Keeping to the ISM rules (very low milliwatts) I am on 13.5539MHz USB dial QRPP WSPR. Any reports (local or DX) appreciated.
UPDATED 1200z: I am
totally surprised! 3 EU stations have already spotted me! I was not expecting HiFer spots from Europe.
UPDATE 1225z: The chances of me spotting others is very low. The 17dB attenuator is in circuit on RX too, so if a station is running low mWs it would effectively be running 17dB less for me!
UPDATE 1629z: All my 22m spots (lots!) have been by 3 Europeans. My gear will remain on 22m (HiFer band) for several hours. It is not clear to me when my best time would be to be spotted in the USA. It seems my chances will diminish after dark? I am no propagation expert.
UPDATE 1714z: Looks like I have missed my chance of being spotted in the USA on the HiFer (22m) band today. I was quite hopeful as with the same small power I had been successful on 10m every time I tried recently. I guess local noise levels could be more of a problem as the frequency is reduced? On very weak signals, I could just be buried under noise!
UPDATE 1757z: My last 22m spot was over an hour ago. No USA today then I think!