30 Mar 2020

Daisies - NOT amateur radio

On our walk earlier we saw several patches of daisies in the grass. They are wild and cheer us up.

Springtime - NOT amateur radio

At the moment, for most of the world, life is very hard and uncertain. Nonetheless in the northern hemisphere we are starting the spring season with promises of new life. There are lots of spring flowers and trees have that fresh green look.

In the autumn we'll probably look back at these days in amazement.

As I post to many places, I cannot remember if this has appeared on this blog before or not, but it is a nice cheerful image and I am sure you don't mind it appearing again!

UPDATE 1247z: The photo was first on on March 25th.

Cheese scone recipe - NOT amateur radio

These turned out very easy to make and excellent to eat. I have made a couple of batches and you might like to have a go.


  • Preheat fan oven to 180 deg C.
  • Weigh out 300g self raising flour.
  • Add 150g of grated cheese.
  • Add dried chives to taste.
  • Mix a little water and milk in a jug.
  • Add water/milk to dough and mix just enough to make a dough (not too wet) when mixed by hand.
  • Roll out dough to about 2cm thick.
  • Cut out scones with a cutter.
  • Add some grated cheese on top of each.
  • Place on an oiled baking tray.
  • Place in oven for 18 minutes.

Take out and enjoy, ideally warm with butter!

The original Tesco recipe used natural yoghurt.


As on the last 2 days, I am on 10m WSPR TX (500mW) using my W5OLF WSPR beacon to my indoor loop. Frequency randomly changes every TX period. This series of transmissios is more in hope than expectation.

If you can see me and upload to the WSPRnet database I would much appreciate this, even if you are local.  As yet, I have still to get any spots this year!

UPDATE  1104z: Spots! G4KPX (14km) Richard in Ely has spotted me. These are my first 10m WSPR spots this year. Thank you.

UPDATE 1230z: Just been spotted by OE9GHV (871km).

UPDATE 1530z: More spots by G4KPX. No DX other than the Austrian earlier.

UPDATE 2030z: Now QRT.

On 2m FT8 again

A few moments ago, I went on 2m FT8 with my usual 10W to the big-wheel omni. My technique is to sit on one frequency calling CQ and see who responds. A quick look on PSKreporter maps shows who is spotting me.

At the moment  (0750z) I have been spotted by 4 stations in 2 countries, but the power was only 6W. On 2m FT8 RX no-one yet spotted. Activity seems low.

UPDATE 0830z:  18 spots of me so far today. Best DX so far are spots by a couple of stations on the Lizard in Cornwall.   Just 1 spot so far on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1112z: 26 spots in 5 countries so far of my 10W to the big-wheel omni including GI and GD (again), Cornwall and GW4VXE (367km) in west Wales.

UPDATE 1235z:  29 spots of my 2m FT8 10W today so far.

UPDATE 1530z:  After a brief period on RX after a QSO, I am back on TX again. 34 stations have spotted me so far today.

UPDATE 2030z: 43 stations have spotted my 2m FT8 10W in the last day. Now QRT.

Amateur radio social distancing humour

We live in strange times. One radio amateur has added a dash of humour!

See http://qso365.co.uk/2020/03/social-distancing/

Oscar 100 activity

Every few weeks I give an update on the activity level on the narrowband transponder of this geosynchronous satellite. At the moment, it would appear that activity levels are broadly similar to a few weeks ago.

This is just my impression and not very scientific!

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/

Picnic time - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows one of my granddaughters out with her dad on a cycle ride.

Here they are having a picnic stop a few days ago. Her dad is taking the photo. I think this is the River Lee.

Sunspots - Monday March 30th 2020

Solar flux is 68 and the SSN 0. A=7 and K=2.

29 Mar 2020

Life goes on - NOT amateur radio

On our walk earlier we saw several buttercups in flower.