23 Sept 2015

VW (and others?) scandal - NOT amateur radio

At the last count 11 million VW cars are involved. VW are in trouble big time and it is all their own fault. The executives and many at the top will rightly have to "carry the can" for this mess up. Surely, they had no need to blatantly cheat? Top executives should have known about this - no excuses!

Sorry, but I have absolutely no sympathy for this unethical business behaviour. They deserve to suffer for deliberately deceiving the public and the testers. It would not surprise me if some senior executives get lengthy prison sentences.

I have no sympathy as there is absolutely no place for unethical "carrying ons" like this in the 21st century. VW should have been above this sort of behaviour. They got caught cheating and they must take the full  consequences. This means fines, cancelled bonuses and prison.

Sunspots and 10m - Wed Sept 23rd 2015

Sunspot numbers have risen to 79 today (K=2) and 10m propagation is yet again expected to remain "poor". Yesterday, the USA was spotted in Italy on 10m WSPR and we are really in autumn here in the UK. I am quietly hoping for F2 on 10m further than Brazil here.  Looking back on Sept (so far) we have seen a reasonable amount of 10m Es, despite this not being the peak season. In recent days 10m F2 has been evident, even with my 500mW and poor antenna. I am still waiting for F2 to the USA on 10m this autumn. It will come soon I am sure.

22 Sept 2015

6m UKAC this evening

Tonight was the 6m leg of the RSGB's UKAC activity contests. I only have a V2000 vertical so I am really not equipped for 6m contests. Nonetheless, I came on and worked 3 locals who were strong with me. Being cross polarised I was probably losing many S-points. Again, I was only running about 1W ERP vertical via lossy coax. G4BWP, G6UW and G3PYE/P were worked at good strength. A few stations at decent range were heard but not worked in the short time my voice allowed me to be active. All stations worked were in JO02 square. I may submit an entry, although I shall be at the bottom of the AL (low power) section! I think 6m contests would be more successful with a halo.


Today, I received this email. You may be interested in the link given.

"Hello Roger,
I’ve been spending some time looking at your site   http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/  . It was very nice to visit your  interesting Website ! Wish you all the best on your recovery process , your will power and strength of mind will help you all along .  
I would like to alert you to my site, Electronics360.
Electronics360 covers the business and technology of electronics as it impacts myriad industries across the global economy. Our editorial staff includes some of the best business and technology experts as well as IHS analysts and researchers who provide their insightful subject matter expertise.
Please visit http://www.electronics360.com and add a link to your  reference section if your readers will find it useful.  If you have any questions or feedback regarding the site, please feel free to contact me at  kasturi.paul@ihs.com .
Thank you for your time!
Best Regards,
Kasturi Paul"

Good Es on 10m WSPR today

This afternoon there has been some decent Es on 10m. Others, using other modes, have seen some decent F2 DX as well. My 500mW WSPR was obviously not enough or there was low activity on WSPR. I have no idea if 6m WSPR was good for Es as I have not been on that band today. The moral is never give up on 10m Es. It is still there at any time of the year, but not as common as in the peak Es months.
Unique 10m WSPR spots of my 500mW beacon today.

VW should not have cheated - NOT amateur radio

Assuming the reports in the media that VW cheated in emissions tests are correct, all I can say is they must be stupid and they should have known better. If the reports are correct, this is a scandal and is unforgivable. VW should be banned in the USA for this unethical behaviour. Heads will roll, but at a corporate level they should not have cheated. Bad, bad, bad on their part. Almost unbelievable from VW.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-34325005 .

A 5MHz proper band a step closer?

Southgate News reports:

"The SARL reports a European Common Proposal (ECP) for an allocation of 100 kHz at 5350-5450 kHz has been accepted. This was a hard fought success with 7 abstentions (Austria, Belgium, UK, Hungary, Ireland, Montenegro, Poland) and 5 against (Azerbaijan, Germany, Romania, Russian Federation and France).  It is now up to the African block to support the agenda item at WRC which starts in Geneva, Switzerland on 2 November. Source: South African Radio League (SARL) http://www.sarl.org.za/ .  The World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15) Agenda and Relevant Resolutions can be downloaded from http://www.itu.int/go/wrc-15"

There is still a way to go, but just maybe we'll see a contiguous 100kHz wide allocation at 5MHz from WRC 2015? With declining sunspots (possibly for a very long time) this would be really good. It was a pity to see the UK apparently abstaining. Maybe OFCOM was under pressure from the UK military? A lot of UK allocations are reserved for military use, more is the pity. The UK military wastes so much spectrum!!

