6 Jun 2017

2m UKAC activity contest this evening

From the RSGB:

This is an automated message, please do not reply to this email address.
You registered for an RSGB Contest Alert 2 hours before the 144MHz UKAC.

This contest takes place on Tue 6-Jun-2017 19:00 UTC

The rules for the contest can be found here

You can list/edit your contest alerts here



UPDATE 2000z: 5 QSOs before I had to go QRT because of my poor voice.

Amateur satellites

I'm all my time, I have only ever had one QSO via an amateur satellite. Back in the 1970s I recall the thrill of hearing SSB from the USA on 2m via Oscar 6 and 7, fleetingly.  Some people love working stations through satellite transponders. I see from Southgate News that one station is close to DXCC via satellites.

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2017/june/dxcc-needs-on-the-birds.htm#.WTaS97pFzIU .

Sunspots and 10m - Tuesday June 6th 2017

Solar flux is 78 today and the sunspot number 22. A=5 and K=1. There has been good Es propagation on 10m and 6m today. As for F2 over the equator, we'll see later.

Another pirate on 6m JT65?

A station in Georgia (nr Russia) was recently spotted on 6m JT65. This had a very odd call, so this was, I think, either a false decode or a pirate.


13 unique WSPR spots of my 500mW beacon on 10m so far, all European and presumably Es.

UPDATE 1838z: Best DX report today on 10m WSPR TX (500mW) is by FY5KE (7110km) in French Guiana, South America. Es?

First JAs this season on 6m JT65

Copied a couple of Japanese stations early this morning on 6m JT65, first this season - JA5FFJ (9453km) and JG3QZN (9388km). Openings on 6m to Japan from Europe happen at this time of year. One possibility is E layer ionisation by mesospheric clouds which form high up at this time of year in the north. See my web page on this at https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/noctilucent .  W was widely spotted throughout Europe by Es on 6m JT65 this morning (1W ERP).

I am sure there is more JT65 activity these days. It is better than CW. With PSK reporter maps (you need to check you WSJT-X v1.7 settings) you can see where you are reaching and the stations you are receiving.

A spot of a South American earlier on 6m JT65 was probably a pirate (unusual time), although it is just possible by Es.

5 Jun 2017

IC7300 and a slow death?

Recently, Rob Sherwood gave an interesting video presentation on disruptive technology in our hobby. In it he quoted the number of ICOM IC7300 transceivers sold in the first year. If I recall correctly, 11000 (ish) were sold in year one. Apparently, this is good. If the IC7300 SDR based radio sold this number, I'd guess Yaesu and Kenwood sold far fewer of their units.

Incidentally, when I was involved in radio pager design in the late 1990s, we made this number in one day!

As we get older, we can expect the numbers to fall away. People die and fewer new rigs get sold. In the end the Japanese manufacturers will decide it is just not worth their while as the profit margins are too small. Expect progressively fewer new models as the years go forward.

OK, in some countries there are younger people entering the hobby, but certainly here in the UK amateur radio is an old mans hobby and in 20-30 years we'll be gone.

One thing we'll see is cost cutting. There will be a move to SDR technology, as this will allow good performance for less money.

Expect dealers to dwindle and there to be fewer radio magazines. The hobby will be quite different in 2040.

Once again, I am grateful to Southgate News for this link.

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2017/june/disruptive-technologies.htm#.WTVAW7pFzIU .

New microwave records

Southgate News reports on new microwave distance records in the UK on high microwave bands.

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2017/june/new-122ghz-and-24ghz-uk-distance-records.htm#.WTUZ5LpFzIU .

Sunspots and 10m - Monday June 5th 2017

Solar flux is 77 today and the sunspot number 23. A=3 and K=2. Plenty of Es about on 10m and 6m.

10m WSPR TX and 6m JT65 transceive

As usual, I am on 10m WSPR TX (500mW, 100%) and 6m JT65 transceiver (1W ERP). There is Es on both bands.

UPDATE 1015z:  Best DX so far on 6m JT65 RX is EA8DBM (3015km).

UPDATE 1625z: Best DX on 10m WSPR TX is SM2BYC (2015km). On 6m JT65 I have supposedly received my 3rd Indonesian, 7A7YYZ (13582km), although I am a bit suspicious of these spots. They seem a very long way.

UPDATE 1956z: Although not showing up on my PSK reporter map, maybe I lost internet connectivity (?) but WP2B was copied around 30 minutes ago. I think this is the Virgin Is in the Caribbean.