28 Mar 2023


 A reminder than OFCOM usually updates the data it holds on licences weekly. It has also published several documents this week.   See the OFCOM website for details.

8m QRP FT8 (Tuesday)

At 0955z my 8m FT8 was turned on.  I am not really expecting any spots. Currently, no spots!

UPDATE 1455z:  No spots.

Italian food - NOT amateur radio

My son and grandson are away on different school trips to southern Italy. This is an example of the food.  

Amateur radio black humour


Seen earlier today.

Sunspots - Tuesday March 28th 2023

Solar flux is 158 and the SSN 128. A=3 and K=0.

27 Mar 2023

630m transverter

This was designed some years ago, but has appeared in QST and the RSGB book "LF Today". 

I wanted a simple way of getting on this MF band and this was the result. Several have since been successfully built. 

It produces about 10W into 50 ohms, but the ERP will be considerably lower depending on the antenna used. In my case, my "antenna" was just an earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground with the electrodes about 12m apart with the wire back to the shack along the fence not very high. I tried the wire on the ground and it made little difference. My theory is this forms a loop in the ground. The actual loop diameter will get larger as frequency is reduced. Such an antenna has been used for far field amateur TX tests (successfully) at well below 10 kHz.

Most nights my measured 10mW ERP was spotted in Norway on WSPR. It used the FT817ND in split mode TXing on 80m but receiving directly on 630m.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/hf-mf-and-lf/homebrew/630m-472khz-transverter .

630m WSPR RX (Monday)

At the moment I am on 630m WSPR RX. So far, just PA3GSH (396km) spotted. 

Cambridge Backs today - NOT amateur radio

This was the view towards King's College chapel this morning. Spring is on its way with several trees bursting out.

Spain on 8m?

Recently, a station in the Caribbean has reported a sudden increase in contacts on 8m with Spain.  He wonders if the authorities there have granted access to 8m to radio amateurs. 

It would be good if more countries were granted legal access, if only for a limited time. This next year or so, around the solar maximum, a great deal of useful research could be done.

Does anyone know the legal situation in Spain please?

8m QRP FT8 (Monday)

 After being off for about 10 days playing with other things, I am back on 40.680 MHz QRP FT8 again at 1430z. No spots. It will get much easier for QRP stations when the Es season gets going.

Today has been disappointing on 8m. It looks like conditions have to be very good for my QRP FT8 to get through.  I would probably do better on 8m WSPR, but I think there are fewer monitors? I expect many are also fighting high local noise levels that make decoding weak signals hard.

UPDATE 1550z:  No spots. Are there many monitoring 8m WSPR?

UPDATE 1610z:  Trying 8m QRP WSPR near 40.680 MHz in the WSPR window. TXing 30 %.

UPDATE 1651z:   No WSPR spots so back on QRP FT8.

UPDATE 1743z:  No spots, so QRT on 8m soon. I think QRP 8m stations are unlikely to get too far now until the Es season.