20 Oct 2015

QRT on all bands

A few minutes ago I turned off the 10m and 6m rigs until after breakfast tomorrow. Quite late in the day I spotted M0ICR (90km) on 6m WSPR. This is the only spot on 6m in several days of trying. Tomorrow I may only go on 10m.

Tony Benn - NOT amateur radio

Currently, I am reading the diaries of Tony Benn, lent to me by a friend. Tony Benn was very much on the left politically. He was well respected as an honest man even by those who were on the opposite side of the UK political divide.

In the UK we have a very right wing media (papers etc.) and Tony Benn was often the person they liked to ridicule and misquote. He always "stuck to his guns" and talked much good sense.

He died aged 88 of a stroke in 2014 after a long political career.  He is a UK politician many loved to hate.  Personally I think he deserves to be better understood and seen as "his own man" and not the man hated by the right wing press. Someone said, "he was a principled politician". We have very few of these today.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Benn .


Many VHF, UHF and microwave enthusiasts use  http://www.on4kst.com/chat/start.php to arrange skeds, certainly here in Europe. There are also chats for EME and for the LF and MF bands.

To use the facility you need a user name and password.

F2 on 10m WSPR

I see that lots of far Europeans and near Asians are spotting my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon including LZ, YO, RA3 and 4X. Nothing further yet. I think these are all single hop F2.

Still very quiet on 6m with no spots given or received on that band. I am still active on 6m, ever hopeful.

On 6m 30dBm 20% TX, 80% RX and on 10m 27dBm 100% TX with randomised TX frequency.

UPDATE 1500z:  Not a single spot from North or South America today on 10m so far. I am surprised as F2 conditions on 10m looked so promising. Things may change, although I would have expected spots from these areas by now. 10m is indeed fickle with a mind of its own!

UPDATE 1528z:  Eventually a 10m WSPR spot by K9AN (6505km) at 1518z. There have been other USA spots since. Not sure why 10m opened later today than yesterday?

UPDATE 1915z:  It looks as if 10m USA openings will be most days now. These are the unique stations that spotted me on 10m WSPR today:
10m WSPR unique spots today

Sputniks again

Just received this email from Peter in The Netherlands...

"Hello to all Sputnikers/Vanguarders,
We spent two days in rain and cold on the island, so we expected visitor count to be low...

That tuned out not to be the case and as I already said: Putting old computers with a morse-key attached to it in a radio room generates questions, need for demonstration and a general unbelief that "we" actually could reveal all sorts of trials into text by simply listening while talking to somebody else...

As a result real radio was at times possible but we also had to cope with noise and power drops as the generator did not function 24/24.

I first tried 40 metres with the GRC9 and managed to make two QSO's, checked activity on 30 metres, sent some CQ's there on what I guessed must have been around 10.115 MHz but no response... I then unpacked my KX3 that I took with me as a last minute decision, to have a monitor and after checking the transmitted sigs decided to rapidly go back to 40 metres with the GRC9... Work to do.

I made three nice QSO's on 30 metres with the KX3 short before we had to arrange our leave for the day. It may be an island but I rather would not leave expensive things for the taking.

Sunday was just as rainy and cold. After switching on the GRC9 40 literally burst with activity with rapid 5NN's all over the place. Not a good environment to try a QSO using a simple superhet with DC-receiver-like bandwidth.

But even more visitors arrived that needed insight in what we were doing and more children that, once shown some action with a morse key, could hardly be persuaded to hand it over to someone else.

So: Did we make a lot of DX? No. But we did a lot of PR for CW, for Hamming and for showing that sending messages with simple means still is possible in this internet day-and-age...


PS: As I have no good pictures of this session, the attached photo is an older one I took on a similar summer session. Later we decided to use no more that two laptops as 4 in a row is near impossible to manage...:-)"

And this from Oleg... 

"Dear Space Friends,
thanks Peter PA0PJE for interesting story/picture. Sure, new young PA operators will be on the air soon.
Sputnik  Days  finished. But somebody can send results before October 25. After that date an "officially" totals will be published.  Thanks to all participants and readers! Even Sputnik Days closed but milliwatting is continued. Our discussion group is not closed, you can inform about your milliwatting news here."

