As locals, we can see it for free. Cambridge has many fine buildings.
13 Mar 2024
King's College Chapel, Cambridge - NOT amateur radio
6m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)
My 2.5W 6m FT8 to the V2000 vertical omni is now on. So far, just one English station near Oxford has spotted me.
UPDATE 1645z: 12 stations in England and Wales have spotted me. 8 stations have been spotted here.
10m 500mW WSPR (Wednesday)
This morning, I am again running (for me!!) QRO i.e. 500mW WSPR. After just a few minutes, DX spots of me received.
UPDATE 1650z: So far today 16 stations have spotted my 500mW 10m WSPR.
UPDATE 1715z: 34 stations have spotted me today.
70cm activity contest
Yesterday was the 70cm leg of the RSGB organised activity contest (UKAC). I was on for only about 45 minutes with my 10W and 2m omni big-wheel antenna. 5 stations were worked.
12 Mar 2024
USA puzzle - NOT amateur radio
The USA puzzles me.
This November they go to the polls, but the contest for president is likely to be between two very old men. One is facing a host of charges and the other will be 81!!
What puzzles me is why the presidency is likely to be a contest between these 2 when surely there are younger people who could do the job better?
Also I cannot understand why Mr Trump is so popular when everyone (really everyone) I have spoken to outside of the USA hates him!
It bothers me that the biggest economy in the West, and the nuclear trigger, will be in the hands of a potentially doddery old man.
Does this say a lot about the USA?
630m QRP WSPR (Tuesday)
My 10mW ERP WSPR from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground has been spotted by 6 stations with the furthermost EI0CF (602km).
Bridge Street, Cambridge - NOT amateur radio
Is the world alright? - NOT amateur radio
Most mornings we watch BBC Breakfast with news every 30 minutes. Yesterday they spent ages on the photo for Mother's Day by the Princess of Wales. Today, we had lots about pet insurance.
Meanwhile, we have conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine and elsewhere. These were not even mentioned! Switching to Al Jazeera we heard plenty about the rest of the world.
Now Al Jazeera is biased, but just listening to the BBC, one could be forgiven for believing all is well with the world.
Sorry, but the only way to get news is to get it from multiple sources and not just one.