24 Sept 2018

Sunspots - Monday September 24th 2018

Solar flux is 67 and the SSN zero. A=12 and K=2.

2m FT8

A CQ call a few minutes ago was spotted by 5 stations in 2 countries again including 2 Cornish stations when I was again running just 2.5W to the omni. It seems that with FT8 anything is possible at any time with flat conditions. BTW I had a QSO with G8ALS again.

UPDATE 0900z:  Best DX on RX is F4TTR (477km).

UPDATE 1142z: 10 stations in 2 countries spotted so far on 2m FT8 RX today.

UPDATE 1653z: Now 16 stations in 3 countries spotted today on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 2135z: When I went QRT about an hour ago I was up to 19 stations in 4 countries spotted today.

23 Sept 2018

OFCOM rubbish?

As many will know I am highly unimpressed with OFCOM who come over as a bunch of impotent wimps.  A bunch of infants could probably do better. This impression was based on personal, direct contact some years ago.

This weekend this impression was re-enforced by their apparent lack of interest in CB operators using far higher power than allowed. A "freedom of information" request about this was reported on Southgate News. If this is correct, and I have little doubt it probably is, it further re-enforces my view that OFCOM is only interested in money. Anything that does not generate money is unimportant.  At least that is my impression.

As for illegal SMPSUs on the market, forget it.

Bring back the GPO and real enforcement!!

Jackdaws (birds) - NOT amateur radio

At the moment there are 5 jackdaws on the roof next door. Usually we see one or two together.

See https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/wildlife-guides/bird-a-z/jackdaw/ .

"Sapiens: a Brief History of Mankind" - NOT amateur radio

I have just finished this book and have started its sequel "Homo Deus". "Sapiens" is a thought provoking book. It looks at the evolution of homo sapiens as a species. It argues that all religions are illusions and looks why our species has dominated all others. It certainly provides food for thought. The second book is, I believe, a look into the future.

I bought my copy of "Sapiens" from a second hand bookshop at a National Trust property. At well over 400 pages, this non-fiction book was good value.

Not quite sure why I had not come across this before.

Burwell Museum Talk - NOT amateur radio

Our local Burwell museum has a talk this Thursday. Honor Ridout on “I can’t stoop either” : Victorian fashions and Punch Talks are from 14.00-15.00 followed by tea and biscuits. Free with museum admission. No admission charge for season ticket holders and current museum volunteers. Drop in. Booking recommended for a large group. Museum admission applies.  

Another lizard - NOT amateur radio

This was another lizard seen last week in Corfu. As soon as it saw me it scarpered - must be camera shy!

New version of WSJT-X available (V2.0 rc1)

There is a new beta version of WSJT-X available. This is WSJT-X V2.0 rc1. I have yet to download it.  Apparently the decode sensitivity on FT8 is slightly better by about 1dB.

It may be worth waiting as I have been told there are some issues with this beta release (PCs freezing). When I tried to install it aborted saying it was missing a .dll .

See https://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/wsjtx.html .

10m WSPR (500mW)

Although I have been on 10m WSPR TX since breakfast, no spots as yet today.

UPDATE 1537z: Still no spots today.

UPDATE  1728z: Several spots from a couple of Germans. Best DX DK7FT (898km).

2m FT8

Once again, I am on 2m FT8 with 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna. After a brief CQ I worked G8ALS (127km) but was spotted yet again by 2 stations in Cornwall and one in France.

Best DX on RX is DJ6GK (607km). So far 12 stations in 5 countries spotted today.

UPDATE 1503z: So far, 24 stations in 5 countries spotted on 2m FT8 RX today.
2m FT8 RX today so far
UPDATE 1730z: 32 stations in 5 countries spotted on 2m FT8 RX so far today.

UPDATE 1902z:  33 stations in 6 countries spotted today on 2m FT8 RX today. Soon be time to go QRT.

UPDATE 1918z: Just before going QRT I called CQ at 2.5W. No QSOs, but yet again I was spotted by 2 Cornish stations. Every time I call CQ, this range seems possible. Amazing. This must be "normal" flat band tropo and not aircraft.

Sunspots - Sunday September 23rd 2018

Solar flux is 67 and the SSN zero still. A=8 and K=4.

22 Sept 2018

Japanese rovers on an asteroid - NOT amateur radio

Apparently the Japanese have successfully landed probes on an asteroid. One of our friends was Project Manager for a similar European project.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-45598156

MLS Deals

Every weekend MLS has a "something for the weekend" deal. Each week it is something different. The cynical amongst us will say it is just a way of offloading surplus stock, but if you are in the market for the goods on offer it is worth checking out.

See www.hamradio.co.uk/

Paxos - NOT amateur radio

Earlier in the week we went by boat to Paxos, an island not far from Corfu.

Sunspots - Saturday September 22nd 2018

Solar flux is 67 and the sunspot number zero. A=8 and K=3.