Sunspots and 10m - Tues Oct 20th 2015

Both sunspot number and solar flux are higher. Sunspot number today is 94 (K=3) and for the first time in a while daytime 10m conditions ar expected to be  "fair" rather than "poor". I am not surprised. We should expect decent 10m conditions today.

UPDATE 0918z: Well we are off to a promising start with spots on 10m already from EA8/LA3JJ (2870km) and RA3UDF (2693km). Both are probably F2 propagation. 6m is still quiet.

19 Oct 2015

Another good 10m day

It is almost as if someone has turned on a big switch in the F2 layer! Yet again, 10m has been good to the USA and elsewhere. It suddenly happened a few days ago. Before that, conditions on 10m were not too good. Things on WSPR were tougher because of the relatively low activity levels.

I think conditions will be generally good this autumn, winter and spring, although I suspect this time next year things on 10m will be much tougher, unless we are lucky. Sunspot numbers are gradually falling and a year from now things could be a lot worse.

In the meantime, let us enjoy the good conditions on 10m.

UPDATE 1950z: EA8/LA3JJ has been spotting me all day, no less than 50 times. IK1SKC (977km) is a puzzling distance: it could be Es or F layer backscatter. Still, it has been another good day on 10m WSPR. The timing would suggest Es, but no other stations in Europe copied at the time. I have just gone QRT on all bands but will be back on 10m WSPR and 6m WSPR after breakfast.

Quiet day - NOT amateur radio

Anglesey Abbey this afternoon - signs of autumn
OK, so I am still not feeling fully back to normal following my stomach bug. This really did hit me for six. My immune system must be relatively poor. On top of the stroke after-effects I really have suffered more than I would have in the past.

Today, my wife has her U3A course in Cambridge so I have had a fairly quiet morning so far. I shall prepare lunch later and there are a few household jobs to do, but I think one has to "listen to one's body". At the moment it is telling me to go easy and don't do too much.  I expect I shall soon be back to my new "old self".  At the moment most things leave me exhausted.

I am monitoring 10m WSPR and 6m WSPR mainly in the lounge.

UPDATE 1325z:  We are off to Anglesey Abbey to see the autumn leaves.

Our hobby - very diverse

There can be few hobbies that embrace so much as amateur radio. Some enjoy QRP, often making their own simple gear and each QSO is a thrill. Others spend a great deal of money on rigs, towers and antennas and enjoy just talking to others around the world. Some like the challenge of microwaves or optical.  The list is endless.

We are lucky that our hobby can be enjoyed by all ages and abilities and in so many different ways.  It is very easy to be critical of how others enjoy the hobby - I know as I am guilty of this!  We should be thankful we are a "broad church" and allow each of us to enjoy the hobby in the way that suits us best. I used to enjoy building and field work, but because of my stroke I have had to adapt. Thankfully, I enjoy the hobby as much as ever.

Sunspots and 10m - Mon Oct 19th 2015

With a still climbing sunspot number, currently 81 (K=2) I think we are set for another good 10m day, even though the 10m forecast is "poor". Yesterday was a good 10m day with several spots of my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon in the USA as well as elsewhere by F2. I'd be surprised if conditions today were down as, if anything, conditions are less disturbed today.

I am again active on 10m WSPR and 6m WSPR. 6m I am only hoping for some inter-G DX. Anything else on that band would be a bonus. On 10m I am hopeful of some decent DX spots via F2.

My very first 10m spot was by EA8/LA3JJ (2870km) via F2. All quiet on 6m so far today.

UPDATE 1320z:  EA8/LA3JJ (2870km) has spotted my 10m 500mW WSPR beacon 19 times so far this morning, but no other spots received.  At the moment 6m is still very quiet. The impression is that 10m is not as good as yesterday, although it is really too soon to tell.

18 Oct 2015

Ego trip?

