25 Jan 2020

160m FT8

One of the reasons why I copied so few North Americans on 160m FT8 overnight could be because there was a big contest on. At the moment I am again on 160m FT8. So far, 20 stations have spotted my 10W with best DX being a spot by LA4GHA (1029km). On 160m FT8 RX 158 stations spotted so far, but none from North America yet.  Yet again,  still using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.

UPDATE 2255z:  So far, 210 spots on 160m FT8 RX this evening.

Big Garden Birdwatch - NOT amateur radio

Every year about now, the RSPB carries out an annual survey to find the health of our bird populations in our gardens. I have done this now for many years. You are asked to record the maximum number of each species seen at one time. I chose to do 1530z -1630z thinking I might catch birds coming in to feed before dark. What a disappointment! In all just 6 species seen , mostly larger birds. The bird table was well stocked. Quite a few common birds were absent.
  • Starling 9
  • Woodpigeon 2
  • Crow 9
  • Robin 1
  • Blackbird 1
  • Collared Dove 1
You do not have to be an RSPB member and the survey runs until Monday.

What does the future hold? - NOT amateur radio

My dad died in 1987. He was totally unaware of the internet, the fall of the Berlin wall and much else too. If he came back today he would wonder at mobile phones.

I wonder what new things will appear in the next 30-40 years? It is hard to crystal gaze when new things appear of which we have no concept.

2m FT8

2m is so much more productive than 6m FT8 at this time of year.

My first 10W 2m FT8 CQ (using the big-wheel omni) was spotted by 25 stations in 5 countries! Best DX on 2m FT8 TX was EI3KD (583km).  On 2m FT8 RX, 14 stations so far spotted.

Stations spotting my 10W FT8 CQ
on 2m FT8 this afternoon
UPDATE 1718z: Whilst doing the Big British Birdwatch, I went on 2m FT8 TX. Quite a few spots of my 10W to the big-wheel plus a few 2-way QSOs. Best DX QSO was F6KRK (355km).

Electroboom - NOT to be tried at home!

It is amazing that this guy is still alive.  I think there are several videos around of his.

Do NOT try this at home!

6m FT8

Since about 1010z, I have QSYed to 6m FT8. Quiet so far with 2 G spots of my recent 10W CQ with best being G0LGS (171km). I am using the V2000 vertical omni. On 6m FT8 RX just G3XDV (45km) spotted.

UPDATE 1211z: This is proving a dead loss! A recent CQ was spotted by just G0LGS. I may try 2m FT8 instead. On 6m FT8 RX, nothing new.

160m FT8 overnight

Stations spotting my 10W FT8
on 160m last evening
As there was so little "real DX" spotted, I wondered if my PC had turned off to install an update. In total, just 3 North Americans spotted on 160m FT8 RX with nothing from the Caribbean or South America. In all, 410 stations were spotted in the last day on 160m FT8 RX. 

Things were looking promising last evening with plenty of spots of my 10W to the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground (see photo).

Breakfast - NOT amateur radio

Most mornings I eat a cooked breakfast. This sets me up for the day. It is cooked in just a drop of oil.

Some may consider this unhealthy. Personally, I enjoy it. A few years ago eggs were thought unhealthy. As far as I am concerned a little of what you like is fine.

Sunspots - Saturday January 25th 2020

Hopeful signs...

Solar flux is 71 (still above 70) and the sunspot number 12 (not 0). A=3 and K=1. I am beginning to think we may have started the climb.

24 Jan 2020

2m VHF - WSPR versus FT8

It is some years since I tried WSPR on 144MHz. Although I  managed some reasonable results, drift over the 2 minute transmission slot was a major issue.

FT8 is about 10dB less sensitive than WSPR, but the 15 second TX period means drift does not appear to be an issue at all. With WSPR the window is only 200Hz wide whereas FT8 has a window of at least 2500Hz. All signals within this window can be detected and decoded. Signals on FT8 occupy 50Hz, whereas WSPR signals occupy about 6Hz. FT8 allows 2-way QSOs, but this is not really possible with WSPR.

Overall, I find better results with FT8 than WSPR on VHF. I have even had 2-way FT8 QSOs on 70cm!

With the 15 second TX period there are more aircraft relections too with FT8. I have not tried FT4 which uses 7.5 second TX periods, but is less sensitive. Logically, with even shorter TX periods this should be even better with aircraft scatter when signals can be quite strong.