I wound a new matching transformer (shown in photo) in the hope of squeezing a tiny bit more ERP from my earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. I will calculate the ERP tomorrow, but I don't think it is greater. The coil has more turns on the secondary, but I think the tapping point was not far off before.
My own signal has been copied by a couple of stations and G1GKN (99km) has been copied here a few times. I shall leave it on this evening and possibly overnight.
472kHz WSPR so far this evening |
UPDATE 1852z: Best DX so far on 472kHz WSPR RX is LA3EQ (769km) running 20mW ERP.
UPDATE 2108z: A few new stations spotted this evening, that I did not see last season: LA4NJ (800km) and DL1HWK (816km). I don't think these stations were active last season,