5 Mar 2015

10m - USA today

So the 10m band has yet again opened across the Atlantic with KB4SC (6560km) spotting my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon at 1312z and several times since. Others are also copying me.

UPDATE 1748z:   Plenty of 10m WSPR spots from the USA received all afternoon and still continuing.

My 500mW 10m WSPR-AXE-CW beacon created by Jay W5OLF continues to work flawlessly. It is so tiny yet just works. It takes about 15-20 minutes to settle (I think the reference drifts as the PA warms up?) and I sync to internet time once a day, which is probably far more frequently than needed. Once running, it works perfectly with nothing else needed, no PC, nothing.  All continents were reached within weeks on 10m to a simple wire antenna.  At some point I may build a 20m version which is 1W. On 10m 0.5W seems fine.

UPDATE 2042z:  At the moment, it looks like N0UR (6535km) was the last USA station to spot my little 10m 500mW WSPR beacon at 2014z. Since then just local G4IKZ (18km).

UPDATE 2205z:   No further USA spots since N0UR at 2014z.  Now QRT on 10m WSPR until the morning. Still active on 472kHz WSPR.

Sunspots and 10m - March 5th 2015

Sunspot number is little changed at 43. 10m propagation is expected to be "fair". This morning, the usual suspects UR/SWL56, 4X1RF and LZ1OI were spotting my 10m 500mW WSPR beacon.  I think 10m will open to the USA later today.

4 Mar 2015

472kHz WSPR - no surprises

I have remained on 472kHz WSPR and intend to continue through the night, but being Wednesday, Windows may try to install updates in the middle of the night and turn off the PC!   It should work until about 0400z. So far today, no great surprises with spots from G7NKS (46km), G3WCB (101km) and G8HUH (250km) of my 5mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna".

In the last 2 weeks 25 unique stations have successfully spotted my 472kHz QRP WSPR signal.

UPDATE 2200z:   PA0RDT (243km) has spotted me 4 times this evening. Local G4KPX (14km) in Ely  is spotting me too this evening.

Oxburgh Hall

This is not amateur radio....

Today we visited Oxburgh Hall, looked after by the National Trust, in Norfolk.  This is a fine moated house that looks more like a fortified castle. It has excellent grounds that had lots of snowdrops out. At the moment the daffodils have still to come out.  Although it has ancient origins, parts were changed inside in the 19th century.

We had the tasty homemade leek and potato soup for lunch in the National Trust cafe which is just inside the main house on the LHS over the bridge (just inside).

Oxburgh Hall is a fine property and worth a visit.

See http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/oxburgh-hall/ .

I have updated our East Anglian churches visited blog too.
See http://eachurches.blogspot.co.uk/ .

USA spots on 10m WSPR today

Several USA stations spotted my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon today, despite the low sunspot number and only "fair" 10m conditions.

The first to spot me today was KB4SC (6560km) at 1424z and the last was W8QYT (5798km) at 1918z. It was better than I was expecting on 10m this afternoon.

The question is how low can the sunspot number fall and still have decent 10m conditions? I guess there are very many factors to consider. As I've said before, I have worked 11000km+ with QRP SSB at solar minimum on N-S paths. I wonder what WSPR will be capable of?  Remember you only need an opening of 120 seconds for WSPR to be successful and WSPR is 12-14dB better than CW and CW is better than SSB.   If people stick around on 10m we may be in for some real surprises in the coming "quiet years".

UPDATE 2016z:  Well, the opening lasted even longer as W8QYT was still spotting me strongly (-9dB S/N) at 2006z. Often the strongest signals are just before the band dies on a particular path - something to do with the MUF being optimum and lowest attenuation? By the same logic you'd expect optimum propagation just as the MUF rises through 28.124MHz as a path opens. Can't say I've noticed this, but it could account for the early morning spots by 4X1RF?

40m Pixie

This afternoon, I'll be giving my 40m Pixie another outing on 7.023MHz. I'll take a look on the Reverse Beacon Network to see if I was noticed if I fail to make any 2-way QSOs.

I really need to check my junk box for 7.030MHz crystals as this would be a more useful QRP frequency. When fitter, I need to put it in a box!

UPDATE 1956z:  In the end I did not try the 40m Pixie today.

Sunspots and 10m - March 4th 2015

Sunspot number has slipped again and stands at just 38 today. 10m propagation is expected to be "fair".

Already 4X1RF (3519km) has spotted my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon 5 times since breakfast, but only G4IKZ (18km) otherwise. I wonder if the 10m band will open to the USA this afternoon?

3 Mar 2015

UKAC - 2m SSB tonight

Just 5 QSOs this evening on 2m SSB (5W pep) with best DX 204km to G7RAU on the Isle of Wight. As my antenna would still not rotate (bolts too tight) I decided to use the halo again, which is fed with lossy RG58 coax. I am very tempted to swap the rotatable antenna for stacked big wheels with low loss feed coax. Being omni would help in these contests as if I can work over 200km with the halo and lossy cable I'd be at least one S point better on stacked big wheels and a low loss cable. I could have worked far more if I stayed on longer but after an hour my very poor voice told me to stop. There were several workable stations in IO92 square. I worked none of these this evening.
Stations worked tonight with 5W + halo on 144MHz SSB.

G3XKR (IO70) spots me on 472kHz

Kingsbridge Estuary, S. Devon
G3XKR (347km) in North Devon has spotted me again on 472kHz WSPR when I was using 5mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna". He has copied me before and I have reached much further, but it is good to get spotted in my "old" county.

Years ago my very first amateur radio activity was in the South Hams area of Devon. I was active on 160m AM and CW. My first ever 2m reception was of G3VEH in Cornwall.  Did the sun really always shine back then?

UK Activity Contests

Every Tuesday evening the RSGB organises a VHF/UHF activity contest.  I have just in time submitted my entry for the low power section of last Tuesday evenings 50MHz contest. With just 3 QSOs logged there is no way on this earth that I'll be anywhere but near the bottom! Having a V2000 omni vertical antenna, 5W, and a stroke damaged voice is no way to enter a 50MHz, UK based, contest! The V2000 and even 2.5W is great in the Es season (I work most that is around), but it is far from ideal working inter-G on 6m SSB.

Tonight is the 144MHz (2m) March leg of the UKAC. My small 3el beam should turn again now (manually) so I'll see how long my voice holds out. 45 minutes to 60 minutes is usually my limit. Last week I was on very little time. My best DX seems to be around 200km with 5W on 2m in "normal" conditions.

At this time of the year there are fewer portable stations active but activity (SSB and CW) is usually very high so this is a good opportunity to work some new squares. People have been very friendly. If in the UK or nearby join the fun 2000-2230z on 2m.  I usually go QRT by 2100z because of the strain on my voice.

Just checked where I sit in the Jan 2015 AL section of the 50MHz UKAC. You guessed? Bottom! Well someone has to be!