8 Feb 2024

6m QRP FT8 (Thursday)

 My 2.5W to the V2000 vertical omni antenna is turned on. After about an hour 2 stations have spotted me on FT8.

UPDATE 1725z: 
18 stations have spotted me (see map) with the furthermost DF6HT (806km).

Sunspots - Thursday February 8th

 Solar flux is 188 and the SSN 164.  A=4 and K=1

St Ives near Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

Few people think of the attractive town of St Ives not far from Cambridge. If you live in the UK, you probably think of St Ives in Cornwall.

For us, it is a free guided bus ride from Cambridge of about 20 minutes. The guided bus uses the route of the old Cambridge-St Ives branch railway. The buses run quite fast on special concrete tracks in quiet countryside with no traffic.

7 Feb 2024

Wrong side of history? - NOT amateur radio

This evening, I heard that Mr Netanyahu had rejected the truce proposals in Gaza. I am no expert on the history of the Middle East, but I am sure his response to the appalling events on October 7th will win him and Israel no friends. Until there is a fair and lasting settlement there can be no peace.

In the meantime innocents are killed or maimed. Sadness goes on. Surely the only fair outcome cannot be won by bullets and weapons. 

What I find puzzling is why the USA and UK seem so pro Israel and passive about the people of Gaza. Surely the USA and UK should be working overtime to seek a just peace, or Israel never ever gets support in the future.  Recognising Palestine would be a start.

2m FT8 UKAC activity contest

 At 1900z, the RSGB 2m FT8 activity contest is being held. Already, there is a contest on in Europe, so the 2m FT8 segment is already busy.

UPDATE 2042z:  Over 50 stations in 6 countries spotted and several QSOs made.

UPDATE 2142z: 73 stations spotted as the map shows. I am pretty sure conditions were not "up" and this is normal with FT8. Remember, the antenna is just a big-wheel omni, with no beams!

Old friends - NOT amateur radio


Yesterday we met old university friends. I must be old!!

630m WSPR receive with the earth-electrode "antenna"

The table shows the stations received on the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground in the last couple of weeks. For an invisible compromise antenna it is not bad.

Spring is coming

We went to Anglesey Abbey on Monday. There are signs of spring coming with spring flowers starting to appear (see collage).

6m QRP FT8 ( Wednesday)

I QSYed to 6m FT8 from 2m using 2.5W and the vertical omni V2000 antenna. 8 stations have spotted me at 1136z. 

UPDATE 1436z:  11 UK stations have spotted me today on 6m FT8.

2m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)

As my 10m beacon is sending 500uW, my 2m big-wheel, FT817ND and PC are free, so I am on 2m QRP FT8 with 2.5W.  G0LRD has a very useful on line grabber so I can see if my signal is clean.