6 Nov 2021

Sunspots - Saturday November 6th 2021

Solar flux is 93 and the SSN 40.  A=13 and K=3.

5 Nov 2021

Ely Cathedral Octagon - NOT amateur radio

This image (or one very similar) has been on the blog before, but I make no apologies. 

The very heavy wooden octagon replaces the original tower that collapsed centuries ago. The octagon dates from 1342. 

Imagine designing and constructing this back then!

Made in China - NOT amateur radio

Today I got 7 home tests for Covid-19. These were free from the UK Test and Trace organisation that has cost us billions of UK pounds. On the packet it said " Made in China". Imagine my horror.

Thatched cottage - NOT amateur radio

Every Friday I travel into Cambridge on the bus for my University of the Third Age lecture. This cottage is seen on the way. The photo was taken from the moving bus through the window.

Last evening on 472kHz WSPR RX

Last evening, using the coax up to the 2m big-wheel antenna with the ferrite-rod ATU, 10 stations spotted with the furthermost being IZ3QQC (1155km).

10m FT8 RX (Friday)

My gear was turned on at about 0900z. So far (at 0915z) 23 stations spotted, mostly Russians via F2.

UPDATE 0937z:  66 stations spotted. Furthermost is YD1FRU (11796km).

UPDATE 1947z: 498 stations spotted.

Sunspots - Friday November 5th 2021

Solar flux is 94 and the SSN 28. A=69 and K=4.

4 Nov 2021

472kHz WSPR RX

This evening, I am on 472kHz WSPR RX using the coax to my 2m big-wheel antenna via a ferrite rod "ATU". So far this evening 5 stations have been spotted with the furthermost DL1HWK (816km).

Covid-19 latest - NOT amateur radio

It is often hard to get factual news about the pandemic. One of the best (in my view) is the ZOE app and the weekly videos by Professor Tim Spector. This is mainly from a UK perspective. This week it is generally positive news. We have a way to go, but there are signs of things getting better.

Another source I trust is Dr John Campbell. His videos usually come out daily.

8m NoV - nothing heard

A month ago I submitted my application to OFCOM (RSGB copied) for an 8m NoV.  Nothing yet heard, although I expect even to get a polite rejection could take months. It would be nice to hear if the RSGB is supportive. After all, I am only doing this to advance radio propagation science. 

At the end of the day I am after 50Hz of spectrum for a limited time with low power. They have allocated 2000000Hz of VHF spectrum for DATV NoVs!!!  The 146-147MHz NoVs have been extended for another year.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2021/november/146-147-mhz-nov-extension.htm#.YYP6Y46TLrc