3 Nov 2020

eHam reviews of the IC-705

When looking to buy new rigs (not very often!) I tend to check out the eHam reviews. Now, people who write reviews tend to be very anti and give low ratings (probably because of a bad experience) or very pro. It is less common to see reviews written by "middle of the road" people. 

I was surprised to read only 3 reviews of the IC-705. By now, I was expecting to read many more. These 3 are all very positive.

As examples see all the reviews for Elecraft K3 and the IC-7300. There are loads.

See https://www.eham.net/reviews/view-product?id=14776

Updated solar data

Early in the month my favourite site for solar data updates for the month just gone. As it is November 3rd, this has been done.

See  https://www.solen.info/solar/

USA election day - NOT amateur radio

Today, the USA is holding its election for president for the next 4 years.  The papers in the UK are full of it.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-54788566 .

Our green and windmill in autumn - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows our green and windmill in autumn. 

The clumps in the tree are mistletoe, not nests. They are very clear now the trees are bare. 

We live on the left near the windmill. We can see the windmill from the breakfast table and the lounge.

DXCC countries

Southgate News has a link to the DXCC entities currently available. Having got QRP DXCC on SSB a quarter of a century ago, I do not actively chase DX, but I know some do. 

It is great that we are all different and find so many ways to enjoy our hobby. Some like to chase DX on just a single band or on satellites or VHF.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2020/november/dxcc-report-02-11.htm#.X6ERPruTK00  .

15m FT8 QRP

Since 0805z, I have been on 15m FT8 with 2.5W and the indoor loop antenna. No spots yet today.

UPDATE 1336z:  No spots of me yet today on 15m, but 75 stations spotted on RX with the furthermost being KP4JRS (6801km) in Puerto Rico.

UPDATE 1530z:  195 stations spotted so far today.

Sunspots - Tuesday November 3rd 2020

Typical November day here... wet and dull!!

Solar flux is 82 and the SSN 11. A=3 and K=1.

2 Nov 2020

Should I wait?

Back in the 1970s when scientific calculators first appeared I waited and waited for the next version, that would be better, to appear. In the end I did not buy one! 

I feel a bit like this with the IC-705 from ICOM. It well matches my operating style and even without a trade-in I can probably get a decent deal. By the way, XBS Telecom in France is selling these with a 3 year warranty and VAT for 1344 euros! Yaesu are reported to be working on a line of SDR transceivers, but when?

See https://www.xbstelecom.eu/shop/en/pas-de-prix-reec-ni-reecclub/2004-icom-ic-705-hf50144430mhz-5w-10w.html?search_query=ic-705&results=28

2m FT8 QRP

Since about 1600z, I have been on 2m FT8 with 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna. So far spotted by 3 stations today with the furthermost being G7RAU (461km) in Cornwall. Just 1 station copied on RX so far.

Church in Autumn - NOT amateur radio

Parts of our church are over 1000 years old although most dates from the 1400s.