3 Aug 2022
Swifts in the UK - NOT amateur radio
Low sunspots
The less active side of the sun seems to be pointing our way, as the sunspot number has been low for several days. Hopefully, numbers will climb again in the days ahead. It is quite normal for sunspot numbers to vary.
10m WSPR
My feeling is that the Es season is drawing to a close, with no spots of my 500mW today, even though I have been on for over an hour. Yes, it is early, but usually a good Es day starts early.
Let's hope Jan was right in his comment yesterday that F2 conditions start to improve soon. It would be good to see more F2 spots in the 10m WSPR log.
UPDATE 1754z: 26 unique stations have spotted me today on 10m QRP WSPR TX.
UPDATE 2052z: 29 unique stations have spotted me today on 10m QRP WSPR TX.
8m experiment (Wednesday)
Although I have been on for just over an hour on 40.680 MHz USB dial FT8, no reports of my QRP.
2m activity contest
5W pep QRP 2m SSB contacts last evening |
I think tonight is the FT8 activity contest. I sometimes go on, but rarely submit results.
UPDATE 1301z: My VHF power max was set to 5W, so last night all my QSOs were with 5W pep, not 10W!!
2 Aug 2022
Oil giant's profits - NOT amateur radio
The war in Ukraine has caused an undeniable rise in the costs of fuel and household gas. Only today one of the giants in the industry announced huge profits.
Now I know some times things can be much harder, but most companies were not expecting these huge profits. This is at a time when millions of ordinary people are struggling to eat and keep warm.
My view is simple: this is obscene.
I am not a vocal politician, but this is asking for trouble. In many countries I think this could lead to revolt or even revolution.