7 Mar 2020

World Book Day - NOT amateur radio

For World Book Day, one of our granddaughters dressed up as Ruby from "Anne of Green Gables", a book she is mad on!

The photo shows her about to go to school.

Cambridge Round Church - NOT amateur radio

There are very few round churches in the UK. Cambridge has one of them. These days it is a brass rubbing centre.

Years ago I used to go there, but that was a very long time ago!

Yaesu answer to the IC-705?

The pattern of recent years has been for ICOM to launch a new product and Yaesu to play catch up.

With this in mind we can expect Yaesu to launch a new transceiver at Dayton this spring to compete with the IC-705. Many were very disappointed with the FT818.

Unless they come out with a killer radio people will buy the ICOM IC-705 instead.

Goldfinch - NOT amateur radio

One of my Facebook memories from many years ago was of this goldfinch that stunned itself by crashing into a window at our old house.

After a few minutes it flew off!

472kHz transverter repairs

Just after tea last night I replaced the PA in my transverter.  It was damaged when my loop was broken a few weeks ago in the gales. Soldering is much harder these days.

Although it is replaced, the antenna current is still low, so more investigation is needed.

UPDATE 0910z:  I tried the earth-electrode "antenna" on a different rig on 160m and was still getting a high SWR. This suggests something is wrong outside still. More investigations needed!

UPDATE 1725z: A visual test indicated nothing untoward. Possibly tomorrow I may replace the wire in case there is something not visible that is wrong. I measured the DC resistance and this was higher than I was expecting, but not exceptionally high.

Peregrine falcons - NOT amateur radio

On the steeple of Norwich Cathedral is a nestbox for peregrine falcons. We were there on Thursday, but saw nothing of the peregrines.

The photo shows my brother's wife with me looking up at the steeple.

See https://hawkandowltrust.org/web-cam-live/norwich-cathedral-side

Sunspots - Saturday March 7th 2020

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0. A=4 and K=2.

6 Mar 2020

Space weather

Southgate News has a piece on the space weather forecast  by expert Dr Tamitha Skov.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/space-weather/index.htm#.XmKtf46TK00

Oil price way down - NOT amateur radio

At 1230z today oil prices have dropped over 4%. This is a sure sign of low demand. The FTSI100 stock index has fallen about 1000 points. One UK airline has gone into administration.

UPDATE 1546z: It is now down 6.58%. Recession here we come....

UPDATE 1638z: Now down 8.96%.

UPDATE 2000z:  Oil ended the day 9.1% down.

UPDATE 2102z:  Oil prices are still falling. At the moment things are still bad.

Risk averse? - NOT amateur radio

Having just cancelled a 2 week holiday in Corfu, I am wondering if I am becoming more risk averse as result of my 2013 stroke or old age?   My basic concern was corona virus.

The thought of having to spend 2 weeks self-isolating abroad or in a Greek hospital filled me with dread.  In all, we would have to spend about 5 hours in planes and 4 hours in airports, plus the 2 weeks in the hotel. I decided that it would be better to self-isolate at home or, if required, be treated in a UK hospital. 

My wife is upset (as am I), but we can always have a 2 week holiday another year.