Solar flux is 107 and the SSN 56. A=15 and K=5.
28 Nov 2022
27 Nov 2022
Black Friday "deals" - NOT amateur radio
Perhaps I am odd, but I am very distrustful of Black Friday deals.
This started in the USA I believe as a way of getting us to spend over a longer period.
OK there are some good deals to be had, but this is really another way to get us to part with our money. As soon as I see the words "Black Friday" like the latest email from a major UK retailer, I delete it.
10m QRP transceiver
It is hard to think this is 10 years old! It seems like only yesterday. Maybe you can get some ideas from it. It was called the "Lesser Chirpy" as the original version chirped badly.
See .
Birthday lunch - NOT amateur radio
8m FT8 QRP (Sunday)
Although I have been in for about 40 minutes at 1420z, no spots.
UPDATE 1806z: No spots. QRT.
Internet Archive
If you have not come across this before it is worth a look. The idea is to archive webpages, magazines and books, often well after the actual pages have long gone from the internet. Using this some time ago, I was able to see one of my long gone websites from the 1990s!
Today I uploaded my Issue 2 G3XBM Project Scrapbook. Really I want to add this to the Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications. Once I find out how, I shall do this, so it is there long after I am pushing up daisies!
For now, search texts for G3XBM should bring it up.
See .
UPDATE 2019z: Both Issues 1 and 2 of my G3XBM Project Scrapbook are now on the Digital Library of Amateur Radio ad Communications. Searching for G3XBM should find it. My earliest website on the Wayback Machine seems to be in 1996 http: / If you search for this URL on the Wayback Macine you should find some captures. This was a very long time ago!!
Thoughts on infinity - NOT amateur radio
We live in a universe that is huge. Some think there may be a number of universes.
Just for a moment ponder these thoughts:
- What if there is an infinite number of universes?
- What if everything actually happened? What I mean is that you decided to go on a certain path in life, but there were other choices you could have taken,
- What if in reality all choices made really were made? What I mean is did all paths really get followed, but we are only aware of one?
- What if time is totally an illusion? Maybe we think of us on a path from past into the future, but perhaps every experience is really "now".
We do not have the answers, but we know that we can know so very little. I have the feeling reality is quite different from what we think today.
We find infinities hard to accept.
10m QRP FT8 (Sunday)
Stations spotted to 1008z |
UPDATE 1012z: So far today, 89 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX.
26 Nov 2022
May I operate 8m beacons legally in the UK without a licence?
Since receiving an email from OFCOM in the UK, I have reread the essential requirements shown in https://www.legislation.