27 Jul 2024

472kHz transverter

The photo shows me testing my 472kHz (630m) transverter in the back of the garage at the old QTH. Later it featured in a QST article. It is still used now producing about 10W into a 50 ohm load and about 10mW ERP with my earth-electrode “antenna “ in the ground.

Sunspots - July 27th

Solar flux is 176 and the SSN 181. A=23 and K=2.

26 Jul 2024

OFCOM publications

A reminder that OFCOM publishes a number of publications on a number of subjects that may be of interest to radio amateurs. See the OFCOM website.

In a Cambridge shop window - NOT amateur radio

This was in a shop window in Cambridge today. It was a colourful painting in the Grand Arcade.

6m QRP FT8 (Friday)

15 stations have already spotted my QRP 6m FT8 at 0827z.  Many appear to be Es.

UPDATE 1544z:  119 stations have spotted me today. See map. On RX the furthermost was a station in the Gulf A71VV (5190km).

Sunspots- Friday July 26th

 Solar flux is 167 and the SSN 171. A=9 and K=4.

25 Jul 2024

6m QRP FT8 (Thursday)

At  about 1805z I QSYed to 6m FT8 from 10m.

UPDATE 1715z:  6 stations have spotted me with furthermost S58P (1247km).

Cartoon - NOT amateur radio


This was shared to me by Steve G1KQH.

Rally this Sunday

 The following has been notified to me. I always advise checking the information is correct.

Sunday July 28th - Wiltshire Radio Summer Rally. Kington Langley, SN15 5NJ.  Contact  Chairman@Chippenhamradio.club .

Punting on the River Cam - NOT amateur radio


A few days ago we went punting on the River Cam in Cambridge as a family.