Sunspots and 10m - Tues Sept 22nd 2015

Sunspot number is 68 (K=3) and 10m propagation is expected to remain "poor".

UPDATE 0854z:  Just local G4IKZ (18km) spotting me on 10m so far. Maybe there will be a little Es and F2 later on 10m? I am giving 6m a miss.

Swallows - NOT amateur radio

This morning, there were no less than 6 barn swallows feeding over the allotments about 200m from our house. These may have been passing through and getting a good feed before the very long journey ahead.

The image below is owned by the RSPB.
Fair thee well and see you in April, if nature is willing.

See http://www.rspb.org.uk/discoverandenjoynature/discoverandlearn/birdguide/name/s/swallow/ .

21 Sept 2015

Yet more Chinese copies...

More from Steve G1KQH:

"Now they have copied the Raspberrypi and called it the OrangePi, expect to see loads of them coming our way soon!

Just the same as making us the reactors, they take our designs and copy them selling them back to us.

Steve has also found the support page  http://www.orangepi.org/.

Before we know it they will be ripping off everything and we'll depend on them for everything we consume. Where will this end? Disaster? At some point The West will wake up - if we do not then we are in for deep trouble in a few years' time. Our economy depends on manufacturing and we are destroying this, or rather letting the Chínese do this for us.

10m WSPR: what I missed

It was after breakfast today that I set up my 10m WSPR 500mW beacon, but it was interesting to see what local G4IKZ (18km) was spotting overnight and earlier today on 10m WSPR.  He runs a decent Moxon antenna so in the better directions he probably has an extra 10dB antenna gain over me. This makes quite a difference as he was spotting 4Z5, I, OM, DL and G stations before 0838z. So far, my beacon has been spotted by no-one at all. I need to check it is working!

UPDATE 1146z:  Doh! Guess who forgot to turn on the 10m PA? Since turning the PA on about 30 minutes ago, I have had lots of spots from G4IKZ (18km). This was my problem. I feel so stupid.

UPDATE 1556z:  Only G4IKZ spotting me on 10m WSPR and no spots given or received on 6m so far today. I was expecting better today on 10m.

UPDATE 1645z:  There is some Es on 10m WSPR. IK1SKC (977km) spotted me about an hour ago.

China and our nuclear power - NOT amateur radio

So the UK government is to "guarantee" China's £2 billion investment in a new nuclear reactor at Hinkley Point in Somerset. So, we are happy for China to be involved, have access to all our nuclear details? We must be desperate! Investing in better insulation, clean renewables etc. would render this totally unnecessary.

And what about the spent fuels that need safe storage for a very very long time?

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-34306997 .

Internet of Things and 4m


"Ofcom is today consulting on plans to encourage investment and innovation in the Internet of Things by using 10 MHz of existing spectrum for new applications. 

The Internet of Things (IoT) is set to enable large numbers of previously unconnected devices to communicate and share data with one another via ‘Machine-to-Machine’ communications (M2M). 

Ofcom’s aim is to encourage M2M applications to use spectrum that will enable them to connect wirelessly over longer distances. This VHF spectrum has different properties to other frequencies, already in use for the IoT, and can reach distant locations which other frequencies may not.

Ofcom believes access to spectrum in this range could open new opportunities and bring benefits to citizens and consumers, especially those in remote and rural parts of the UK. The frequencies being made available span the 55-68 MHz, 70.5-71.5 MHz and 80.0-81.5 MHz bands.

Ofcom is also seeking views on whether any changes to the existing licence products are necessary in order to promote innovative uses in these bands, especially for serving rural and remote locations.

There are already more than 40 million devices connected via the IoT in the UK alone. This is forecast to grow more than eight-fold by 2022, with hundreds of millions of devices carrying out more than a billion daily data transactions.

Today’s consultation closes on 12 November 2015."

See http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/consultations/radio-spectrum-internet-of-things/ .

Sunspots and 10m - Mon Sept 21st 2015

Sunspot number today is 74 (K=3) and 10m propagation is expected to remain "poor". Yesterday conditions were not as good yet my 500mW WSPR was copied nearly 10000km away! I am hopeful for some decent F2 DX on 10m today. I am still awaiting my first WSPR spot from North America on 10m this season.

UPDATE 0904z:  Very quiet on 10m and 6m WSPR so far, with not even the locals copying me.

20 Sept 2015


As I walked out of our bungalow this afternoon, the Red Arrows were in formation flying right over our windmill and on their way to Duxford. Sadly, I did not have a camera.

The image below is not on this website but at the link shown.

