It is almost Halloween. This was the moon rising over a neighbours' house.
Simple QRP projects, 10m, 8m, 6m, 4m, FT8, 160m, WSPR, LF/MF, sub-9kHz, nanowaves and other random stuff, some not related to amateur radio.
Solar flux is 128 and the SSN 70. A=19 and K=4.
Even though the output power judging by the antenna current seemed normal, I was getting no spots. Moving down in frequency and spots came immediately. Was my transmission just outside the WSPR window? Last night I was about 16 Hz inside the top edge.
UPDATE 1815z: 4 stations have spotted my 10mW ERP tonight.
Apart from a very brief transmission early this morning - spotted by local G4WSZ (12km), I have been RX.
UPDATE 1530z: This afternoon, I have been on 40.680 MHz QRP FT8 TX. 4 stations have spotted my 2.5W to the dipole including 1 in the USA and 1 in the Caribbean. On 8m RX, 3 countries have been spotted.
The leaves are still on the trees mostly, but they will soon be gone until spring.
In all, 13 stations spotted my 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode antenna in the ground on 630m overnight with the furthermost SM6NOC (1054km).
My 17m QRP FT8 (about 4W) was turned on at about 1618z. Within a few minutes, I was spotted by 33 stations, See map.