Just seen a copy of the tweet about the antenna at GB3GP for JOTA. Does this give Scouts a fair view of amateur radio? I think this is about egos and little else.

Incidentally, with a tiny, low, wire antenna my 500mW WSPR on 10m today has been spotted in 5 continents. You do NOT need monsters.

A promising start on 10m WSPR

Very early today I was getting spotted on Reunion Is and in Brazil on 10m WSPR.  Conditions seem even better than yesterday, so I am very hopeful for more USA spots today on 10m.

Is it too much to hope for some TEP F2 on 6m WSPR? Yes, probably too much to hope!  So far, absolutely nothing on 6m WSPR, given or received.

CQWW SSB contest is next weekend, so I hope we see good conditions for this major contest. For the last 2 years I have missed it. Although we have visitors over the weekend I hope to get on.

UPDATE 1205z:  Several spots from LZ stations on 10m WSPR, which I assume are via F2. They could be Es, but this is less likely.

UPDATE 1254z:  Spots on 10m WSPR from DK6UG (633km) are harder to explain. I guess these could be some sort of back-scatter? Also getting spots from Greece.

UPDATE 1338z:   W1VR (6965km) was the first USA station to spot my 500mW 10m WSPR today. Looks like he is in Florida. I do find USA call areas SO confusing these days! I blame the FCC.

UPDATE 1530z:   More USA spots, another station spotting me on Reunion Island and EA8/LA3JJ  for the first time in months. Autumn has returned to 10m WSPR! Great conditions.
Unique 10m WSPR spots so far today

Yet more Sputniks

I had these 2 emails from Oleg yesterday and today:

"Dear Space Friends,
yesterday   was   nice QSO between Sputnik US5EVD (two rod valves 500
mW) and Vanguard UI7K (one Ge pnp transistor 100 mW) on 3579 kHz. Also
US5EVD  operated  with EW6FA on 80 m. Day before op. Alexander US5EVD
can't to finish QSO with EW6FA because his battery was discharged. See
the  picture  of  Alex's  Sputnik  TX  on  the "Sputnik Days" page on
www.club72.su Note: all components are old ex USSR types. On the green
battery you can see words "Сделано в СССР" (Made in USSR by Russian).
Two big size Ge transistors rectifier for high (anode) voltage used in
the TX.
Tomorrow October 18 is the last day in the Sputnik/Vanguard activity.
I  wish  all  Cosmonauts and Astronauts good luck and looking for any

>> It will be nice to log QRP QSO with Pampus Fort Island

For  sorry  I  have not radios for 30 and 40 m so far. I see a lot of
RBNs  reports  of  PA6FAP  today.  Hopefully, Peter PA0PJE enjoyed in
Pampus Fort shack today :-)

72! beep-beep-beep...
Deep Space Communications Center
operator on duty -
Oleg ("Mr. 72") RV3GM / KH6OB"

"Dear Space Friends,
Sputnik activity days close to finish. Jos ON6WJ informed about 4 QSOs
today,  all QSOs on 80 m band in a circle distance of 150 ml - PA and
ON. I be happy to get any news in last Sputnik hours.
Have a nice soft landing!

72! beep-beep-beep...
Deep Space Communications Center
operator on duty -
Oleg ("Mr. 72") RV3GM / KH6OB"

Sunspots and 10m - Sun Oct 18th 2015

Sunspot number has climbed up to 83 (K=4) with a solar flux a respectable 117 today. 10m is again forecast to be "poor" but after yesterday I am expecting decent results on 10m WSPR. I am again active on 10m WSPR and 6m WSPR. On 6m I am not expecting any F2 but might catch some Gs.

17 Oct 2015

At last - 10m WSPR spots from the USA

They were a long time coming, but starting at 1414z I have received 10m WSPR spots from the USA. K9AN (6505km) was the first followed by KB9AMG (6300km). I am sure we will now see openings to the USA regularly I think on 10m WSPR.

UPDATE 1736z:  Lots more spots from the USA. This is definitely the best day on 10m this autumn so far.

