21 Nov 2019

OFCOM update

OFCOM has announced a change of Chief Technology Officer. See their website.


As Yahoo is effectively closing its groups, like many I have migrated all of my groups to Groups.io. At present I host groups on VHF AM, sub9kHz and miracle antennas.

Sunspots - Thursday November 21st 2019

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0. A=2 and K=2.

20 Nov 2019

481THz RX

Whilst looking through some old Google photos, I came across this one of my 481THz (optical) receiver. It was used in my "over the horizon" tests. It was also used in a line-of sight optical speech QSO over 11km with G4HJW.

I still have it and should try using it again.

10m FT8

Although I have been on 10m FT8 since before breakfast calling CQ initially (2.5W), no spots given or received so far.

UPDATE 1033z: Still no spots.

UPDATE 1447z: Just 2 stations spotted all day so far on 10m FT8 RX with best DX spotted being RA2FL (1343km).

UPDATE 1846z:   Now 8 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX. Best DX is  LZ1VDR (2015km).

UPDATE 1850z:  Now QRT.

Autumn - NOT amateur radio

All our trees are now losing their leaves as they do each autumn. We'll blink and it will be spring again with new buds.

Sunspots - Wednesday November 20th 2019

Solar flux is 69 and the SSN 0. A=2 and K=1.

19 Nov 2019

Oscar 100 update

As regular blog readers know, I periodically check activity levels on the narrow-band transponder of this geosynchronous satellite. At the weekend it seemed a little busier with more than 10 QSOs going on with SSB. Overall, activity still seems lower than I was expecting.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/

10m FT8

Since about 1015z, I have been on 10m FT8. Initially I called CQ (2.5W) and since then I have been RX only. No-one spotted my CQ and just 1 station DJ5JD (489km) spotted on RX.

UPDATE 1532z: With only 2 stations spotted so far this really is the pits of a day. Roll on better 10m conditions!

Sunspots - Tuesday November 19th 2019

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0. A=2 and K=0.

Although there are few sunspots, the solar flux seems to be consistently in the low 70s. Have we passed the solar minimum?

18 Nov 2019

Amateur DX soundbites

Some days ago I put link to broadcast interval signals. Here is a page with links to amateur DX sound bites.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/soundbites13

More on WRC-19

Southgate News has a further piece relaying the RSGB's blog about WRC-19 meeting on spectrum issues. This meeting is in Egypt.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2019/november/wrc-19-day-15--a-long-weekend.htm#.XdJjFu2TLnE

Still on 10m FT8

As you may know, I have been on 10m FT8 RX overnight. Not unexpectedly, no overnight spots.

UPDATE 0930z:  Just 2 spots so far of MM3NRX (516km) and a G.

UPDATE 1402z:  6 stations in 4 countries spotted this morning.

UPDATE 1840z:  No further spots today. In the end today was disappointing. Soon be time to go QRT.

UPDATE 1850z:  QRT.

Sunspots - Monday November 18th 2019

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0. A=4 and K=0.

17 Nov 2019

Sunspots - Sunday November 17th 2019

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0. A=4 and K=1.

10m FT8

Things seem better on 10m FT8 today. Even my 2.5W 10m FT8 CQ was copied by GI4OWA (586km) and OZ9QV (861km). Sadly, no QSOs resulted.  On 10m FT8 RX, 9 stations (all in Europe) already copied.

UPDATE 1236z: Now 24 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX today with best DX 5R8VX (8612km).

UPDATE 2240z: As my son is fast asleep in the next bedroom, I cannot turn off my PC and rig set up on 10m FT8 RX. So, I shall be monitoring overnight. It will be a miracle if anyone is spotted.

16 Nov 2019

Salcombe lifeboat - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows the Salcombe lifeboat on station. Years ago the crew had to run on foot to a place called South Sands, about 1.5 miles from the centre of town. Just over a 100 years ago there was a tragedy when the lifeboat overturned and most of the crew were drowned. One of my aunts remembered this as a young child.

Talking about childhood, I recall watching my dad play water polo more or less where the lifeboat is now. As a young child I was brought up in Salcombe, Devon.

