9 Mar 2017

OFCOM - more space for wi-fi at 5GHz

OFCOM has announced more 5GHz spectrum for Wi-Fi.

See http://ofcom.cmail20.com/t/ViewEmail/i/DA9A0AB341F05077/59D1BD3EA2F08127C67FD2F38AC4859Chttp://ofcom.cmail20.com/t/ViewEmail/i/DA9A0AB341F05077/59D1BD3EA2F08127C67FD2F38AC4859C

Sunspots and 10m - Thursday March 9th 2017

Solar flux is 70 today and the sunspot number remains zero. A=12 and K=2.

20m JT65

I remained on 20m JT65 and am still on that band/mode presently, although I intend to QSY soon. So far just lots of European spots of my 2W. My antenna is poor (and very low) for 20m.

UPDATE 1005z: Still just European spots on 20m JT65.

8 Mar 2017

Slowly declining solar conditions

We are now on the slow slide down to the next solar minimum. Those with memories of the last minimum will remember the long spotless periods. The next could be even worse.

Luckily the slope is quite gradual and often there are days where solar activity is higher.  On better days, the higher bands support N-S DX.

As I have said before, I have worked QRP SSB real DX on 10m in periods with no sunspots. WSPR and JT65 should be even better.

See http://www.solen.info/solar/ .

Daffodils - NOT amateur radio

A few weeks ago we had seas of snowdrops. These are now past their best and it seems there are daffodils in flower all over the place.

There are always great shows of these at nearby Anglesey Abbey. Another 2 weeks and they will all look superb.

20m JT65

After trying on 10m JT65 and finding nothing, I QSYed to 20m JT65 for a change, still running 2W to my low end fed tri-band antenna. Plenty of spots of my 2W from around Europe plus some from the USA. As I have said before, generally I find 20m less satisfying than 10m. Spots are much easier to get on 20m, even with QRP JT65. I'll nonetheless stick with 20m JT65 for a few more hours to see how it goes.

UPDATE 1840z:  Mostly Europe plus a few USA spots so far.

Cambridge Bikes - NOT amateur radio

Cambridge is famous as a university town filled with bikes! This shot, just across the road from Trinity College, is typical.

70cm band

In my experience this is a wasted band.

It seems under-occupied most of the time, whereas in the 1980s it was well occupied and busy on FM especially. I try to go on SSB in the monthly RSGB UKAC activity contest (next Tuesday is the next one on 70cm) with my 2m halo, but otherwise I am as guilty as the rest, rarely going on the band.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/70cm_op .

Sunspots and 10m - Wednesday March 8th 2017

Solar flux is 72 today and the sunspot number remains zero.  A=16 and K=1.

As conditions are quite undisturbed, 10m may open for N-S DX later despite the low sunspot number.

I may move to 10m JT65 transceive (2W) later.

6m DX and HF noise

This morning I returned to 6m MSK144 RX.  SK0TM (1156km) has already been spotted, presumably by random MS.

This mode is amazing as it allows 6m DX irrespective of solar conditions and Es. Yes, with Es such stations are workable with a very simple TX station, but it makes 6m useful at any time, in any month, of any year.

As the solar activity quietens I can see more and more moving to VHF and seeking new challenges. Certainly here the VHF and UHF bands are relatively noise free. Here, in what was a quiet village,160m, 80m and 40m have a lot of noise these days. It must be worse in a city. In the next 10-20 years I can see the noise floor becoming an increasing limit to amateur operations: those who can overcome such issues will be at a great advantage.

UPDATE 1040z: EI7BMB (462km) has now been spotted strongly on 6m MSK144. Aircraft?