24 Nov 2020

UK aid budget cut - NOT amateur radio

Apparently, the UK aid budget is to be cut by law to help the chancellor balance the books and to help pay the enormous budget deficit as a result of Covid-19. 

If this is made permanent, some will see this as a backwards step. I hope that we still continue to provide meaningful aid (not arms) to countries that need it.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-55053719 .

15m FT8 QRP (Tuesday)

About 10 minutes ago, I turned on 15m FT8 QRP (2.5W and the indoor loop). It is now 1007z. Just 6 stations copied on RX so far with one in East Africa.

UPDATE 1235z:  4 spots of me so far from Eastern Europe, but 95 stations spotted on RX including Africa and South America.

UPDATE 1548z: 121 stations spotted so far today on 15m FT8 RX including North and South America.

Wifes' birthday

Today is my wifes' birthday. In these odd days we are having a quiet day. Here she is looking at one of her presents. 

Sunspots - Tuesday November 24th 2020

Solar flux is 96 and the SSN 38. A=8 and K=0.

23 Nov 2020

2m FT8 QRP

As there have been no spots here on 15m FT8 for several hours, I have QSYed to 2m FT8 using 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna. Although nothing spotted on RX so far, 5 stations have spotted my QRP.

UPDATE 1855z:  So far, 6 stations have spotted me with the furthermost being EI2FG (565km).

UPDATE 2216z:  QRT.

Black Friday "deals"? - NOT amateur radio

Recently (about 6 weeks ago) I bought an Echo Dot from Amazon. It even recognises my poor voice, which surprised and impressed me. In the latest Black Friday deal, Amazon are offering the latest version for about 30% more than I paid. 

Sometimes, these bargains are not what they seem!

Although there may be some good bargains, do check.

FT8/FT4 presentation

Southgate News has a link to a USA YouTube presentation on these modes. There are lots of presentations about these digital modes on YouTube. FT8 works with low power and simple antennas, but is not a mode for chatting. 

I have to admit, I have not yet tried FT4.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2020/november/ft8-and-ft4-lecture-video.htm#.X7ufE2iTLrc

70cm activity contest results

Most definitely I am not a contest person!  However, I usually take part in the RSGB organised activity contests each month on 2m and 70cm on Tuesday evenings. Usually most activity in these friendly contests is on SSB and after a short while I give up because of my poor voice. 

Results for the November 70cm UKAC activity contest have just been published and I remain about a third of the way down the low power section. Seeing I only use 10W and the 2m (not 70cm!) big-wheel omni and rarely stay on for more than an hour of the contest, this is fine.

15m FT8 QRP

A little while ago I turned on the gear to go on 15m FT8 QRP. As usual, 2.5W and the indoor loop on the shack windowsill. Better results expected on 15m compared with 10m. 

On 15m FT8 TX I have been spotted by 1 station in Greece and 18 stations spotted on RX. No great DX yet.

UPDATE 1204z:  2 spot of me on TX with 53 stations spootted so far on 15m FT8 RX.

Stations spotted on 15m
FT8 RX today to 1650z

UPDATE 1820z:  6 stations have spotted me today on TX and 170 stations spotted on RX in 5 continents.

Housework day - NOT amateur radio

We have a routine of doing housework on Monday's. This is a photo of our garden room with the sun streaming in. This is our second reception room and very relaxing.

I shall start housework shortly!