UPDATE 2104z:  It ended well with lots of USA spots as well as WSPR spots from Reunion Is and Brazil. A great day on 10m WSPR.
Uniques on 10m WSPR today

Autumnal garden - NOT amateur radio

Gradually, the gardens are taking on a more autumnal look. The sunflowers have passed, the apples are ripening next door, we have harvested our crab apples and taken in the sunshade for the winter ahead.  Every season has something good about it and this year the autumn colours are splendid. I hope to run an antenna down the garden for 472kHz. Not visible in this picture is my current 472kHz "antenna", which is a couple of earth rods separated about 12m apart! With an ERP of around 5mW this reached over 1000km last winter. The 472kHz wire or loop will only be in place over autumn and winter and be taken down next spring. Every season has something good about it here in the UK.

RadCom and the IC7300

My RadCom arrived by post today. Unlike in the recent edition of PW, the advertisers were publishing details of the new ICOM radio and were keen to take deposits. Perhaps they have got later data? I quite like the look of the new IC7300 radio, but feel the price will soon fall to £799 or less. I can wait. I may wait to see what the FT817 replacement looks like. A 5W (or maybe 10W) radio would suit my needs better.

The latest RadCom has a review of ICOMs latest flagship radio, the IC7851, selling for around £9000. Does anyone really spend this sort of money on amateur radio gear?  With PSU, tower, big beam and big rotator this implies over £10000 on amateur gear. I suppose some people must spend this sort of money. My FT817 has served me for over 14 years now. To me, this was an investment and I had to give it careful thought.  I wonder how many XYLs are happy for their husbands to spend over £10000 on a hobby?

Each to their own. If you really have that kind of disposable income how you spend it is your decision.

10m F2 DX

I see that KD0VWO (7412km) has been spotting my 10m 500mW WSPR beacon in Brazil today. I remain hopeful of some USA spots later today on 10m WSPR.

FR1GZ (9724km) has already spotted me too.

This looks like another good day on 10m WSPR, despite the "poor" forecast.

So far today nothing at all (given or received) on 6m WSPR.

Electric cars - NOT amateur radio

Electric cars have been on sale for years but today I saw my first electric car in use. This was a Nissan Leaf. To me the electric car is not the best solution. The range, even with new batteries, is quite low. Battery technology is still poor and huge batteries are needed to get quite modest ranges.

Although politically a "good idea", I feel we will see better solutions. Maybe this will be hydrogen fuel cells or power buried in the roads and paid for by the actual amount used? The latter would reduce the weight of batteries. Even with large subsidies, electric cars are expensive. We definitely need a clean, efficient alternative to petrol and diesel cars but I am not convinced by today's electric cars.

I watch the next few years with interest and wonder what motorists will be driving in 20-30 years' time.

Sunspots and 10m - Sat Oct 17th 2015

Sunspot number is a little better today at 68 (K=3) but 10m propagation is again expected to be "poor". What 10m WSPR will be like today is a guess! I shall be active on 10m and 6m WSPR all day. Yesterday was disappointing with just a few spots by G6AVK on 6m and only DX inter-G on 10m WSPR. G4CUI (172km) was the best report on 10m.

16 Oct 2015

Shortwave interval signals

See http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15047843/SWintervalsigs.mp3

This was flagged by Facebook today as a memory I first posted there in 2011. I have no idea where I first found this. If, like me, you grew up with these then I very much hope you enjoy a little trip down memory lane. Memories of simple shortwave receivers and broadcast DXing. Simple pleasures long before the internet.

Even more Sputniks

More on Sputnik tests...
"Dear Oleg,

I have the same experience...
I used both my Vanguard 40 mW tx and the 1P24 Sputnik tx when I was at the fort but no QSO, no response.

Tomorrow and Sunday Ger, PA3GKX and I will be showing what CW can do on the Fort-Island Pampus using two Pixies to send and receive but only over a short distance for demostration to children that (I hope in large numbers) will visit us. Yesterday we arranged the tables, light etc in one of the rooms and put up a dipole. When time permits we will be QRV with an old army-radio AN/GRC9 on 40 or 30 metres as PA6FAP but I know that most of the time will be used to show how to "send" morse code to old DOS-computers that can decode what is sent with a straight key... A challenge that beats any tablet or iPhone, I can assure you.

