30 Jul 2014

Israel, Gaza and war crimes

I don't like getting political on this blog but feel the actions of Israel overnight attacking a school designated a UN safe area, is nothing short of a war crime.  15 innocents killed and dozens injured - disgraceful in any language. There is absolutely no excuse for this slaughter. Even if rockets were fired from the local area it is no excuse to kill already traumatised children. Slaughter of the innocents.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-28558433 .
See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-28559537 .

For years, the state of Israel has treated the Palestinian people like scum. They deserve to be treated as full humans and accorded the full rights all humans deserve. No more settlements on Palestinian land. After the horrors to the Jews in WW2 you would think Israel would want to help build a kinder world. Not a bit of it! They seem to want to spread hate.  I know Hamas must stop firing rockets at Israel and I know there are good Jewish people, but the war on Gaza is fostering hate and yet more resentment.

What is needed are real substantive talks leading to a comprehensive and fair peace for all in the region. Now is the time for jaw, jaw not war, war. Will Israel never learn? If you treat the Palestinian people as less than human what do you expect?

At the moment, Israel, supported by the USA and the UK amongst others, is not even seriously trying to get a lasting peace. I am embarrassed by my government.   An eye for an eye seems to be all Israel understands.

I am sorry, but I get increasingly frustrated by the continued violence.   Now is the time for real love and kindness to be shared and long-term peace to be given a real chance.   People of  Israel - wake up! USA and UK - support the Palestinians at the same level as Israel.   Give peace a chance!

6m WSPR again

At around 0920z I moved from 10m up to 6m to see what's doing on 6m WSPR. At first just the usual (strong) spots from local G4IKZ (18km) but I've now, at 1038z, been spotted by OH5RM (1860km) on Es.  I run 1W ERP on 6m WSPR with a V2000 vertical antenna.

UPDATE 1120z: G3WKW (134km) in IO91og has been spotted a couple of times, -20/-24dB S/N, presumably with the aid of aircraft reflection.

UPDATE 1200z:   No further Es or GDX spots since OH5RM , just spots by local G4IKZ.

10m - transatlantic yet again by Es

Just before midnight local time here KZ8C (6290km) was spotted running 5W WSPR on 10m. This is the 5th transatlantic Es opening I have caught on 10m this summer.  Despite letting WSPR run through the night, no other transatlantic DX was seen and no EU Es either, just wispy traces from G8JNJ/A (184km) - partial decodes of Martin's QTH locator through the night, but no full decodes. Signals had all the hallmarks of aircraft reflection or MS - several traces in each burst , Doppler and short duration.

This morning (early) I am seeing EU Es DX from SI9AM (1503km) Sweden and IK1WVQ (1084km) Italy by 0702z.
Sunspot count today is 160 (good) and 20-30MHz conditions are expected to be "normal". We may see F2 propagation. but none was seen here on 10m yesterday, surprisingly. This may be a lack of active WSPR stations rather than a lack of F2.  WSPR is the ideal mode to check for fleeting band openings. I would never have noticed KZ8C without WSPR. I just wish more people would use it, and in more places.

UPDATE 0918z:  OH1W (1646km) spotted me at 0848z.  I think I'm switching to 6m now!

29 Jul 2014

Same callsigns?

One of the drawbacks of WSPR (currently) is you tend to get spotted, or spot, the same stations over and over again. I am even seeing the same stations being spotted on 10m and on 6m.

It would be very nice if there were a lot more active stations, so spots came from a variety of stations. I am even seeing this on JT65 and JT9-1.

Perhaps people think these "new fangled" digital modes are hard and so only a limited number of people (currently) use them. Let me say, if even I can use these modes then anyone can! All these modes are great with low power and have really opened my eyes as to how far very low powered signal can be detected.

10m unique WSPR spots this afternoon (duplicates not shown)

Over priced KX3 options

Steve G1KQH has spotted the price of "after-market" mics on eBay.  Under £5.