Out of season Salcombe is quiet. In the summer it is filled with visitors and boats. The estuary behind the lifeboat is teaming with boats.

10m FT8

Since 0910z, I have been on 10m FT8 calling CQ with 2.5W initially. As yet no spots given or received on 10m.

I stayed on 2m FT8 RX overnight, but nothing copied until breakfast time when a few nearer Europeans were coming through. Actually 2m FT8 is a waste of time (and electricity) overnight.

UPDATE 1800z: Just 3 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX in 3 countries all day with best DX spotted MM3RDX (516km). So far, very disappointing. I guess this is to be expected around sunspot minimum: some days may be quite reasonable, especially N-S, whereas other days can be very poor. Low activity cannot help either.

UPDATE 1826z: QRT.

MLS "something for the weekend" deals

Every week I get an email from MLS (a UK dealer) with some special deals for the weekend. Rarely are these worthwhile in my view (as a cynic) and most times I am not impressed.

See their website for details.

Sunspots - Saturday November 16th 2019

Solar  flux is 70 and the SSN 0. A=4 and K=2.

15 Nov 2019

2m FT8

About 10 minutes ago I called CQ on 2m FT8 with 2.5W to the big-wheel. Although no QSOs resulted I was spotted by just one station G7RAU (461km). On 2m FT8 RX 5 stations in 3 countries spotted so far with DF6PW (562km) as the best so far spotted.

UPDATE 2200z:  So far this evening 18 stations in 6 countries spotted on 2m FT8 RX. With 2.5W FT8 TX I have been spotted by 3 stations in 2 countries with best DX spot being by GI6ATZ (479km). Even 2.5W to the omni antenna seems enough!

Nearly Christmas! - NOT amateur radio

Many shops have had Christmas displays since September and it is not long now to make profits.

Sunspots - Friday November 15th 2019

Solar flux is 70 and the sunspot number 0. A=2 and K=1.

Windmill Sails - NOT amateur radio

We are lucky to live next door to a fully restored 200 year old windmill. Sails turn on special occasions only. The video shows the sails turning.

SW broadcasters

This link has been on before, but if you are like me you will have enjoyed shortwave broadcasters from around the world and collected their QSL cards.

These days the shortwaves are very different with far fewer English language services. Many choose to use the internet instead. It is cheaper and reaches a bigger audience with much better quality.

So, many of these sounds are from a very different era. Enjoy.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/interval

14 Nov 2019

Back on 10m FT8 tomorrow

As I have now returned from a few days with my brother in Devon, I hope to be on 10m FT8 again in the morning.10m is my favourite HF band. At this part of the solar cycle things can be a bit variable, but even with my modest set-up there can often be DX from outside Europe.

UK Rally


St Vincent de Paul's, Caldershaw Road, off Edenfield Road (A680), Norden, Rochdale, OL12 7QR. Doors open to the public at 10.15am with disabled visitors gaining access 15 minutes earlier. Admission is £2.50 with those under 12 years free. £5 per pitch (for traders with own tables) or £10 for a pitch with table provided. Guest speaker Keiran Wilkinson, IT Director at Hack:Oldham, will give a lecture on Make it, don't buy it, an explanation of how you can use Computer Aided Design, 3D printing and laser cutting to create project enclosures and casings. Due to limited seating, the talk will be given twice at 11am and 12 noon. Refreshments available including bacon and sausage butties. Further details: Robert, M0NVQ, by email to m0nvq@outlook.com .

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Sunspots - Thursday November 14th 2019

Solar flux is 71 and the SSN 0. A=2 and K=2.

13 Nov 2019

Seaside towns out of season - NOT amateur radio

Today my brother and I went to Dartmouth on the bus. It is a great run. Sadly Dartmouth looks very out of season. There were few shops busy and very few people on the streets.

Reach walk - NOT amateur radio

At the weekend we went for a nice walk at nearby Reach. My wife made this collage.

What are a little strange are the two emus in a garden. They have been here for several years. I do not know why they are there. Perhaps they like emu eggs!

