4 Jan 2022

Chocolate box village

Dalham is a real "chocolate box" village not too far from here. It has lots of very attractive thatched cottages which would be ideal on the cover of a box of chocolates. You can imagine that a century ago these were hovels for working folk with no sewers or running water, and probably without a bathroom. These days these are pads for the well heeled with big prices. It is probably the most attractive village in the area.

Network radios

It is becoming an increasing issue that some amateurs can no longer enjoy their hobby as they are not allowed external antennas or because their noise floor is too high. 

For some, the answer may be network radios. These use the internet as the main propagation mechanism rather than the ionosphere. All that is needed is a wifi or mobile connection such as 3G or 4G. 

With these, and systems like Echolink, distant repeaters can be contacted and, via these, handhelds on the far side of the planet. They are often mobile phones with a PTT and antenna, looking much like a VHF handheld.

I find these somehow dissatisfying.  Maybe in 10 years time I shall think differently.  At the moment I get more fun from experimenting with "conventional" radio. I know amateur radio is changing and we should embrace all forms of communications such as DMR and network radio.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/other-amateur-radio/network-radio .

Sunspots - Tuesday January 4th 2022

Solar flux is 84 and the SSN 12.  A=12 and K=3. 

3 Jan 2022

70cm FT8 (Monday)

Outside of a contest, I have not tried 70cm FT8 that I can recall. As 10m seems dead now, I have QSYed to 70cm FT8 with the V2000 vertical omni antenna. 

Although I am not really expecting to spot anything, it is worth a try. On 70cm the FT8 dial frequency is 432.174MHz USB. I shall try until bedtime.

UPDATE 2130z:   Nobody spotted. I am not surprised.

Latest solar data

The latest solar data has been updated. By any analysis, the last few weeks have been good with decent solar flux and sunspot numbers for this part of the cycle.

Of course, we have to be careful not to look at the detail, but at the averages. It still looks like the next peak will be similar to the last i.e. not huge. At the moment cycle 25 looks very similar to cycle 24. If this is correct, we should expect similar conditions. 10m should be good, but F2 openings on 6m will be rare. This is where an 8m band could prove useful: how often does the MUF just exceed 40MHz?

See https://www.solen.info/solar/ .

Constable country - NOT amateur radio

The part of Suffolk in the photo is known as "Constable Country" as the famous English landscape painter used this in his paintings. They captured an age and a time. In many ways, some of his views are the same today.

On a beach in Brittany - NOT amateur radio

One of my granddaughters on a beach in Brittany recently. 

She was staying with her French grandparents. It looks quite cold! 

10m FT8 QRP (Monday)

After breakfast, I hope to be on 10m FT8. This will be mostly RX with the occasional 2.5W TX. 

UPDATE 1011z:  It has been on RX for just over an hour with 46 unique stations spotted with the furthermost FR4OM (9763km).

UPDATE 1122z:  116 stations spotted.

UPDATE 1830z: 176 stations spotted on RX today.  QRT soon. 

Sunspots - Monday January 3rd 2022

Solar flux is 89 and the SSN 25. A=10 and K=4.

2 Jan 2022

Fredbox 2m QRP

It seems hard to think this tiny rig was designed and built so long ago (1974?). It was rebuilt a few years ago and still works. It must count as one of my favourite all-time rigs. 

I would not recommend trying to exactly copy it, but use it as a source for your own designs. Some years ago, I know one club did a PCB for a version with a loudspeaker amplifier and loudspeaker. I forget who this was.

In its day it had several 100km QSOs handheld and even one of 160km to France handheld even though just 10mW AM. These days, most local QSOs are on FM. In its day, it was a very small rig and much smaller than commercial handhelds.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/vhfuhfmicrowaves/homebrew/fredbox .