GB3VHF off?

Although I can copy beacons in Holland and Belgium on 2m and GB3LEU NW of Leicester (432.490MHz) on 70cms with my 2m big-wheel antenna, GB3VHF in Kent (144.430MHz) was absent when I looked earlier this afternoon (around 1340z). Maybe it is off for maintenance or they plan to co-site the new UHF beacon? Anyway, the big-wheel is great. Beacons are great for checking propagation when there are no active stations about.

Anyone know about GB3VHF please?


Like the weather forecasts, it is sometimes a good idea to ignore solar forecasts!
Unique 10m WSPR spots today so far
Today has been pretty good so far with FR1GZ (9724km) copying my 500mW 10m WSPR signal for the first time this season. K=7 would have suggested to me that this was unlikely. Like 6m, 10m can give us nice surprises.

UPDATE 1338z:  So far just tropo/aircraft reflection on 6m WSPR. 10m is definitely better than I expected though. As I think the KD0 is actually monitoring in Brazil, I am still waiting for some F2 propagation to the USA this season.

Hirundines - NOT amateur radio

Around this time most of our summer migrant birds are heading south for warmer weather and more insects. Most swifts will have gone now to return here at the end of April or the start of May next year.

Today I saw a swallow and that may be the last this year. Some young birds may be around for a few weeks and it is just possible some may remain in South Devon and South Cornwall all year. Just a few may survive on the coast where there may be insects near seaweed all year. I once saw some swallows in South Devon on Dec 7th but that is very late. No, most are now gone to return next spring, at least gone from East Anglia. Some travel thousands of miles all the way to South Africa - a truly remarkable journey -  often returning to the very same next site they left. Quite remarkable.

The migration of birds is almost miraculous. I am sorry to see them leave but my heart is always glad when they return.

Of course, to some birds we are seen as warm! The Whooper and Bewick swans join us as do the fieldfares and redwings.

There is something good in every season.

Possible FT817 carrier?

A few days ago, Steve G1KQH, set me this link:

"How about one of these to put your 817 in when out portable?
I think I will order a Black one..
73 Steve

Sunspots and 10m - Sun Sept 20th 2015

Sunspot number is 61 but with K=7 conditions are pretty disturbed. Conditions on 10m remain "poor". Do not expect much on 10m today! Conditions on 6m are likely to be even poorer. A bit of 10m Es might help.

UPDATE 0958z:  Just G4APB (88km) spotted today on 6m WSPR and locals G4IKZ (18km) and G4KPX (14km) spotting me on 10m WSPR.

19 Sept 2015

10m WSPR today

It looks like there was some Es on 10m WSPR today with a few spots from central Europe.
Unique 10m WSPR spots today
There is 10m Es at all times of the year but it is much less common now. On 6m I have again drawn a total blank with no spots given or received at all. I've been on both bands since before breakfast!

Churches blog updates - NOT amateur radio

Today we visited the delightful Norfolk  town with its greens and fine Georgian houses of Hingham. Hingham is a few miles from Attleborough on the road from Norwich to Watton.

We ate lunch at the Lincoln Tea Shoppe and Bistro which is across the main Norwich-Watton road from the church and just off Fairgreen. On the way there and back we visited several churches and I have updated the church blog to include this.
Earlier this week we returned to Dalham church so I have updated the entry last February for Dalham too.

See http://eachurches.blogspot.co.uk/ .

Sunspots and 10m - Sat Sept 19th 2015

Sunspot number is 62 today (K=4) and 10m propagation is expected to remain "poor" today. With moderately disturbed conditions, it is unlikely that great things can be expected of the higher HF bands today. As always, 10m may throw us a surprise. I am on both 10m and 6m WSPR, ever hopeful.

UPDATE 0915z:  Just local G4IKZ (18km) spotting me, so far, on 10m WSPR.  6m remains dead here! Not sure why I still bother with 6m.

18 Sept 2015

10m F2 this afternoon

Well, 10m has sprung into life on WSPR. I am pretty sure KD0VWO (7412km) is actually monitoring in Brazil judging by the QTH locator. 

As far as I can tell, there is no Es about here on 10m. This looks like F2 propagation. I remain hopeful for the rest of the day. I use 500mW on WSPR and a very average, low 3 band end-fed wire antenna on 10m.
10m WSPR results this afternoon
UPDATE 1530z:  Nothing at all given or received on 6m WSPR since G8VDQ (93km) was spotted at 1602z yesterday.  So far, no further F2 on 10m WSPR.

UPDATE 1840z:  Still no further 10m WSPR DX by F2 or Es here.

