13 Dec 2020

Reliable Covid-19 data - NOT amateur radio

Finding reliable data on the Covid pandemic is hard with lots of very dubious sites carrying very dubious data. One site I have found consistently reliable is the YouTube channel of Dr John Campbell, that I have mentioned here before. What I like is he deals in facts only and gives the original source of the data.  This is his latest video.

Oscar 100 (geosynchronous) activity

Every few weeks I take a peek at activity on the narrowband transponder of this satellite by looking at the web SDR at Goonhilly Downs in Cornwall, UK.  It also has an ATV transponder, although I am unaware of a similar web SDR for TV. If there is one, please tell me.

The level of activity last evening was lower than the last time I looked. This is a far from scientific look. I just stay a few minutes and get an impression. Really I should look over an extended period.

Sunspots - Sunday December 13th 2020

 Solar flux is 82 and the SSN 24. A=4 and K=1.

12 Dec 2020

Geminids MS

The Geminids meteor shower peaks on December 14th.  Usually this can give interesting results on VHF especially with digital modes.

8m band yagi

Southgate News reports on a 4el yagi for the 8m band.  This band is gradually gaining traction. It would not surprise me if we got a narrow amateur band here in the future.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2020/december/4-element-yagi-for-40-mhz.htm#.X9TMDmiTLrc

Konik ponies - NOT amateur radio

This photo shows the Konik ponies used to keep grass short at Wicken Fen locally. 

Kingsbridge Estuary in Devon - NOT amateur radio

These photos were taken earlier by my brother.  Normally I go back to where I was brought up every year. This year I have to rely on photos. Maybe in 2021?

Alexa joke - NOT amateur radio

Recently, I bought an Amazon Dot with Alexa at about half price. When not in use we switch it off at the mains to prevent any data gathering.  Some are paranoid about it hearing things it shouldn't. 

It is very small.  I am very impressed, as is my wife. Even with my poor voice, it manages to recognise commands most times.

Like many, we have bought a lot on line recently. My wife ordered some Christmas cards from a well known charity a week ago. They (eventually) came today. We ordered some charity cards via Amazon and they arrived the very next day! 

We know Amazon is far from perfect, but we cannot fault them on service. We ordered some sanitiser gell yesterday. It was here before breakfast today.

This Alexa joke came to me yesterday. It made me laugh.

2m FT8 QRP (Saturday)

Since about 0910z I have been on 2m FT8 QRP with the usual 2.5W and big-wheel omni antenna. So far (at 0932z)  just 1 station spotting me.

UPDATE 1301z:  15 stations spotted on 2m FT8 RX. 4 stations have spotted me so far on QRP TX.

UPDATE 1720z:  63 stations in 9 countries spotted here so far.

UPDATE 2150z:  In the last day 20 stations have spotted me. 4 QSOs today. 87 stations spotted here. It is interesting that most signals on G0LRD's grabber at (26km) are direct, I occasionally see Doppler shifted signals on some transmissions, which must be off aircraft, possibly those approaching Stansted or some of the nearby military bases. Most Doppler is about 10-20Hz.

UPDATE 2228z: There looks like there is a contest as several stations are calling CQ TEST on FT8. I shall be going QRT soon.

UPDATE 2238z:   QRT.

Salcombe, Devon yesterday - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows where I come from in South Devon, yesterday. My dad lived on the road to the right over 100 years ago.  

The house where he lived now sells for about £500k. It was a hovel when he lived there and he would be amazed.