25 Jun 2023

What happens next in Russia? - NOT amateur radio

This is being written on Sunday afternoon and a lot can change very fast. My own reading of the situation is this:

  1. Apparently there was a half-hearted attempt at a coup by someone that at one time was close to Putin.
  2. When this started Putin was worried about being overthrown. At the time there was talk of treason and backstabbing.
  3. Very soon the leader of this coup backed down. He was promised no charges for him and his men if he went to Belarus, the leader of which sides with Putin.  This is all very odd.
  4. It is unclear how this will pan out. We could see at least 3 outcomes: 
    1. Putin becomes even more tight in his grip on power and purges those around him he sees as a threat.
    2. Putin is overthrown either by someone who is even worse or more liberal.
    3. There could be a lurch back towards communism by the people.
It is a brave man that predicts how this will end, but most think it has weakened Putin.  One thing is clear: this has not ended. It may appear to have for now, but what happens next?

In the meantime we just carry on.

European Es today (Sunday)

It is my impression (so far) that Es in Europe is average and could be much better.

See https://www.tvcomm.co.uk/g7izu/radio-propagation-maps/europe-sporadic-e/.    This site is excellent.

10m QRP WSPR TX (Sunday)

My 500mW 10m WSPR beacon was turned on at about 0830z.

UPDATE 0935z: Already spotted by 21 unique stations. Very promising. 

UPDATE 1238z: 22 unique stations have spotted me. Almost all look like Es (see map).

8m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

 After a poor day yesterday with no spots at all, I am again on 8m QRP FT8. No spots yet. 

UPDATE 0934z: No spots.

UPDATE 2032z : 3 stations have spotted me today on 8m FT8 QRP. 

Barnacle geese - NOT amateur radio

This photo was taken a few years ago in Helsinki. It shows barnacle geese with young. They were just outside the opera house. In the UK we may see barnacle geese as adults in winter. We don't see them as young in summer. 

They look a bit like small Canada geese. 

Ten years ago

Ten years ago I was experimenting with a loop antenna and QRP in the garden of the old QTH. 

Sunspots - Sunday June 25th 2023

Solar flux is 161 and the SSN 200. A=16 and K=5.

24 Jun 2023

DX soundbites

It is fun to listen to DX sound bites from long ago.  Try these from 2004:


ICOM future plans

On Amateur Radio Weekly there was a bit about the future plans of ICOM.

Amateur Radio Weekly comes to me each Saturday as a free email newsletter.

See https://www.icomjapan.com/api/download.php?post_id=3823&fl=JTJGdXBsb2FkcyUyRmNvbXBhbnklMkZJY29tJTIwSW5jJTIwTWVkaXVtJTIwVGVybSUyMEJ1c2luZXNzJTIwUGxhbiUyMDIwMjZfRU5HX01heTIwMjMucGRm. 

Es season

This is a site I find quite useful. It gives an instant view of the Es situation in Europe. Often Es drifts, so paths that are not open open up and vice versa. What I find quite useful is seeing how active 10m, 6m, 4m and 2m are. It is not foolproof, but it is useful. If a band is "open" in a certain direction, then it is worth not missing the fun.

See https://www.tvcomm.co.uk/g7izu/radio-propagation-maps/europe-sporadic-e/ .

UPDATE 1500z:  Es today looks poor.