"The price of a Microphone:

Someone is having a good laugh at stitching folk up with those KX3 Mics.  The whole KX3 price is through the roof but there are plenty on the bands?"
I stand by my assertion that, sadly, the KX3 is overpriced, certainly over here in the UK. I know that it is a truly exceptional radio with a first class specification but, as I have said before, for my sort of operating - mainly from home and occasionally /P, the FT817ND is FAR better value and it covers 432MHz all modes too. I cannot fault the FT817 although I appreciate the KX3 is better on RX. My FT817 has worked the world on SSB and always with simple wire antennas. I have worked a lot of continents with whips on the rig indoors too.

Back on 10m WSPR

For the next several hours I have gone back to 10m WSPR.  This means I can monitor progress in the lounge. So far, SI9AM (1503km) from Sweden, running 200mW, is coming in pretty well by Es.  I am running about 2W ERP on 18% TX duty cycle, so mostly listening/looking.

Sunspot count today is good at 143 and the 20-30MHz forecast is "normal", so I am hopeful of some F2 propagation on 10m today.

UPDATE 1435z:  OH6GKW (1839km) and I have just exchanged WSPR spots on 10m.

More JT65 and JT9-1 operation

Over the lunch period I operated JT9-1 and JT65 on 20m. Although I got plenty of reports of my CQ calls on JT9-1 (via PSKreporter) not a single QSO. When I went to JT65 on 20m I had a decent 2-way QSO with EA3KU (1307km) in JN00 square. Seems JT65 operators outnumber JT9-1 operators by about 10:1.

100kHz - 1.7GHz SDR

This data was passed to me by Steve G1KQH (again). It looks like an SDR in a screened box with proper interfaces. It comes from Hong Kong. Price is £36.99. I have never played with SDS dongles.


28 Jul 2014

Near miss - 11742km on 10m JT65

This evening CA3SOC (Chile) was calling CQ on 10m JT65. I called and called him - he called CQ about 14 times - but I was unable to raise him. At the start he was -16dB S/N but in the end was down to -22dB S/N. I was copied in Sweden at the same time, but that was no compensation.

Earlier in the afternoon I worked an E74 on PSK63, my first ever QSO on PSK at that speed. I am finding real-time keyboard operating in PSK modes quite "challenging".  Whenever I use the keyboard e.g to write this blog, I make lots of errors that need correcting. This is hard on PSK31 and PSK63 in real time.   JT65 and JT9-1 are a lot easier. Currently I am using Digipan software which is simple and basic for PSK modes. I am using WSJTX V1.3 r3673 for JT65 and JT9-1.

PSK Reporter maps

See https://pskreporter.info/pskmap.html.

This is a really useful resource when using modes like JT9-1 and JT65. Even if you get no replies, the map gives a good idea of where your signals are reaching. As an example, I recently transmitted JT65 on 20m and worked OE5DML. As the map shows, my signals were widely received including in the USA.

10m - JT65 QSOs first thing

Well, I've had success on 10m digital with a couple of JT65 QSOs on 10m. Managed to work CT1AYO and LY3OO on 10m JT65 early this morning.

No success this time in JT9-1 on 10m. I listened for a while - heard nothing - so put out some CQ calls in JT9-1, but sadly without success. It was a case of lack of activity. Currently I am monitoring (i.e. not TXing) on 50.276MHz JT65.

Tried 7.076MHz JT65, but the 40m band was very noisy.

Although PSK reporter maps show I've been copied outside Europe, I have still to work anyone outside Europe this summer since I started on digital 2-way modes a few days ago. It will certainly happen as JT9-1 is only about 2dB worse than WSPR.  JT65 is about 4dB worse.  So, on many stations, I should be in range, even with my compromise antenna system on 20m and 10m.

27 Jul 2014

Second JT9-1 QSO today

This evening I worked my second station on JT9-1, again on 20m as 10m was dead when I listened. The station was DL1KCQ (475km) in JO22 square. He was running 10W to a vertical.  I was using 5W to my Par 10/20/40m end-fed.

I have still to try JT65 and JT9-1 on 10m as the band has not been open when I listened. 20m seems to be an ideal band as it is open pretty often. Although I heard some stateside stations on JT9-1,  none were worked or indeed called. So far 4 JT65 QSOs and 2 JT09-1 QSOs in the log since yesterday.

