16 May 2024

630m QRP WSPR overnight


A better session with 6 stations spotting my 10mW ERP. No amazing DX but it gives me hope!

137kHz some years ago

This was 2011 when I was still fit. My best DX on the band.

The West and China - NOT amateur radio

China is in the ascendancy in the 21st century.  

For a long time the USA has been acknowledged as the strongest power in the world, but it looks as if this is changing.  

No doubt the USA will try to hang on to their supremacy, but I suspect long after I am pushing up daisies things will be very different. China is communist and the USA a western democracy. Both systems have merits and demerits.

Sunspots - Thursday May 16th

 Solar flux is 116 and the SSN 173.  A=10 and K=2.

15 May 2024

630m QRP WSPR (Wednesday)

 Once again, I am on 630m QRP WSPR with 10mW ERP from my earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.  At the moment I appear to be the only UK station on TX. So far, just spots by G8OCV/SDR (65km).

European Es

 At the moment I am carrying out two experiments:

  • 500uW 10m WSPR
  • 10mW 6m WSPR
The latter is to simulate 8m under ISM rules (10mW ERP) which is open to everyone without the need for a licence.

So far, I have received no spots. When Es is good, this power should be enough, although with weak signals, these can be masked by noise. This could prove to be the limiting factor. My intention is to continue these experiments during the Es season.

Yet more Google rubbish - NOT amateur radio

Yet again, I have received another email from Google Adsense, about adverts in certain USA states. 

Perhaps they could either not bother at all (preferable) or learn to communicate in plain English? I am getting fed up with receiving so many rubbish emails from Google that I immediately delete.

Two-faced? - NOT amateur radio

The USA (according to the BBC) has told congress that it wants to send $1bn in arms to Israel.  No doubt these (along with many others before) will be used to render women and children dead, maimed or homeless. 

We accuse Russia of war crimes in Ukraine, but allow Israel to do the same in Gaza with weapons we provide. 

Indeed, Israel has a perfect right to defend itself.  However, many will question the way Israel is trying to prosecute the war in Gaza.

My firm belief is everyone on the planet has a right to live in peace, be respected and worship in the way they choose.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-69013279.

Ghent street performers - NOT amateur radio


These street performers were in Ghent last week.

500uW 10m WSPR (Wednesday)

My QRPP 10m WSPR has been on since about 0830z. 

UPDATE 1707z:  No spots.