20 Dec 2021

2m FT8 RX in the last day

In the last day, 139 stations were spotted on 2m FT8 with the big-wheel omni antenna. Furthermost was DL2QV (937km). Although most of these would probably be in range by scatter, I think many were tropo.

The future - NOT amateur radio

Whatever we expect the future to be, it is different. Life has a nasty habit of throwing the totally unexpected at us. It seems the only certainty is the future will be different from what we expect.

15m FT8 RX (Monday)

In all, I have probably been on 15m FT8 RX with the Wellgood active loop for about 30 minutes. So far, 54 spots with the furthermost RA0WHE (5565km).

UPDATE 0950z: 57 stations spotted with the furthermost BG0CAB (6149km). Certainly 15m is proving to be a good band at the moment. I expect this time next year 10m will be as good.

UPDATE 1050z:  109 stations spotted with the furthermost E24OYI (9466km).

UPDATE 1526z:  391 stations spotted. Furthermost is 4F3BZ (10632km).

UPDATE 1616z: 424 stations spotted today on 15m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 2315z:  444 stations spotted on 15m FT8 RX. Now QRT. 

Pirates: it is all too easy for TX stations (and RX stations) to use false callsigns and locations. When you are copying several stations from the same area, it is much less likely they are all pirates. For example there are lots of South Americans and USA stations on. It is very unlikely that many (if any) are pirates.

Bell hunting - NOT amateur radio

Last Thursday my grandson and I went around Cambridge on a bell hunt. This is him outside one of the churches. 

He has a YouTube channel called "Ringer Luke". He is mad on bellringing!

10m QRP WSPR (Monday)

As the PC and rig are being used for 15m FT8 RX, I am on 10m WSPR TX using 500mW from the W5OLF beacon. So far, just spots by local G4KPX (14km), but at least I know it is working! At 0945z, G4KPX has spotted me 15 times, but no DX yet.

UPDATE 1207z:  3 unique stations spotting me with the best DX EA8BFK (2880km) in the Canary Isles.

UPDATE 1426z:  4 unique stations have spotted me.

UPDATE 1806z: 5 unique stations spotted.

Sunspots - Monday December 20th 2021

 Solar flux is 115 and the SSN 109 (still pretty good for this time in the solar cycle).   A=12 and K=2.

19 Dec 2021

2m FT8 (Sunday)

For the last few hours, I have been on 2m FT8. After a brief period on QRP TX (2.5W and being spotted by 22 stations, I have been RX only.  Once again my antenna is the big-wheel omni. So far (at 2211z) 92 stations spotted. Furthermost is DJ2QV (937km).

Yellow jackets - NOT amateur radio

As teenagers we had yellow jackets and were called "the sunshine twins".  

About a year ago we bought some again. 

It is very useful when we are out and apart - just look for the flash of yellow!

10m FT8 RX (Sunday)

It is now 0931z and I have been on for about 30 minutes.  So far, 51 stations have already been spotted with the furthermost VK6AS (14459km). 10m is definitely getting back to life. This is with a very low modest end-fed. 

Stations spotted
early this morning
With a beam up high you have probably got another 10dB, so many more stations can probably be copied, not that I am complaining!   

When 10m is good, you can copy and work the world with very little. FT8 must make this even more possible.

2m FT8 QRP overnight

Since early last evening I was on 2m FT8 RX. In all, 111 stations were spotted on RX with the big-wheel omni antenna.  The furthermost was DK1FG (815km) in Bavaria, Germany.