Anyone know the recommended JT65 and JT9-1 preferred operating frequencies on 40m?  7.076 and 7.078MHz?

A real advantage of JT9-1 is it only occupies just over 16Hz of bandwidth whereas JT65 is about 10 times this bandwidth.  JT9-1 is really only suited to lower HF, MF and LF bands as the tone separation is very small and HF Doppler and rig drift can play havoc.

KX3 antenna failure

I read on the M1KTA blog that an antenna lead on one of his Elecraft KX3 units has failed. I know these have seen some harsh portable field use but I would not have expected this.  I have owned an FT817 for close on 14 years and, touch wood, it has never once failed me - still the same PA, same everything.

In my view, the KX3 is overpriced (over here in the UK) and not well built for rugged field use. I don't doubt it has excellent features and an excellent receiver, but it is still over twice as much as an FT817ND which covers DC to blue light, out of the box ready built. The KX3 is a mess for leads, coming out all over the place. The FT817 is neat, rugged, and compact.

For me, the FT817 still wins.

First JT9-1 QSO this summer

Like David G0LRD, I think WSJT-X (latest version certainly) seems as easy to use as JT65-HF. What's more it supports JT9-1 as well as JT65.

I tried 10m, but soon QSYed down to 20m where there was activity. Managed to work an OE (Austria) on JT9-1 (easily), for my first JT9-1 QSO is some while, running 5W from the FT817.   Just tuned to 14.078MHz and clicked away with WSJT-X.  Must try again on 10m and 6m.  JT65 is at 14.076 and 28.076MHz. USB dial.  JT9-1 is 2kHz higher. On the FT817mI use the DIG setting.

On 6m, I suspect my rig will not be stable enough for JT9-1. It should be fine for JT65.

Continuing JT65/JT9 today

When we get back from shopping I shall return to JT65-HF and JT9-1 modes hoping to work more stations. Yesterday, staying on 20m, I worked 4 Europeans running 2.5 or 5W. JT65-HF is very intuitive and works well. Althought I have had JT9-1 QSOs on 10m in the past, I suspect the rig stability is "challenging" and JT65-HF gives me a better chance. JT65-HF is some 4dB worse than WSPR but the TX period is only 48 secs (1 minute TX period but actual TX is less) so may be better with QSB?  JT9-1 is a narrower bandwidth mode than JT65-HF and is about 2dB worse than WSPR. Of course, JT65 and JT9 are proper QSO modes.

Sunspot count today is 76 (decent) and 20-30MHz conditions are supposed to be "normal" so there could well be some F2 (as well as Es) on 10m today. JT65-HF and JT9-1 on 10m are calling I think.

The great advantage of WSPR is you can set the rig running and monitor things in another room. JT65 and JT9 seem to require "hands on" operation, which is fine.

26 Jul 2014

More JT65 QSOs

This evening I went on 20m JT65 again and managed a couple of European QSOs in reply to the CQs of others. I am using JT65-HF software that is very simple to use. So far I have used the FT817 at either 2.5 or 5W.
JT65-HF screenshot
If you see a station calling CQ (shows up in green) you just click on it to start a QSO with that station. If he copies you and replies then the started QSO shows up in red - all very simple. Wonder if there is a similar (easy) package for JT9-1 on HF?

Looking on PSK Reporter I see plenty of USA stations were copying me too, so it should not be too hard to work DX with just a little effort even with my compromise antenna. When 10m and 6m are open, DX should be easier still.

With JT65-HF and JT9-1,  I have to be in the shack, but at least there is no speaking, saving my poor voice.

JT65HF and JT9-1

Well, I made a start today.   Nothing much doing on 10m, so I QSYed down to 20m where answering CQ calls got me replies from UR4UHE (KO50 square) and SP6ECQ on JT65HF. Although I heard an Italian calling CQ on JT9-1 I failed to get a reply.

No great DX but the first couple of countries in the log.