Back home - NOT amateur radio

We had a great holiday in Corfu but are back home again now. In Corfu it was hot with temperatures in the low 30s deg C every day. The weather could not have been better. When we got back it was cold!

The photo shows our plane on the ground in Norwich just after we landed.

10m WSPR TX (500mW)

As I am back home, I am TXing on 10m WSPR. Although on all morning, no spots so far. The main Es season is over so I am dependent on F2, TEP and random Es spots now.

UPDATE 1502z: Surprise, surprise! A couple of spots received on 10m WSPR - one from Germany and one from Italy. Best spot was from IZ3LCH (1149km).

UPDATE 2107z: Now QRT on 10m WSPR. 3 unique stations spotted my 500mW beacon today.

2m FT8

As I am home again I am on 2m FT8. No stations spotted yet, but a CQ at 2.5W to my big-wheel omni was copied by a couple of stations in Cornwall. Best DX was G7RAU (461km).

UPDATE 1057z:  So far today 13 stations spotted in 4 countries with best DX DK2DTF (644km).

UPDATE 1227z:  Now 17 stations in 6 countries.

UPDATE 1448z:  Plenty spotted!

UPDATE 2046z: G7RAU (461km) worked on 2m FT8 with 2.5W QRP and a big-wheel omni.
Stations spotted on 2m FT8 today

21 Sept 2018

Pre-meal drink - NOT amateur radio

Last night we had a Greek meal at our hotel in Corfu. This is me enjoying a pre-meal drink.

Back to the post at home later today!

Sunspots - Friday September 21st 2018

Solar flux is 66 (lowest this cycle?) and the SSN 0. A=2 and K=0.

20 Sept 2018

Greek Fruit - NOT amateur radio

Fruit for sale on a street in Corfu, Greece.

Our Corfu hotel - NOT amateur radio

This is our hotel in Corfu. Great setting and views!

Sunspots - Thursday September 20th 2018

Solar flux is 67 and the SSN 0. A=5 and K=0.

19 Sept 2018

Our Corfu hotel - NOT amateur radio

Our hotel here is wonderful and an ideal place to "chill", although most days it has been in the low 30 deg C. The Wi-Fi here seems OK, but the onward connection to the internet is bad. It is slow, flaky and, well, Greek. It is the worst I have ever experienced! Getting home may be wet and windy, but the internet should be heaps better. I was going to add a photo, but even a 25k file refused to upload, so I gave up!

Sunspots - Wednesday September 19th 2018

Solar flux is 67 and the sunspot number 0. A=6 and K=1.

18 Sept 2018

Sunspots - Tuesday September 18th 2018

Solar flux is 67 today and the SSN zero. A=11 and K=3.

17 Sept 2018

Odd fruit? - NOT amateur radio

On a walk yesterday we saw this odd fruit (?) under a tree. It was about the size of a tennis ball and looked like green brain. I shall try to find out what it is.

Found it!  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maclura_pomifera

Sunspots - Monday September 17th 2018

Solar flux is 67 today and the SSN zero. A=6 and K=2.

16 Sept 2018

BBQ - NOT amateur radio

Last night's barbeque at our Corfu hotel. We were accompanied by my wife's brother and his wife.

Corfu - NOT amateur radio

This is the view from our Corfu hotel room. Hot! Yesterday it was about 31 deg C.

Sunspots - Sunday September 16th 2018

Solar flux is 68 and the sunspot number 0. A=8 and K=2.

15 Sept 2018


OFCOM has published some technical advice on improving mobile phone coverage.

See https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=wm#inbox/FMfcgxvzKbPxvbjhMSlrqKqxhcTBZHxC

Sunspots - Saturday September 15th 2018

Solar flux is 68 and the sunspot number 0. A=16 and K=3.

14 Sept 2018



There are 58 tables with many of the well-known traders in attendance. It is open from 10am until 3pm and tickets are £3 with accompanied under 16s free. Details from mjones129@btinternet.com.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Visitor - NOT amateur radio

This was sitting on our kitchen windowsill at breakfast time. It was alive.

Sunspots - Friday September 14th 2018

Solar flux is 68 today and the SSN 11. A=8 and K=3.

13 Sept 2018

Local talk - NOT amateur radio

Our local village museum has talks for an hour followed by free tea and biscuits. Today's talk was by a person in charge of the Cambridge University Zoology Museum in Cambridge. It was mainly about finds locally which included bears, wolves and beavers, all long gone from these parts.

The talk was very well attended.

See http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk/

BATC convention this weekend


Midlands Air Museum. https://forum.batc.org.uk/viewforum.php?f=115.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

472kHz WSPR last night

Fewer stations reporting my 10mW ERP and fewer stations spotted here than the night before on 472kHz WSPR. I'll try again tonight.

Sunspots - Thursday Sept 13th 2018

Solar flux is 68 and the sunspot number 11. A=8 and K=3.