10 Jan 2018

Hackers back?

In the last hour blog numbers have more than doubled quite suddenly. I am sure this is not radio hams on the USA west coast waking up! It would be good to believe this was true, but sadly I think not, HI.

QSYed to 630m WSPR RX

As I was unable to find out why I have no power on 630m (yet), I am on 630m WSPR RX only. At some point I shall turn off my PC battery charger in the hope of reducing my noise floor on that band.

UPDATE 1955z:  I have been on PC battery power for some while now (about 40 minutes) and already 7 unique stations spotted. The RX noise floor must be lower as more stations are being copied. Still using the coax to my 2m antenna as the antenna on RX via a ferrite rod ATU on the bench (see picture).

UPDATE 2010z: PC charger back on, so that I can run the PC on battery power overnight. So S/N of received signals should degrade whist the charger is on if this noise is limiting what I can spot.

UPDATE 2125z: Still using the PC on mains with the battery charger. On battery power (on the PC) spots of LA8AV are between -12 and -19dB S/N. With the PC on mains power with the charger running it is about 10dB worse, although with QSB it is hard to be precise.

UPDATE 2135z: Just started the PC on its battery power again. If the noise floor has dropped again LA8AV S/N should improve again.  Indeed his S/N is about 10dB better!

UPDATE 2206z: PC back on mains and PC battery is charging. In about an hour I shall be switching the PC to its battery power. This should last for several hours. Battery is currently 94% charged. Well I am on mains power and the PC battery is charging. LA8AV is still in the teens S/N. Ah, there goes another theory then.....

10m FT8 RX

Much later than usual, I went to 10m FT8 RX. So far the only station copied is PG0DX (411km).

Deep pockets?

If you have money to burn (not me!) you might want to consider the ICOM IC7610. According to Southgate News these are now selling. There is little doubt this is a "good" radio, but it is far more than I choose to spend. Even the IC7300 at under half the price I consider too much.

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2018/january/ic-7610-hf-50mhz-sdr-transceiver-has-landed.htm#.WlYbx0x2v4g

Diesel cars - NOT amateur radio

A year ago I bought a low mileage diesel car which was about a year old. Fuel consumption is low and a year's road tax (just renewed) was nothing.

There seems to be a backlash against diesel cars, but as far as I am aware recent diesels are low emission, clean and efficient.

Until electric cars have a range of 300 miles plus, I am put off electric. Yes, in the end they will be better for the planet, but battery technology still has a way to go.

Amaryllis - NOT amateur radio

We have three of these magic plants. Just how do they grow so tall so fast and produce such magnificent flowers?

472kHz - the mystery continues

You may recall I had no power (at all) on 472kHz. Well, my hopes were raised when I noticed the shack PC wanted yet another Windows update. It only did one a day ago!

Well, although mod and power are OK from the FT817, there is still absolutely nothing from the transverter at 474kHz. If the PA MOSFET had blown I still would have expected a very weak 472kHz signal, so I still think it is something stupidly simple.

My problem is that since my stroke I have been living in a kind of fog, so even simple tasks are now hard. I need to look again when my mind is clear and I am not tired.

Normal blog visits - NOT amateur radio

Well, visits to the blog this morning seem "normal", with numbers way down on the last few days. Perhaps the hackers and bots have finally decided there is nothing here worth hacking? Back to the usual stuff!

Sunspots - Wednesday January 10th 2018

Solar flux is 70 today and the sunspot number 13. A=9 and K=2.

9 Jan 2018

Ely riverside - NOT amateur radio

As reported a few days ago, we went for a walk by the river in Ely. It was the last time we had any sun. The photo shows the River Ouse into which the River Cam flows.