6m WSPR this morning

I QSYed back to 6m about 50 minutes ago and already been spotted by G4IKZ (18km), OH5RM (1860km) and have myself spotted G6AVK (78km) and OH5RM strongly. Looking quite promising on 6m Es so far today.
6m WSPR this morning (1W ERP)
Sunspot count today is 65 (creeping up again) and 20-30MHz forecast to be "normal". I expect some F2 on 10m today.

I may stick with 50MHz (6m) WSPR today, but want to give JT65 and JT9-1 a good go on 10m and 6m. I have had JT9-1  QSOs on 10m before but believe the rig stability is probably better with JT65. At 6m I suspect JT9-1 will be unsuitable.   JT9-1 is better suited to LF and MF use. I shall use JT9-1 on 630m again soon.

UPDATE 1235z:   Still very much a Scandinavian colour to the Es with OH7AI (2000km) a new call today at 1126z. He is also spotting me. G6AVK is also spotting me.

10m - early

Until 0930z I was on 10m WSPR. GDX overnight included G8JNJ/A (184km), M0ITC (164km), G8VDQ (93km) and M0XDC (65km). The was also Es from Scandinavia early on today (SM,LB). I have now QSYed to 6m WSPR.

25 Jul 2014

10m Es- central Europe

This evening, the 10m Es is favouring central Europe with HB9, DL and OK since teatime. I may give JT65 and JT9-1 a try tomorrow on 10m and maybe 6m.

UPDATE 2200z: The 10m Es event means 10m WSPR is open to EA5 to the south and SI9 (Sweden) to the north. It is pretty widespread.  I am leaving 10m WSPR on overnight again to see how extensive the opening is.

10m - Es returns

At teatime, Es returned to 10m WSPR with EA5CYA (1376km) and GM4SFW (662km).   No F2 propagation seen here so far today. I suspect there will be further Es this evening.

10m - GDX this afternoon

After a busy Es morning, all is quiet this afternoon. I am seeing wispy traces towards to lower WSPR band edge which I think are from M0BOB (74km) whom I decoded earlier. These have the usual GDX "signature", which is multiple traces (often well below 2mins in duration) due to aircraft. Since 1446z, these have NOT decoded.

10m Es - southern Europe

The 10m Es season continues, this morning with solid opens to southern Europe with Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and Italy in the logs since last evening. Even during the night, 10m was open to Italy.  Another decent Es day on 10m WSPR.

24 Jul 2014

10m - Es season continues

When 10m is very good, with Es openings across Europe, it is all too easy to take this for granted. The Es season (in the Northern Hemisphere) is May, June, July but I think there will be openings most days through August and into September on 10m but less probable on 6m. I hope enough "stay faithful" to 10m WSPR to help us find out how many openings Es and F2 there are at other times of the year.

No transatlantic Es here today.

10m - decent EU Es today

Overnight and today, I have been on 10m WSPR. Es has again been decent with plenty of EU spots.
Unique 10m WSPR spots today so far
Sunspot count today is 55 and 20-30MHz propagation is described as "normal". I would expect some N-S F2 today.

Today, I have not looked on 6m. Yet again,there are pitifully few USA stations active, making the chances of stateside reception on 6m very slim only.

23 Jul 2014

10m - real DX tonight

CX2ABP (11127km) has just been spotted by F2 propagation and K9AN (6505km) has also been spotted by multi-hop Es in EN50wc square which is Illinois. 10m has been good all day and this is the second time the band has opened to the USA today.

10m WSPR - excellent across Europe this afternoon

WG2Z (5600km) copied me just once at lunchtime - he may have copied me more times if I was operating on the correct frequency initially - but this afternoon 10m has been in excellent Es shape today with stations from across the continent copyable after lunch with a few G stations copied out to 184km by tropo or plane reflection.
10m WSPR unique reports since lunch today (repeats not shown)

6m then 10m WSPR - no Es here (right frequencies help!)

Overnight until 1115z, I was on 6m WSPR before QSYing down a band to 10m WSPR. Although locals G4IKZ and G0LRD were spotting me on 6m, no-one is currently spotting me on 10m. There appears to be no Es on either band at present. It is very quiet on 10m WSPR.

Sunspot count is 40 (creeping up again) and 20-30MHz conditions are described as "fair". We just might see some F2 DX on 10m today. if we are lucky.