On 20 October I will be giving a presentation about the "Sputnik days" in one of the local club meetings, showing all details I collected and of course the transmitters I have used so it seems more true than I expected: Get retired and find out that you have even less spare-time...

72/73 and keep beeping and VVV-ing.

Peter - PA0PJE"

"Dear Space Friends,
New Cosmonaut Alexander US5EVD informed: October 15 he repaired valve
TX  and called CQ on 3560 kHz. EW6FA called Alex but QSO not finished
because battery discharged, sorry. Alex going to try PSU today.
Only two days before Sputnik Days finish, I looking for any comments.

72! beep-beep-beep...
Deep Space Communications Center
operator on duty -
Oleg ("Mr. 72") RV3GM / KH6OB"

OFCOM - quango?

I'm not sure why I feel this, but I get the impression that OFCOM (and the FCC?) is filled with bureaucrats who really do not have a real grasp of radio. Certainly in the UK OFCOM has little real interest in amateur radio as it gains no revenue from the service. These days all that seems to matter is money sadly. OK we have gained a few new temporary allocations, but these are in parts of the spectrum where there are no real revenue generating opportunities yet. As soon as OFCOM sees ways of generating a revenue stream, these will go.

For the latest OFCOM pearls see: http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/consultations/satellite-filings-15/statement/?utm_source=updates&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=satellite-filings-15-statement . Quango psycho-babble.

No sorry, I think OFCOM serves little real value here in the UK.

Sunspots and 10m - Fri Oct 16th 2015

Sunspot number is much the same at 49 (K=3) and 10m propagation is expected to remain "poor". Yesterday, despite the poor forecast, we saw some useful F2 DX on 10m WSPR, so I remain cautiously optimistic for today. I am active on both 10m and 6m WSPR during the day.  By now, I was expecting almost daily USA openings on 10m WSPR.

More UK Rallies (Scotland and Devon)

The Volunteer Hall, St Johns Street, Galashiels, Scottish Borders TD1 3JX. OT 11.15, £2.50. B&B, TS, C. Jim, GM7LUN, 01896 850 245, gm7lun@qsl.net.

Holsworthy Community College, Victoria Hill, Holsworthy EX22 6JD. TS, B&B, C, DIS. Register at http://harc.postalboard.com/login to make any enquiries. www.radioclubs.net/harc/.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Be careful of USB sticks

Steve G1KQH sent me a link yesterday about a Russian USB stick that kills virtually all devices into which it is plugged in. Apparently it sticks 220v into your device. So the message is only connect known safe USB devices into your PC or phone. This is rare and scaremongering but be safe. Don't forget USB sticks can also be a route in for virus's.

"I don’t fancy one of them up my USB port:

15 Oct 2015

FR1GZ spots me on 10m WSPR

Many times I have found that when 10m is expected to be "poor" I have found just the opposite. As an example FR1GZ (9724km) spotted my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon a couple of times this afternoon. So far, 10m has been "good" for me today. 4X1RF, OZ7IT and FR1GZ - not at all bad, and the day is not done yet!

More Sputniks

From Oleg...

"Dear Space Friends,
bad  condx last days, it is not good for QRPp activity. Even RBNs did
not copied my 50 mW CQs.
Yesterday op. Jozef OM6TC logged QSO with OM3PV with Sputnik clone TX
160 mW on 21060 kc to 30 m LW. Congrats Jozef!
Only  three  days  before  finish  of Sputnik Days. I looking for any
reports, please.

72! beep-beep-beep...
Deep Space Communications Center
operator on duty -
Oleg ("Mr. 72") RV3GM / KH6OB"

F2 DX on 10m WSPR

4X1RF (3519km) has spotted my little 500mW 10m WSPR beacon several times this morning. This is a hopeful sign as I think it means we could see more F2 later. I am assuming this was F2.  OZ7IT (853km) has spotted me several times too in the early hours on 10m WSPR.

