5 Mar 2022

Birthday boy - NOT amateur radio

One of our sons has a birthday next week. 

Here he is with his children at our house earlier today. 

Ely swans - NOT amateur radio


These swans were at Ely on Thursday.

Old G3XBM logbooks

Some may be interested to see if they appeared in some of my early logbooks. I notice these are in my Google Drive, which you may not be able to see. I shall try and share them, but if you have problems, please email me.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/other-amateur-radio/g3xbm-logbooks

10m FT8

It is now 1002z. I turned the 10m FT8 gear on at 0930z. So far, 92 stations have been spotted on 10m FT8 RX with the furthermost VK6APK (14532km).

UPDATE 1045z:  182 stations spotted with several in Western Australia.

UPDATE 1142z:  South Americans now coming through. 282 stations spotted.

UPDATE 1522z:  480 stations spotted on RX. 
10m FT8 RX today

UPDATE 1921z: 753 stations spotted.  QRT soon probably.

Sunspots - Saturday March 5th 2022

Solar flux is 113 and the SSN 77.  A=10 and K=2.

4 Mar 2022

2m FT8 QRP (Friday)

At the moment I am on 2m FT8.  After a brief TX period (2.5W and the big-wheel) with 1 120km QSO, I am now RX only. On RX 8 stations have been spotted and 6 stations spotted me on QRP TX.

UPDATE 2040z:  16 stations in 6 countries spotted so far on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 2315z:  Now QRT. 24 stations spotted this evening. 

OFCOM updates

 OFCOM has updated it website with the latest data it holds. See the OFCOM website.

Pensive swan - NOT amateur radio

This photo shows a pensive swan in Ely yesterday. 

VHF Contest this weekend

This weekend is the RSGB's 2m/70cm contest. If I remember, I intend to pop on occasionally with my 10W and omni, but I doubt I shall put an entry in. It runs for up to 24 hours from 1400z Saturday, although there is a 6 hour section in which you choose which 6 hours you want. The 6 hours can be split up.

See  https://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/contest_rules.pl?year=2022&contest=mar144432 .

A popular 2m70cm/23cm transceiver is the ICOM IC-9700.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/vhfuhfmicrowaves/vhfuhf-commercial-rigs/ic-9700 .

10m FT8 RX

At about 0920z, I turned on my 10m FT8 system. 12 spots so far with the furthermost VK6OZ (14461km).

UPDATE 1000z:  66 stations spotted on RX with the furthermost VK2AAH (16916km).

UPDATE 1714z:   663 stations spotted today on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1920z:  QRT. There were still South Americans coming through.