UPDATE 1158z:  Just spotted that I had the wrong 10m frequency for 10m WSPR!  For some reason I was 3kHz  too high. No idea why. It remains to be seen now if this now results in 10m spots.

UPDATE 1205z:  First spot of my 2W on 10m was from WG2Z (5600km) just outside of New York by multi-hop Es (I assume).  Report was -22dB S/N, not too bad.  This is now the third time I have caught North American DX this summer on 10m.  WSPR is excellent for spotting such DX on the band. Sadly there is zero 6m WSPR activity from the Eastern USA at this time, so trying 6m WSPR is a waste of effort at the moment with regard to transatlantic DXing.

22 Jul 2014

Back on 6m WSPR tonight

One of the great advantages of WSPR is it can be done silently and activity can be monitored in the lounge. Tonight I am WSPRing on 6m in the shack and watching progress in the lounge on WSPRnet whilst the grandchildren sleep, peacefully.

G6AVK has spotted me 5 times so far and local G4IKZ plenty of times, but no Es on 6m here since this morning. Tomorrow, I shall go back to 10m.

6m UKAC this evening

As my little grandson is asleep in the adjoining room, I was unable to stay on the 50MHz UK activity contest for more than a few minutes tonight.  In the short time I was on I heard plenty of QTH locator squares (JO02,JO03, IO81, IO82, and others). It would appear quite a number of stations must be vertically polarised like me. The next chance of being in this 50MHz UKAC is about a month away.  If I can, I'll come on 6m to see what can be worked. My voice is not good, so I'll have to limit talking to about 1 hour.

One way to see the windmill next door

There was a man dangling from a rope painting the cap of our local windmill. I felt like telling him there are easier ways of seeing the windmill! Rather him than me.
Someone suggested I string a long wire to the top of the mill from my bungalow next door. But what happens when the cap turns and the sails go around?

6m - GDX WSPR this evening

As well as lots of local spots from G4IKZ (18km), I see there are GDX spots from G8PMA (90km) this evening. As far as I recall these are the first spots from this station. They are at quite a low level (around -27/-28dB S/N). The was no Doppler, suggesting pure tropo?

UPDATE 1920z:  G6AVK (78km) is spotting me at -21/-26dB S/N.


Since just after 1030z I have been on 6m WSPR. Apart from a couple of spots from OH7AI (2000km) early on, all spots have been by local G4IKZ (18km). I shall stay on 6m but really 10m is a much more productive band for Es and the occasional F2 DX.

Sunspot count today is just 16 and 20-30MHz conditions only "fair", so 10m F2 is unlikely.

UPDATE 1620z:  From 1054z up to now, the only 6m WSPR spots have been by G4IKZ (18km), all rather boring now on 6m. 

UPDATE 1640z:  Later tonight, if I can creep past my sleeping grandson in the adjoining bedroom, I may give the 50MHz UK Activity Contest a brief go this evening. Brief as it will strain my voice to stay on too long.  I am vertically polarised, so this will compromise my chances and I can only use 5W maximum.

Overnight 10m Es and GDX

Overnight, I left 10m WSPR running. It was a productive night with 10m Es more or less all the time with spots from GM, DK, SI9, SM, LA3 and OZ. I also spotted similar Northern European stations plus PD0OHW. I am glad I left the kit running as this was as good as it gets on 10m ES around Europe.

I still don't understand why later in the Es season the openings are more northerly in direction. It is similar every year.

G8JNJ/A (184km) was copied during the night a couple of times too (GDX).

21 Jul 2014

Staying on 10m WSPR overnight

As the lightning map looks very clear, I have decided to leave 10m WSPR running overnight.

Although it has quietened down in the last 30 minutes, I can still see lots of watery traces, probably GDX, coming through, but not decoding.  We'll see if any of these decode during the night. If the good Es conditions continue, I'd expect some EU decodes during the night.

Should there be any storms, I can be QRT very very quickly. 

UPDATE 2230z:  No decodes in last hour. Bedtime.