Another UK Rally


Middleton Leisure Centre, Middleton Ring Road, Middleton, Leeds LS10 4AX. Tables £6 if you bring your own, our tables £12. B&B, C. Tony, G0JVI, 07740 003 159, tonymawson@btinternet.com.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

FTSE 100 - NOT amateur radio

At the moment, the UK FTSE 100 share index is up 0.95% on the day.  A lot can still happen during the day but it is trying to claw back recent losses.

Sunspots and 10m - Thurs Oct 15th 2015

Sunspot number is little changed at 56 (K=3) and 10m propagation is again expected to be "poor". With the solar flux at 100 there is a chance of some DX spots on 10m WSPR. We live in hope.
Unique 10m WSPR spots here so far today

The value of 10m WSPR - overnight success

In the small hours OZ7IT (853km) spotted my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon. I have no idea about propagation. It was probably a fleeting Es opening but it could have been tropo or even aircraft reflection.  He only decoded me once but had I not had the beacon running overnight this opening would have gone unnoticed.  This was the first non-local for several days to spot me on 10m WSPR.

UPDATE 1057z: OZ7IT (853km) spotted me several times in the early hours.

14 Oct 2015

Quiet 10m

Yet again, 10m WSPR has been very quiet here, at least so far today. Although others may have done better, I have not seen any DX for several days. With climbing sunspots, I expect things may soon change and F2 DX will become commonplace.

Sunspots and 10m - Wed Oct 14th 2015

Sunspot number is a little higher at 58 (K=4) but 10m propagation is expected to remain "poor". After yesterday, I am not expecting much on 10m today but with 10m you can never be really sure! Sunspot count is little changed on yesterday and conditions remain disturbed.

Somewhere I read that solar flux needs to be over 100 for things to really "take off". At the moment solar flux is 95.

New QRP eBook from Australia

News from Steve G1KQH:

"New QRP ebook from VK3YE

73 Steve

13 Oct 2015

FTSE 100 - NOT amateur radio

The UK FTSE 100 share index fell earlier, but seems to be staging a recovery. It may even end the day slightly up. There is still over an hour of trading left and a few shocks could change that!

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business/markets/europe/lse_ukx .

UPDATE 2015z:  In the end, the recovery "ran out of steam" and the FTSE 100 closed down 0.45% on the day.

10m doldrums

We seem to be a bit in the doldrums on 10m WSPR. Summer Es is now a thing of the past until next spring, although we will still get the odd opening, and F2 seems yet to become commonplace. There has been the odd F2 opening that my 500mW 10m beacon found, but not the daily USA openings I was expecting by now on 10m WSPR. By the time we get io November I expect daily F2 openings will be commonplace on 10m.

UPDATE 1528z:   Still only local G4IKZ (18km) spotting me on 10m WSPR. Very quiet.

70cm UKAC contest this evening

Starting at 1900z, there is the monthly RSGB 70cm activity contest. This lasts 2.5 hours. Activity levels are usually very high during these events, although I imagine the number of portable stations drop off as the evenings get darker. As usual, I shall be using 5W pep and my 2m big-wheel horizontal omni which matches and gets out quite well on 70cm. The main limitation is my poor voice. Usually less than an hour of operating and I am "done in".

UPDATE 2000z: After a single QSO I called it a night on 70cm. I heard quite a few squares including IO90, IO91, IO92, JO02, JO03, at reasonable distances but my voice was not up for it.  The Leicester 70cm beacon was at normal strength.

Yaesu FT991 issues?

The price is certainly falling for this rig, but quite a few people have expressed disappointment. I cannot comment on these reports. Some are disappointed saying it is, "cheaply made".

This is a trend of our age: I have noticed that M&S underpants are now thinner and not as good. My wife recently bought a coat (not M&S) and this was thinner than the one it replaced.  No, making goods to fit a price seems to be the way things are today, rather than built to last. This says lots about our "consumer society". Things are not made to last any more: they are designed to wear out or fail so we buy new items.

This is a state of affairs that ultimately cannot last.