24 Aug 2016

No South America again on 10m JT65

There was quite reasonable Es on 10m JT65 with my QRP signal being spotted widely in central and eastern Europe. Sadly, no South American spots again today. If this path on 10m at this time of year depends on Es and F layer I guess the Es was too far east?

FTSE 250 - NOT amateur radio

Many think the FTSE 250 share index is a good guide to the health of the UK economy. Well, it is up again to 18,016.59, which is a gain of 0.19% today thus far. I am not a gambler, but it has certainly not collapsed since the BREXIT vote to leave the EU in June.

Our future is not certain, but I have the feeling the UK will be OK. As for the EU I am less sure. By the way, I voted "remain"! No, in the medium term I think the outlook for the EU is far from certain. It would not surprise me if it all fell apart within 5 years.

10m JT65

As mentioned yesterday, not everyone uploads spots to PSKreporter. Last night, quite late, there was a TF (Iceland) calling CQ, but station he was not shown on the PSKreporter map. I could only see this by looking at my PC screen.

UPDATE 1015z: Belarus and Italy spotted on 10m JT65 this morning, but neither station appear on PSKreporter. Maybe I lost internet connection at these times and they did not get uploaded? There is clearly some early Es around on 10m JT65.

UPDATE 1232z: Several Es spots of my QRP JT65 now turning up on PSKreporter. We are late in the Es season, but there are still openings on 10m.


Although we are having a spell of warm, dry, days (31deg C yesterday) and the grass is starting to turn brown in places, we have thunderstorms forecast for tomorrow.  A radio silence with rigs, antennas and PC disconnected will be needed. I do not like storms nearby. Once the danger has passed, I shall be active again.

See http://www.lightningmaps.org/?lang=en .

Sunspots and 10m - Thursday August 24th 2016

Solar flux is 87 today. Sunspot number is a respectable 47. K=3. The  forecast for 10m F2 propagation remains "poor".  At the moment, I have seen no sign of 10m Es.

23 Aug 2016

No South America today on 10m JT65

Although there was some Es today on 10m (not much) I was not spotted in South America today. My theory is/was that I needed Es for the first hop or two, then F layer deep into South America.  I wonder what 10m conditions will be like tomorrow? It is now late in the summer so Es will get far less frequent but as we approach the equinox F layer propagation should improve. At the same time solar conditions are now declining.

Solar forecasts

It is some time since I looked in detail at the expert predictions for the rest of this solar cycle and cycle 25. The last time I looked the outlook was grim with a very small peak expected for cycle 25. I shall probably be around for the next maximum, although I doubt I shall see 10m really "humming" again in my lifetime. Of course, experts are often wrong!

See http://www.solen.info/solar/ .

I am no expert on climate change, man-made or natural. But, if the sunspot count is low, I think this is likely to mitigate any increase in global temperatures. It maybe the break the world needs.

HA QSO on 10m JT65

JT65 is a nice mode when one's voice is poor, like mine.  Just a few watts on 10m JT65 and a nice solid QSO with a station in Hungary, presumably via Es.  I am still hopeful that my 10m JT65 signal will reach deep into South America later.  We will see.

I have returned to beaconing mode on 10m JT65 sending "B G3XBM JO02" as this shows on PSKreporter maps.

10m Es

There has been some early Es on 10m JT65 this morning with spots of my QRP JT65 signal from Spain and Italy. It will be interesting to see how this develops and if I get copied in South America later. My theory is that my South American spots involve Es for the first hop(s) with F layer over the equator.

UPDATE 1125z: The 10m Es seems to be moving towards eastern Europe and Scandinavia now with my signal being spotted in Hungary and Finland and I have copied Ukraine.

UPDATE 1306z: It pays to check the PC as not everyone uploads to PSKreporter maps. Yesterday I copied EA6 and today I was spotted in Norway but neither showed up on PSKreporter.

Not after a sympathy vote - NOT amateur radio

Outwardly I look fine. Just about everyone who sees me says, "you do look well". Looks can be deceptive as I find speaking hard work, drinking difficult and I have felt giddy and sick for over 2.5 years. Outwardly I look fully recovered. On the inside I feel unwell. I remember how I was, which makes it worse. No, sadly I can do little of what I could before my stroke.

If you see someone who looks well, think how they might really be. Often disabilities can be deceptive: some you can see whereas others you cannot. Mine is the latter kind.

I am not after sympathy: it is a fact of life that I have to deal with. All I am asking is think and do not judge others prematurely.