Sunspots and 10m - Friday Sept 18th 2015

Sunspot number has risen to 72 (K=3) but 10m propagation remains "poor". Another poor day on the higher HF bands?

UPDATE 1120z:  So far just local G4IKZ (18km) spotting me on 10m WSPR. As yet, no signs here of any Es or F2 propagation. Others with better antennas on 10m may have fared better.

Another UK Radio Rally

The following Radio Rallies are coming soon:

Neston Village Hall,
Pool Green,
Neston, Corsham,
Wiltshire SN13 9SN.

OT 10am, £2, U16 free (sellers 9am, £5 per prebooked table), C.

Parking on site is limited but disabled spaces will be made available. Main parking please in Leafield Way (trading estate), 5 min walk, not Pool Green Rd.

E-mail g0iue@btinternet.com or 07584 054 924 on the day only.

17 Sept 2015

QRP commercial rigs

The FT817 successor may be announced at Dayton next year. If correct, this is about 3-4 years too late.

The ICOM IC703 is not being replaced by the 10W version of the IC7300 outside of Japan. Personally, I do not understand the major Japanese manufacturers. Surely there is a worldwide demand for a 5-10W SDR based, radio?

It seems the huge world-wide QRP market is not being well addressed by the Japanese. It is their loss.  I think they are all nuts!

Ten-Tec seem to be struggling with their latest Argonaut judging by recent price cuts. See http://www.rkrdesignsllc.com/products/transceivers-receivers/ten-tec-model-539-argonaut-vi-qrp-1-10-watt-transceiver/ .

No, personally I think we are seeing QRPers getting a rough deal of late.

FT991 price dropping

Yaesu FT991
MLS are advertising a time limited offer of the FT991 and a bundled SMPSU at £1149.95. Now there will soon be an ICOM competitor albeit with no 2m/70cm but with 4m in the European version (and arguably a better radio?) at less than £1000 in the form of the IC7300.

No, I confidently predict the FT991 will sell for less than £1000 before the year is ended.  If you are in the market for a 100W radio it is a toss-up between the IC7300 (SDR based) and the FT991. At the moment, the IC7300 looks better value.

Yaesu may announce a (long awaited) FT817 replacement at Dayton next spring but don't expect to see units in Europe before autumn 2016 or later, is my bet.  The Yen exchange rate has vastly improved (making Japanese goods less expensive to buy) and now the FT991 has a serious rival - result is Yaesu has to drop its price for the FT991 or they lose out. My advise is wait a few months.

Sunspots and 10m - Thurs Sept 17th 2015

Sunspot number today is 67 (not bad) and K=3 suggesting  conditions are a little disturbed. 10m propagation is expected to remain "poor". So far this morning just spots from local G4IKZ (18km) on 10m WSPR, but I remain hopeful that we'll see some F2 later. I am also on 6m WSPR (20% TX 30dBm ERP , 80% RX).

UPDATE 0925z:  Still just local G4IKZ (18km) on 10m WSPR and nothing at all on 6m WSPR given or received.

UPDATE 1725z:   All quiet on 10m and 6m WSPR still.

16 Sept 2015

Meteor Scatter software

Steve G1KQH (font of all knowledge) sent me this a few days ago:-

"Did you see a mention of this software in PW, Roger?

Might be useful via your bent wonky wheel?

73 Steve

Elecraft K1 posted to new owner

The Elecraft K1 is on its way to its new owner, who I hope gets as much fun from it as I did in past years.  Over the time I had it, it worked some good DX on CW.  It has not been used since before my stroke. I may put the money towards a new radio at some point in the future. I prefer to do the building myself, but currently my fine motor skills are still not good. Thankfully I can eat most foods OK, although drinks still need to be taken in small sips. Life is tough and I never expected this.

Sunspots and 10m - Wednesday Sept 16th 2015

Sunspot number is 66 today (K=2) and 10m propagation is again "poor". So far today, 10m WSPR has been poor with no Es and no F2 seen here, but see update! This may change. I certainly hope so.

UPDATE 1646z:   EA8BVP (2986km) spotted me a couple of times by (I think) F2 this morning.  I have only just noticed this! Maybe he and others will spot me again later?

15 Sept 2015

Still no 10m Es or F2 on WSPR

Well it is almost 2000z and still no sign of anything apart from local G4IKZ (18km) on 10m WSPR. It was around this time last night that DX was spotted so I'll stick around just in case, although things don't exactly look that promising. I am also on 6m, although that seems a total waste of electricity!