HF JT65 and JT9-1

A few people have suggested I try these modes more seriously. I have used both these modes in the past but never too seriously. As I cannot do much building or "in the field" experimenting until my health really improves, these modes will provide me with a "no talking" challenge for the autumn - my voice is still poor making modes like SSB challenging. I can manage VHF and UHF contests for short periods, but it really strains my voice and voice modes are best avoided. Unlike WSPR which is an excellent beaconing mode, the JT modes are 2-way so allow proper QSOs, if rather rubber stamp. WSPR is a few dB more sensitive but JT65 and JT9-1 use 1 minute transmission slots.

10m Es - still good here at 2100z

Well, 10m has been in good shape all afternoon and evening here.

This afternoon it opened well to the USA east coast by Es and it is still wide open to great chunks of Europe as I write. This is a great Es day on the band - in my opinion the best this season. Mind you, I have been on 6m WSPR a good part of the last few months and only recently moved down to 10m in a more serious way. Today I might have tried 6m transatlantic WSPR but there were very few USA stations active on the mode, so I stuck with 10m. 10m is a far more productive Es band, but being nearly half the frequency, that is to be expected. 2W WSPR, even to my indifferent antenna, is enough.

UPDATE 2112z:  Best DX in the last 15 minutes is TF3HZ (1837km) up in Iceland. Still lots from continental Europe coming through too. LA3JJ (993km) in Norway is a very consistent signal.

UPDATE 2135z:  My 2W is still being spotted on 10m WSPR, now by DK0SC (827km) at a strong -9dB S/N.  The 10m band is still humming.  I shall have to go QRT before too long, more is the pity.

Monday night East Cambs Net 2m

Every Monday night at 8pm clock time, a number of amateurs in Cambridge and the villages in East Cambridgeshire meet for a net on 144.575MHz FM.  This is down in the "all modes" section as originally we used AM until one who joined the net did not have that mode.

At the moment, I tend to speak very little as my voice is so poor still. There are usually a few of us on and please feel free to call in and join the net. We always finish by 9pm local time and often well before.

Currently I am monitoring the net and WSPRing on 10m.

10m - transatlantic Es this afternoon

I switched to 2W WSPR on 10m around 1406z and was rewarded (in addition to reception of a Dutch station) by reception of K3NAL (5930km) and  KZ8C (6920km). Neither has copied me yet, if they are indeed monitoring on RX. Both are using 5W.

This must be multi-hop Es. It is certainly my best Es DX this season.  At this time of the year it is highly unlikely to be F-layer. Anyway, today F2 conditions today are very poor. K3NAL and KZ8C have been copied lots of times. K3NAL has been copied 10 times by 1608z!
10m Es WSPR - transatlantic today
It is a great pity there are not more stations in the USA on WSPR on 6m. Good to copy USA stations in the summertime on 10m.

UPDATE 1700z:   K3NAL has been copied 14 times already.  WG2Z (5600km) has now copied my 2W at 1626z.

UPDATE 1820z:   Lots of EU Es audible on WSPR but the transatlantics have stopped.

UPDATE 1856z:    PD0OHW (459km) at +12dB S/N on WSPR - incredibly strong Es propagation.

6m after the storms.

Last night I decided to stay off air until the storms were well clear. They moved away from this area by mid evening but as they were very scattered I decided to stay off-air until the morning.  A check on WSPRnet showed I was not missing too much - just Es around Europe and no "super DX".

In the end, I returned to 6m at 1058z this morning after a shopping trip into Newmarket with the wife.  Apart from usual G4IKZ (18km) I was rewarded by a -21dB S/N spot by OH7AI (2000km) up in Finland at 1106z. At 1120z, he was spotting me at a strong -6dB S/N.
WSPR spots of OH7AI and G4IKZ on 6m this morning
Sunspot count is 17 today (low) and 20-30MHz conditions are described as "fair", so F2 DX is less probable on 10m. I may QSY to 10m later just in case.

UPDATE 1150z:  SQ9SIM has just been spotted on 6m WSPR. The band is opening well by Es.

UPDATE 1400z:  My WSPR software was stopped (for a short while after lunch) but just G4IKZ spotting me now. Maybe there will more 6m Es later.