11 Aug 2024

Alcohol free beer - NOT amateur radio

Years ago alcohol free beer tasted dreadful. These days I cannot tell the difference between 0.0 beers and those with alcohol. The processing has come on a great deal.

With limits in many countries on driving with alcohol in the blood, less beer is being consumed. These days there is a real alternative.

I quite like the Guinness 0.0 and Heineken 0.0.

10m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

My 2.5W has been on since before breakfast. So far 7 stations have spotted me and I have spotted 16 on 10m FT8. All were in Europe.

UPDATE 1122z: 59 stations have spotted me. On RX, 146 stations spotted with the furthermost 2 in South Africa.

UPDATE 1857z:  Spotted by 170 stations (see map). On RX 444 stations were spotted with the furthermost RI1ANE in Antarctica (14845km).

Churches visited blog - NOT amateur radio

My East Anglian churches blog has been updated with all three Suffolk churches recently visited.

See https://eachurches.blogspot.com/ .

888 rule - NOT amateur radio

Some time ago I was taught a rule for cutting lavender. 8 inches, 8th month on the 8th. I was overdue, so did it yesterday.

We only planted them to help keep Muntjac deer out of our back garden. Apparently they don't like the smell.  Last year they nibbled quite a few plants.

See  https://www.rhs.org.uk/plants/lavender .

Old QSL cards

Amateur Radio Weekly pointed me in this direction. 

Although I have not looked exhaustively at the site, it seems to be an extensive collection of old USA and Canadian  QSL cards. 

I expect somewhere on the net is a collection of old QSL cards from the rest of the world.  UPDATE: See http://www.qslcollection.co.uk/ .

See https://www.oldqslcards.com/ .

Sunspots - Sunday August 11th

Solar  flux is 291 and the SSN 234. A=6 and K=2.

10 Aug 2024

Solar activity "explosion"

In the last few weeks solar activity has gone mad with very high numbers. See the chart on my favourite site for solar data. See https://www.solen.info/solar/ . I highly recommend the data on this website.

10m 2.5W FT8 (Saturday)

At 1534z I decided to QSY to 10m QRP FT8.  Although I spotted a PY station immediately, nothing has yet appeared on PSKreporter. Maybe they have a delay?  I re-synced to internet time before I QSYed.

UPDATE 1700z:  Spotted by 18 stations with the furthermost A65MR (5475km).

UPDATE 2031z:  spotted by 135 stations with the furthermost PU5FLP (10086km). Now QRT.

6m QRP FT8 (Saturday)

Although, at 0835z, my 2.5W 6m FT8 has only been on about 10 minutes, already 10 spots of me with several being from Scandinavia. 

UPDATE 1044z:  40 stations have spotted me this morning.

UPDATE 1355z:  54 stations have spotted me today.

10m 500mW WSPR TX (Saturday)

My beacon was turned on at about 0825z. No spots yet.

UPDATE 1005z: 6 stations have spotted me - all German. A patch of Es?