UPDATE 2220z:   No DX on 10m WSPR. Today has been a total dead loss. Tomorrow is a new day though.  I am hopeful that tomorrow will be better. It can hardly be worse than today!  Well I suppose the tree supporting my antenna could blow down or the PSU expires?

More on my stroke - NOT amateur radio

It is almost 2 years ago that I was admitted to hospital.

Stroke - I am still finding things out. The latest revelation seems to be an inability to realise when spellings are wrong. In the past I could easily tell when things were wrong but sometimes it is days before I spot a spelling mistake or that a word is missing in something I've written.

I also struggle with finding some words - I just cannot bring to mind the right word. I know this did not happen before. I have been struggling since Saturday for one word. FRACTAL! Now I have looked it up I shall probably remember it. It is almost as if dragging things up from some parts of my brain is harder than it was.

We had a romanesque vegetable which has fractal patterns but I could not remember the word for the pattern. This is daft, but true.  I do so hate being as I am.

All quiet on 10m WSPR again so far

Just spots from local G4IKZ (18km) this morning on 10m WSPR. Things may liven up later with a bit of Es and F2, but it seems very quiet so far. Es is now out of the main season. F2 openings seem to have started again on 10m.

K1 Sold

Elecraft K1
Today I will get my K1 off to its new owner in Holland. It worked well, but I have not used it since before my stroke. I prefer that someone has it who will use it.

There is one minor fault (which has just occurred) in that the menu button no longer seems to work as it did. I think this is a minor fault and I have declared this to the new owner, who still wants it. 

In the past the rig has been used to work lots of DX including the USA on 40, 30, 20 and 15m. The rig is a 4-band version with internal auto-ATU. The K1 is a decent little radio.

Sunspots and 10m - Tuesday Sept 15th 2015

Sunspot number has fallen to 52 (K=4) and 10m is expected to remain "poor". EA8BVP (2986km) seems to be a regular again by F2 but I think the USA station copying me on 10m WSPR last night was actually located in Brazil. So I think I have still to be spotted on 10m WSPR in the USA this autumn. When the real W spots return we'll really know autumn is here.

14 Sept 2015

First 10m WSPR spots from the USA this season?

So, they are back (or are they?)! KD0VWO (7412km) in GI95rg square is the very first USA station to spot my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon this autumn. He copied me this evening at 2024z, which is quite late.   Decent F2 DX is back on 10m!

As the days go onwards into autumn, winter and spring it is strangely reassuring to be copied in the USA (or maybe not?) on 10m WSPR again. It is a bit like the returning summer bird migrants: all is well with the world! As I have said before, I think the USA on 10m will be OK this season but a lot more doubtful next autumn. We may still be lucky as the slide to the minimum is slower than the climb to the next peak, however small this may be. This season could be the last time in my lifetime that I see decent conditions on 10m. Now that is a sobering thought.

Also copying me was EA8BVP (2986km). I have the feeling this will be an almost daily thing now.

UPDATE 2146z:   Maybe I am being premature as the QTH locator is in Brazil. Perhaps this is a USA station on holiday and not in the USA at all?  The proof will be if I start to get spots from more USA 10m WSPR stations in the days ahead.

2m big-wheel - 3dBd gain without rotating

Since its erection yesterday in its proper home by David G0LRD all seems to be working well.

A quick check this morning and I am able to copy the Kent, Dutch and Belgium beacons on 2m and GB3LEU (NW of Leicester) beacon on 70cm with the FT817 and 2m big-wheel. This is a single 2m big-wheel (not a stack) from Wimo in Germany.

It has 3dBd horizontal gain and is omni-directional.  It is an ideal SSB/CW/data antenna for casual operators like me. "Real" operators would use it and a beam:  the big-wheel to watch all 360 degrees and a big gainy beam to pounce in the choice direction. Being one who does not take the hobby too seriously just the big-wheel suits me and my style of operating! I did not look for other beacons. It is nice not having to worry about a beam and rotator.

I have still to try this antenna (and feeder) as an HF vertical via my ATU. It should work on at least some HF bands.

No Es or F2 on 10m WSPR today, so far

Things have been very quiet on 10m WSPR today so far with just local G4IKZ (18km) spotting me. I am hopeful of some F2 later, but I have seen no Es today on the band here.

UPDATE 1522z:  No signs, here at least, of any Es or F2 propagation on 10m WSPR so far today.

UPDATE 1650z:  Still no signs of Es or F2 propagation here so far today on 10m WSPR.  Meanwhile, 6m remains a total dead loss with no 6m WSPR spots given or received all day.