9 Sept 2019

Litter - NOT amateur radio

In Spain one thing you notice is there is no litter. They have civic pride, despite the unemployment rate being very high. When they come to the UK they must think what a scruffy lot we are. I don't understand how we can be so lacking. It was the same last year in the Baltic states. Despite being poor compared with the UK they seem to be litter free. It is as if they do not drop litter ever. What is wrong with us?

Besalu - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday we went to a delightful medieval village in Catalonia called Besalu. Most of the centre is very old. It is quite close to the Pyrenees.

Sunspots - Monday September 9th 2019

Solar flux is 68 and the SSN 0. A=10 and K=3.

8 Sept 2019

Medieval fair - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday we went to a Medieval Fair in the next village. It was very good.

IC-705 website

As there is quite some interest in this new QRP radio from ICOM, I have created a webpage that I intend to update over time as more details emerge. Already there are some useful links to bookmark.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/ic705

Old Renaults - NOT amateur radio

Last weekend several old Renault cars visited our local museum. They were quite a sight.

Sunspots - Sunday September 8th 2019

Solar flux is 74 and the SSN 0. A=7 and K=2.

7 Sept 2019

Hair raising - NOT amateur radio

Today we went on a 2 hour "train ride" high above the town of Roses on the eastern edge of the Pyrenees. It was hairy raising with jaw dropping sides of the road. The views were amazing. As you can see, the train was on roads. In places these were narrow dusty tracks up steep hills.

Weak signal modes

Since my 2013 stroke my voice has been poor, so I have made more use of digital modes to save my voice and help others! On 630m I still use WSPR, but on most bands I use FT8. WSPR works with very weak signals but transmissions take 2 minutes. FT8 is much faster but less sensitive. In both cases they work with signals much lower than CW. They are not chatting modes. All the software needed is free.

Locks - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday were on the Canal du Midi in France and went down these locks.