20 Apr 2024

Knotted tree - NOT amateur radio

There is a section of the Italianate Garden at Ickworth near Bury St Edmunds, UK where they have lots of old tree trunks. 

This one has no bark left, but is pretty impressive.

8m FT8 RX (Saturday)

Currently, I am monitoring 40.680MHz USB dial FT8. 

UPDATE 1348z:  No spots. 

UPDATE 1621z:  Locally I can see ZS1TX, ZS3/V51PJ and ZR1ADI were spotted but these did not appear on PSKreporter. For some reason, these spots were not uploaded.

10m QRPP 500uW WSPR (Saturday)

My 500uW (0.5mW) 10m WSPR has already been spotted multiple times this morning by EA8BFK (2880km). Perhaps this is not too surprising with the solar flux and sunspot numbers so good.

UPDATE 0948z:  12 spots already.

UPDATE 1808z: 
34 spots of my 500uW QRPP WSPR, one with about 20dB in hand!! See table.

UPDATE 1850z:  Now spotted in Italy by IZ2DQB (1033km). First signs of 10m Es?

Ely last Thursday - NOT amateur radio

This was Ely earlier in the week. Ely Cathedral is in the background.

It is called "the Isle of Ely" as it is built on a rare hill in these parts. 

Much of the Fens area is flat for miles. It is one of the most fertile areas in the UK.

Sunspots - Saturday April 20th

 Solar flux is 213 and the SSN 243. A=41 and K=2.

Nice breakfast - NOT amateur radio

Steve G1KQH kindly sent me this photo. Very unhealthy, but very nice!! I could eat it now. 😉

630m QRP WSPR overnight

An average session with no real DX with my 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.  10 stations spotted me (see table) with a new reporter (I think) from Wales.

19 Apr 2024

630m QRP WSPR (Friday)

My 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna"  in the ground was turned on at about 1810z.  So far, spotted by one station.

UPDATE 2104z:  3 stations have spotted me.

OFCOM and DAB licences

OFCOM is inviting applications for small scale DAB multiplex licences. See the OFCOM website for further details.

8m FT8 receive (Friday)

This morning, I am on 40.680MHz FT8 receive. No spots at 1017z.

UPDATE 1252z:   No spots today.