HF antennas

Some years ago I bought an x80 vertical antenna. These are basically Rybakov vertical antennas. I erected mine briefly at the old QTH, but have not done so here. I would need help with erection, whereas my end-fed I managed to string to a nearby tree on my own. The end-fed is a good match on 10m (my favourite HF band) , where it seems to do quite reasonably on FT8.  So, for now, the x80 is unused.

At the time (2011) the x80 had mixed reviews. Some said the aluminium flexed too much and broke. Being a vertical, it is probably noisier than a horizontal antenna. If you have an auto ATU it is quite an easy way to get on several HF bands. These days I think there are stronger versions around.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/antennas/x80

Sunspots - Wednesday November 13th 2019

Solar flux is 71 and the SSN 0. A=4 and K=0.

12 Nov 2019

Salcombe out of season - NOT amateur radio

At the moment I am spending a few days with my brother in Devon. Out of season it is a different place.

Sunspots - Tuesday November 12th 2019

Solar flux is 70 today and the SSN 0.  A=7 and K=2.

70cm activity contest this evening

A reminder that the 70cm leg of the RSGB 's UKAC activity contest is this evening starting at 2000z.

11 Nov 2019

VLF amateur radio experiments

8.97kHz earth-mode TX
The conventional wisdom is that VLF requires huge antennas and enormous powers. This not the case and radio amateurs have spanned thousands of kilometres with back garden antennas and modest powers. With utilities assisted earth mode (what I tried) just a few watts is enough to span very useful distances. For RX only, VLF antennas can be very small indeed.

In the past I have copied radiated signals from amateurs below 10kHz from several Western European countries.

Sadly my poor health has put a stop to my earth-mode experiments in recent years.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vlf/8-97khz-earth-mode-transmitter

Sunspots - Monday November 11th 2019

Solar flux is 71 and the SSN 0. A=3 and K=1.

10 Nov 2019

2m FT8

For a change, I am on 2m FT8. I may go QRT later.  A recent 2.5W FT8 CQ using the big-wheel omni was spotted by 3 G stations. On RX only 2 stations spotted so far with best DX spotted being DK1VC (503km).

UPDATE 1025z: Just 3 stations spotted this evening on 2m FT8 RX. Time to go QRT.

Hospital visit - G3TFX

This morning we went to visit Richard G3TFX who is in hospital. He seems in good spirits and hopes to get home soon. He is awaiting the fitting of a stent. In the meantime he has to listen on the internet to webSDRs such as Hack Green. For a useful site of web SDRs see http://www.websdr.org/ .

He doesn't want to be there and the overheads of keeping him there are about £1700 a day!! In the meantime he is, against his will, blocking a bed in a teaching hospital. Surely there is a lower cost way of doing a daily blood test and calling him in for his appointment? Yes, our NHS is wonderful but they do waste money. From my own experience they do seem to waste a great deal and the NHS needs reform and accountability.

Six years ago I was in hospital for 3.5 months. My treatment was first class, but I am aware that they need better management. In the private sector, they would run as good or better service at far lower cost.

One thing that seems missing is accountability.  Yes, we all want good service for patients but at lower cost and without waste. In my view they can save money and offer patients a better service. Their inefficiencies lead to poorer services for patents. Apparently a blood pressure monitor costing around £40000 can be bought for about £10 in a local chemists. Does no-one check value for money? In the private sector this would be a sackable offence.

Another person, a D-day veteran and SWL, is terminally ill in a local hospice. I worked with him and he is a real gentle man.

Very successful session on 472kHz WSPR

In the last 2 weeks, 45 stations have copied my 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. Last night alone, 22 stations spotted me including 2 stations in Norway. LA2XPA (1310km) copied me 20 times last night! So, getting to Norway is no "one off" thing.

I have an oddity: G3KEV who is a very strong 472kHz WSPR signal has been received several times this morning. This is odd as my FT817ND dial says 3.6742MHz which is the input frequency for my transverter! It would appear I am receiving on 472kHz WSPR in split mode, despite what the dial says. All very odd.
Stations spotting my 472kHz WSPR 
(10mW ERP) in the last 24 hours