5 Jul 2017

6m JT65

I have been on 6m JT65 transceive (1W ERP) since before breakfast. Plenty of European Es spots.

10m WSPR

Since before breakfast, I have been on 10m WSPR TX (500mW). Although I have spotted Finnish stations on 6m JT65, there are no reports as yet of my 10m WSPR. As I have said before, my antenna is probably poorer on 10m, but also I think the 2 minute TX time causes some spots to be missed. It would be good to have a version of WSPR with 1 minute periods WSPR1? This would be an ideal mode for Es when signals can be strong but openings brief.

UPDATE 1728z:  9 unique spots of my 500mW 10m WSPR so far - all Europeans by Es. So far, just Denmark and Germany on 10m WSPR.

4 Jul 2017

2m UKAC activity contest - July

Luckily I had an email reminding me of the 2m activity contest (UKAC) this evening. Best DX was the Isle of Wight at 213km. Not bad with 5W and an omni antenna in 45 minutes.

More from OFCOM

The latest news from OFCOM.

See http://ofcom.cmail19.com/t/ViewEmail/i/92C41206C0E3975D2540EF23F30FEDED/59D1BD3EA2F08127C67FD2F38AC4859C

QRP and QRP Club

More from Oleg:

Dear Club 72 members and friends,

op. Peter G3JFS became Club 72 member.
His membership certificate # 99 of July 4, 2017.
Dear Peter, we wish you good health and keep your high QRP activity!

72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"

This is a periodic Newsletter of the Club 72. Don't reply to Newsletter address! Send any requests or news to mr72@club72.su please.

Climate Change and Mr Trump - NOT amateur radio

Please someone, tell Donald that climate change is not a hoax. Most on this planet are convinced that concerted global action is needed. The Paris climate agreement was a step on the way. Together we have some, albeit slim, chance of leaving a better world for our children and grandchildren.

See http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/professor-hawking-warns-trumps-actions-could-push-earths-climate-over-the-brink_uk_595a1f7de4b05c37bb7f666d?+UK+070317

See also http://unfccc.int/paris_agreement/items/9485.php

6m JT65 again

After another day with Japan copied on 6m JT65, I am again on 6m JT65. It would be good, no remarkable, if my own 6m JT65 signal was spotted in Japan. These very long paths to Japan soon disappear in the next few weeks.

UPDATE 0809z: Plenty of 6m JT65 spots within Europe, but no signs (yet) of anything further afield.

UPDATE 1604z: I am again supposed to have spotted a station in Indonesia on 6m JT65. As before, I do not believe this. I am sure this is a UK pirate, unless proved credible. Funny how all the spots are in the UK and not one in Europe.

UPDATE 1635z: I am supposed to have spotted VU5SGO (7156km) in India on 6m JT65. Judging by others who he has been spotted by, I think this is either a false decode or a pirate too. Pity.

UPDATE 1852z: Now I am supposed to have spotted AR6FDG (6099km) in Pakistan on 6m JT65. Only 2 G stations are shown as having spotted him. UK pirate? Also JW7QIA (2917km) which is believable. It is quite hard to know which are genuine.

New webpage about HF conditions

Yesterday, I added a new page to my main website. This is about HF conditions.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/hfcondx .

All the pages on my main website may be accessed at http://www.g3xbm.co.uk.  Here, if you drill down, you will find a wealth of data and projects.

Sunspots - Tuesday July 4th 2017

Solar flux is 72 today. Sunspot number is zero. A=5 and K=0.

Bee on lavender - NOT amateur radio

This bee (and lots more!) were busy on a lavender bush at Anglesey Abbey near here yesterday.