16 Jul 2022

10m WSPR QRP (Saturday)

As the PC, rig and antenna are free, I am on 10m WSPR TX with 500mW from the W5OLF beacon. So far today, just spotted in northern Spain. It is now 1000z. 

UPDATE 2040z:
  9 unique stations have spotted my 10m QRP WSPR beacon today. Activity on FT8 is greater, but I am pleasantly surprised by the WSPR activity. On WSPR, most spots of me are by Es in Europe.

8m experiment (Saturday)

 Yet again I am on QRP 8m FT8 TX on 40.680 MHz USB dial. So far, spotted by EA3ERE (1153km). Nothing on RX.

UPDATE 1830z :  2 spots of my 8m QRP FT8 TX today (see map). Now QRT. 

A bit older - NOT amateur radio

This photo was taken in 1968. We have aged a bit and someone had hair!! 

Rally this Sunday

The following rally is due tomorrow Sunday July 17th. Check with organisers before any significant travel.

McMichael Amateur Radio Rally


Sunspots - Saturday July 16th 2022

Solar flux is 171 and the SSN 141.  A=5 and K=2.

15 Jul 2022

UK fuel prices - NOT amateur radio

Since the start of the Ukraine war ("special operation"? Who is he kidding?) wholesale oil prices have dropped back about 20% to close to $100 a barrel. Whilst exchange rates have got worse, the price at the pumps has hardly changed. It is still hovering close to £2.00 a litre for diesel.

It would be good if UK fuel prices dropped a bit too, as fast as they go up. I know oil company profits vary widely, but big profits right now seem immoral.

10m QRP FT8 TX

As 8m wasn't looking very promising here this afternoon, I have QSYed to 10m FT8. My QRP TX signal has been widely copied in Europe and on RX I am copying the stations shown on the map.  

Restored Constable - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows a Constable painting at Anglesey Abbey. It has been cleaned so that details hitherto hidden are visible. It hangs in the very cosy library there. 

8m experiment (Monday)

Today I returned to 8m FT8 QRP TX on 40.680 MHz USB dial. This resulted in my first report from Denmark. 

UPDATE 1543z:  Now QSYed to 10m FT8.

When I could build and experiment

The photo was taken in 2012 at the back of the garage in our old house and shows me breadboarding my 472 kHz transverter. I cannot do this these days.