5 Dec 2020

15m FT8 RX

It is now 0950z. At about 0915z I turned on 15m FT8 RX.  So far today, 67 stations in Asia and Europe spotted. Still using the FT817ND and the tiny loop on the shack windowsill. 

I find it incredible that some stations are so strong. One Ukrainian station was +2dB S/N even with the tiny loop!

UPDATE 1005z:  So far today, 81 stations have been spotted on 15m FT8 RX. 

UPDATE 1128z:  134 stations spotted so far today on 15m FT8 RX with the tiny indoor loop and FT817ND in 4 continents.

UPDATE 1453z:   256 stations in 6 continents spotted on 15m FT8 RX so far today.

UPDATE 1838z: 317 stations spotted. Soon QSYing to 2m FT8.

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