11 Feb 2018

10m FT8 RX

Today, this should be quite good for this part of the solar cycle, but a lot will depend on 10m activity. So far, I have been active for about 30 minutes and spotted nothing at all.

UPDATE 1425z: Just a couple of Gs spotted so far today. Very disappointing.

UPDATE 1634z: Now 5 G stations and nothing else today.

Stock market jitters? - NOT amateur radio

Stock markets around the world seem to want to tumble.

This may be a correction (and relatively short lived) or the start of a prolonged downturn with interest rates rising after a very long period of historic lows.

Some of our children have no idea of the sorts of interest rates we paid on our mortgages. At one time (1992?) UK interest rates reached 15%. Today, it is borrow, borrow, borrow as money is cheap. These days may be ending.

Overnight on 472kHz WSPR RX

Last night, 20 unique stations spotted. This is quite a good number.  Again, all were EU stations with none from the USA.

Sunspots - Sunday February 11th 2018

Solar flux is 78 today and the sunspot number a respectable 35. A=6 and K=0.

10 Feb 2018

472kHz WSPR RX

After a really disappointing day on 10m FT8 RX, I have returned to 630m WSPR RX. Already 8 unique stations spotted with best DX EA5DOM (1525km). I am still using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.

UPDATE 2010z: Now 12 unique stations so far spotted this evening.

UPDATE 2306z: Now 18 uniques this evening.

The "real" FT818 FCC type approval

It appears the FT817nd replacement (the FT818) has been granted FCC approval. Details are sketchy and all my information so far is second-hand. It would be good to see information on the Yaesu site. Expect heavy discounting of the FT817nd to clear shelves in readiness for the FT818.

See http://radioaficion.com/news/yaesu-ft-818/

No mention of it on the Yaesu (Japan) site http://www.yaesu.com/jp/en/products/index.html#

10m FT8 RX

Have been on 10m FT8 RX for about an hour. DO1MBV (721km) is the only station spotted so far.

UPDATE 1750z: No further 10m FT8 spots here today. Soon be time to QSY to 630m WSPR RX. I'll wait until after tea time.

Freesias - NOT amateur radio

Freesias, with their fantastic scent, brighten up dull winter days. Even with the remnants of my cold, I can still smell these.

472kHz WSPR RX overnight

With 20 unique stations spotted overnight (all EU) on the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground, this was a pretty decent evening and overnight session. I shall probably try again tonight.
Despite the wide spread of EU stations, I have yet to spot any USA stations on the earth-electrode "antenna" on this band. This surprises me as the earth-electrode "antenna" seems to out-perform my compromise Marconi.

Next season, I shall definitely be trying an E-field probe on MF and LF receive.

Micro sized UHF transceiver

If you are after a truly miniature transceiver maybe this will fit the bill? It is also sold via Amazon, but when I looked it said "currently unavailable".


See also