2 Feb 2025

RF in the shack?

When I try to use the IC-705 on FT8 I get an error message saying that there is a problem with the sound card when I know the correct one is being selected. Probably there is RF in the shack. 

My antenna is an end-fed, and RF in the shack is often a problem with end-feds. I have never had the issue before. It probably depends exactly where the leads are placed.

Tomorrow I shall try adding ferrite beads to the antenna and PC leads to see if this cures the problem. 

One thing I should try is reducing the RF power as this should prove it. With far lower power it should avoid the issue of RF feedback.  If this proves it, I know what to do to fix it.

Would you pay over £13k for a transceiver?

One large UK dealer is selling a German made transceiver for over £13k.  Now, each to their own, but I do not see this as amateur radio. Personally I would get as much fun with a transceiver having 14 parts total!

Oh, don't forget the linear, beam, rotator and tower!

The future of amateur radio

There was a link on Amateur Radio Weekly yesterday saying that amateur radio in the USA was not dying, but it was changing. I cannot speak for the USA, but I can for the UK.

Many groups are seeing a change, not just amateur radio: churches in the main, have an aging (mostly female) demographic. When this demographic ages and dies there will be very few left in many churches.

Amateur radio is like this. It does, in the main, appeal to older men. Many are retired with more disposable income than those younger people with growing families, high rents or mortgages. I do not see many of them joining the hobby as we did. These days they are more interested in their screens and online games.  Worldwide communication is no longer magic and fascinated: it is just taken for granted.

Many PTTs are growing tired of administering amateur radio as it no longer generates revenues.

In the future I can see things changing for sure. My prediction is that amateur radio will merge with CB and become a free-for-all. As long as interference is not caused, these PTTs could not care. The main issue I can see would be traceability without some sort of callsign and registration.

See https://k4fmh.com/2025/01/22/the-u-s-ham-radio-market-is-it-dying/ .

More from the Clink Museum - NOT amateur radio

As mentioned yesterday, we visited the Clink Museum in London. It must have been horrendous to have been imprisoned there centuries ago. 

The conditions and torture must have been awful.

10m 500mW WSPR TX (Sunday)

 My 10m QRP WSPR beacon has been on some of the time this morning.

UPDATE 1147z:  EA8BFK (2880km) has spotted me.

Sunday objectives

 Today, I have 3 aims. We'll see if they are achieved!

1. To go on 10m  QRP WSPR with my beacon.

2. To go on 8m QRP FT8 TX with my QMX+

3. To mend the PL259 plug (re-solder) on my V2000 antenna for 6m, 2m and 70cm.

UPDATE 1140z:  Well, 2 objectives net!  I am on 10m QRP WSPR and have mended my V2000 antenna plug. I seem to have issues with my PC not producing audio on any band. I may have to re-install WSJT-X in case that has got corrupted.

Sunspots - Sunday February 2nd

 Solar flux is 188 and the SSN 145 . A=26 and K=3.

1 Feb 2025

Day off amateur radio

 As we were out for most of the day, amateur radio had a rest. Whenever I am in the house I can usually be founds on some band on WSPR or FT8. Not today.

London trip - NOT amateur radio

Today, we went to London by train. The purpose was two fold. 

Firstly, we wanted to visit the Clink prison museum and secondly we had lunch with our daughter-in-law and our granddaughter. 

The museum was gruesome, but worth a visit. The meal was excellent.

Sunspots - Saturday February 1st

 Solar flux is 188 and the SSN 141.  A=28 and K=4.