shows the snow this morning.

Petty Cury, Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

This is the view at one end of Petty Cury in Cambridge.

When I first came to Cambridge in 1970 it was a lovely street with shops and plenty of bay windows. In their infinite wisdom, the planners pulled all these down and replaced them with modern monstrosities.

I would like to think they would not be so stupid today. Do we never learn?

Elecraft KX2 transceiver

Apart from a few disadvantages this looks a fine choice for HF. It is very small, it has a good RX and can produce 10W and could even be used handheld.

  • The internal batteries have to be removed to charge.
  • It does not cover 160m or 6m.
  • It is expensive in the UK, but has a 2 year warranty and good technical support.
  • The internal auto-ATU is extra.
  • It does not have an SDR display.
  • No 2m or 70cm.
I quite expect Elecraft to come out with a Mk2  which allows charging in situ of the internal batteries. One thing is certain: if I was to buy one then this Mk2 version would be released the very next day!

See https://elecraft.com/