6 Dec 2020

Religions - NOT amateur radio

My wife is just off to church. As a youngster I had quite a strong faith. These days I am agnostic. 

I find it hard to believe that the Christian faith is the one when there are so many other faiths in the world. If I had been born in India, Iran or Japan for example I would probably believed just as strongly in some other religion. 

I have said before that it is almost as if all religions are hints at a greater truth. They are all reflections of a belief that this life is not the whole story.

In all honesty, I just do not know. I try to live a kind life, am fully aware of my imperfections and accept (sort of) that death and endings are painful parts of life.

WSJT-X bug fixed?

Since changing to the latest release candidate version of WSJT-X it has been totally stable on FT8, whereas with V2.2.2 I often had issues with my USB SignaLink with no decodes and smeary waterfalls.  I use Windows 10 and I wonder if they did a bug fix?  The difference is very noticeable.

15m FT8 RX

At 0915z I switched on 15m FT8 RX using the FT817ND and the indoor loop. It is currently 0937z and so far 37 stations have already been spotted.

UPDATE 1007z:  83 stations spotted today so far on 15m FT8 RX. As 15m is looking so much like yesterday, maybe I should QSY to 10m FT8?

UPDATE 1030z: 99 stations spotted. Now QSYed to 10m.

Christmas cheer - NOT amateur radio


One of the shops in our village has a window display with a Christmas theme to cheer us all up.

Missed again! - CQWW SSB

Many years ago, I used to really enjoy this contest. Working on 10m SSB it was possible to work many stations. Since my voice was adversely affected by my stroke, it has been harder. It is even harder still if you do as I did and totally forgot it was on! 

The last weekend in October should have been in my diary. Mind you, on 10m with an indoor loop at this part of the solar cycle it would have been hard work. Maybe next year?

The rules for the 2020 contests (SSB and CW) are attached, even though these have passed.


Sunspots - Sunday December 6th 2020

Solar flux is 100 and the SSN 42.  A=5 and K=1.

5 Dec 2020

2m FT8 QRP (Saturday)

At 1845z, I QSYed to 2m FT8 with 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna. It is now 1852z.  Already 5 stations have spotted me.

UPDATE 2245z: 11 stations spotted me this evening with the furthermost being GI6ATZ (479km). Now QRT.

BREXIT brinkmanship - NOT amateur radio

As I write (1030z Saturday) the head of the UK and EU are going to speak on the 'phone and as yet there is no BREXIT trade deal, even though to have one is in everyone's interest. 

I suspect there is brinkmanship on both sides. In these last few weeks, I think these children should throw away their toys and behave as grown-ups if this is possible. We all know that is what is best. 

Go on, get a mutually good deal that all can sell as a success.

UPDATE 1848z: Talks to continue on Sunday.

OFCOM Spectrum Management Strategy

You will be pleased to know that OFCOM is considering its strategy for the radio spectrum in the years ahead. It is navel gazing about the future. Sorry, "vision". See the OFCOM website.

15m FT8 RX

It is now 0950z. At about 0915z I turned on 15m FT8 RX.  So far today, 67 stations in Asia and Europe spotted. Still using the FT817ND and the tiny loop on the shack windowsill. 

I find it incredible that some stations are so strong. One Ukrainian station was +2dB S/N even with the tiny loop!

UPDATE 1005z:  So far today, 81 stations have been spotted on 15m FT8 RX. 

UPDATE 1128z:  134 stations spotted so far today on 15m FT8 RX with the tiny indoor loop and FT817ND in 4 continents.

UPDATE 1453z:   256 stations in 6 continents spotted on 15m FT8 RX so far today.

UPDATE 1838z: 317 stations spotted. Soon QSYing to 2m FT8.