10 Nov 2024

6m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

My QMX+ on 6m was turned on about 0945z. At 1033z, I have been spotted by 12 English stations. 

Looking at https://www.tvcomm.co.uk/g7izu/radio-propagation-maps/europe-sporadic-e/ it looks like I could be spotted in mainland Europe. 

I am less hopeful of being spotted "across the pond" today on 6m FT8.

UPDATE  1035z: Spotted by 14 English stations. Remember this is QRP and a vertical omni, proving that with 6m FT8 contacts inter-G would probably be possible regularly with just a modest station.

UPDATE 1220z:  Spotted by VK9CV (11514km) on 6m QRP FT8. I think he is genuine. 40 stations spotting me on 6m FT8.

UPDATE 1624z:   55 stations have spotted me today on 6m QRP FT8 TX. No North American spots. I suspect the E-W F2 MUF has to be exceptionally high for this to be possible, especially with QRP.

UPDATE 1651z:  QRT on 6m.

10m 500mW WSPR (Sunday)

 My QRP 10m RX beacon was turned on at about 0945z. So far a single, strong spot in Germany.

UPDATE 1028z:  Spotted by 14 stations. See table.

UPDATE 2010z: 77 stations have spotted  my 500mW QRP  with the furthermost Brazil over 10000km.

Sunspots - Sunday November 10th

 Solar flux is 221 and the SSN 176. A=32 and K=2.

9 Nov 2024

6m USA - not today I suspect!

It looks like I am seeing no 10m WSPR spots today from the USA, so I very much doubt there will be any F2 6m propagation "across the pond" today.

This is where FT8 is so useful. It works with weak, fleeting signals and is well monitored. If it even briefly opens on 6m, we would know about it. This is why this mode will be good on 10m in the quiet years.

8m ISM band

This was posted earlier by N2OTO in Florida. 

It shows the activity 40.66 - 40.70 MHz in the ISM band. I expect if we looked in Europe we would see much the same. 

Clearly the ISM band has other users! Those that permit operation 40.66 - 40.70 MHz have to accept this.

Where is the sun? - NOT amateur radio

All of this month we have had a big high pressure system with "anticyclonic gloom". 

Basically we have had cloud, mist and fog with no sun at all.  NE Scotland has had good weather by contrast. 

As this photo from a friend on 365project shows, they have had better weather in the Faroe Islands.

Oscar 100 (lack of) activity

As you know I try to take a very unscientific peek at narrowband activity on this geosynchronous satellite. My last peek was about 0950z today, which is a Saturday. Activity levels remain disappointingly low.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/ .

10m QRP WSPR (Saturday)

My 500mW 10m WSPR beacon has been on since about 0730z. So far, multiple spots by EA8BFK (2880km) as usual, but nobody else.

6m QRP FT8 (Saturday)

My QMX+ to the vertical omni V2000 was turned on at about 0730z. So far (at 1325z), 32 stations have spotted me. See map.

Sunspots - Saturday November 9th

 Solar flux is 231 and the SSN 167. A=11 and K=4.