24 Nov 2019

Birthday - NOT amateur radio

Today is my wife's birthday. We met in 1968. The photo shows her opening her cards and receiving a phone call from one of her brothers.

10m FT8

After the total disaster yesterday, I am hoping for better luck on 10m FT8 today. At about 1050z I turned things on and called CQ briefly with 2.5W. Sadly no-one copied my CQ but already 4 Europeans have been spotted on RX with best DX  EA7KHU (1694km).

UPDATE 1400z: 11 stations in 7 European countries spotted so far on 10m FT8 RX.

Sunspots - Sunday November 24th 2019

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0. A=10 and K=3.

23 Nov 2019

WRC-19 ends

WRC-19 has finally ended in Egypt with delegates going home.  Overall, the outcome for amateur radio was pretty good.

See https://rsgb.org/main/blog/news/gb2rs/2019/11/22/wrc-19-day-20-and-finally/

Political dirty tricks (fake news) - NOT amateur radio

At the moment I have still to make my mind up when voting in the next UK general election on December 12th.

Recently, in my view, the Conservative party has scored a couple of "own goals" by changing the name of their Twitter account to Factchecker or similar. They also, allegedly, modified a video to show an opposition cabinet minister stumbling over an answer, when he actually clearly answered the question.

In my view these were examples of false news and shame on whoever allowed them to be released. These sort of dirty tricks put UK politics in a very poor light and have no place whatsoever. If I was ever to vote for the Conservatives this alone would prevent me. How could anyone support this sort of childish behaviour?

10m FT8

Since about 0945z, I have been on 10m FT8 calling CQ (2.5W) initially. No spots yet (at 1025z).

UPDATE 1547z: Still no spots on 10m FT8 RX here. At the moment, today seems really dreadful on 10m FT8.  Not even any locals spotted!

UPDATE 2048z: About an hour ago I went QRT on what was my worst session on 10m FT8 this autumn.

Road not taken - NOT amateur radio

This is a famous poem by Robert Frost. Many times we reach forks in our road of life be it girlfriends, marriage, work, college or whatever. We take a certain path and not others. Looking back we wonder what would have happened if we had taken the other paths. Perhaps we can never know.

See https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44272/the-road-not-taken .

Broadcast listener resources

It is some years since I did some BC DXing. A useful list of BC related resources is at DXzone.

For a serious window on radio around the world these days an internet radio seems the answer: my XYL is listening to a classical ABC station in Perth, Australia. It is perfect copy.

See https://www.dxzone.com/catalog/Shortwave_Radio/BCL_Resources/

Brennan BB1 - NOT amateur radio

For my birthday and Christmas my wife bought me a Brennan BB1. This is also known as the "baby Brennan". To say I am impressed is an understatement. It plays ripped CDs, 40000 internet radio stations and plays YouTube videos on its TFT screen.

Also you can use your PC or phone as a remote control. Not only that, but it is tiny. It was meant to be put away until late December, but it is in full use every day. Oh, the sound quality is great.

Sunspots - Saturday November 23rd 2019

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0.  A=4 and K=0.