26 May 2024

Near where I come from - NOT amateur radio

This is Blackpool Sands in Devon (not THAT Blackpool!!). It’s near where I come from in South Devon. 

It is a private beach with restricted access.

6m 10mW FT8 overnight

 Although I (accidentally) left my 6m QRPP on overnight, no spots.

Sunspots - Sunday May 26th

 Solar flux is 152 and the SSN 106. A=6 and K=1.

25 May 2024

POTA with the Elecraft KH1

In the USA POTA seems very popular. Amateur Radio Weekly reports on a POTA activation pedestrian portable with the KH1 and a small whip by K4SWL

I don't think the tiny KH1 is available in Europe.

6m 10mW FT8 in the Es season

At the start of the Es season, I started with 10mW 6m WSPR. It worked, so I changed to 6m 10mW FT8, which in theory needs a better S/N to decode.  

Every day, 10mW 6m FT8 has been very successful.  Some reports suggest some margin too. 

I think the fact that FT8 only needs a 15 second TX period compared with 120 seconds for WSPR helps to catch very brief Es openings. 

When I return to 8m, I think I shall try 10mW ERP FT8 instead of WSPR.

23cm activity session

Well over a year ago I bought a 2W 23cms transverter that I intended to use /P in the 23cm activity sessions. As it has been so wet, I have yet to do this. Perhaps later?

I was only going to go out very locally, but on higher ground.

10m 500uW (0.5mW) WSPR (Saturday)

My 500uW 10m QRPP WSPR beacon was turned on at about 0830z.  European Es looks quite promising, so I am hopeful. 

See https://www.tvcomm.co.uk/g7izu/radio-propagation-maps/europe-sporadic-e/ .

UPDATE 1117z:  No spots.

UPDATE 1738z:  Just a single spot of my QRPP by DK6UG (633km). 

6m 10mW FT8 (Saturday)

Es map of Europe
My 10mW 6m QRPP FT8 was turned on at about 0830z. No spots yet.  European Es looks quite hopeful. 

See https://www.tvcomm.co.uk/g7izu/radio-propagation-maps/europe-sporadic-e/ .

UPDATE 1026z:   5 spots of my 10mW 6m FT8.

UPDATE 1731z: 10 stations have spotted me.

630m QRP WSPR overnight

Last night I went on 630m WSPR with my 10mW ERP. In all, 7 stations spotted me, which was better than I was expecting. Best DX was GM3YXM (425km). 


Back in the 1960s I first joined the International Short Wave League. 

It produces a magazine called "Monitor" which is probably unique in that it supports both amateur radio (RX and TX) and broadcast band listeners. 
They are currently offering a generous package to attract old members back.

See https://www.iswl.org.uk/ .