27 Jun 2019

Bury St Edmunds - NOT amateur radio

Bury St Edmunds has a fine market on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Often fruit and vegetables are as good as in the supermarkets and far cheaper.

There is a small museum in the market square (at the back of the photo) called Moyses Hall in what is, I think, the oldest building there.

6m FT8 RX

In the last few hours 10 stations spotted on 6m FT8 RX. Some could be Es.

UPDATE 0848z: Now 25 stations spotted on 6m FT8 RX in 7 countries so far today. Some are Es, but I suspect some nearer ones are aircraft reflections as they are very strong and too near for Es.

UPDATE 1547z:  Now 77 stations spotted in 15 countries today on 6m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1915z: 170 stations spotted so far with best DX on 6m FT8 RX being 4X4DK (3580km)

The summit prowler QRP SSB/CW, 4 HF bands

Hot on the heels of the Peregrino is the Summit Prowler from Australia.

See https://vk3hn.wordpress.com/2019/05/01/summit-prowler-6-a-pocket-sized-ssb-cw-transceiver-for-80-40-30-and-20m/

Sunspots - Thursday June 27th 2019

Solar flux is 68 and the SSN 11. A=6 and K=1.

26 Jun 2019

New Pixie Kit

Steve G1KQH has told me about a new Pixie kit from China which now comes with a case.

See https://www.aliexpress.com/i/32988482921.html

Latest SPRAT and the Peregrino QRP SSB rig

The latest version of SPRAT has arrived. This is issue 179 of the GQRP club magazine. This has colour on inside pages too. I think this is the first time. Presumably it is cost-effective. It certainly looks good, making a good magazine even better.

On page 20 is described the Peregrino, which is a basic SSB transceiver for 17m. It all fits on a single, small PCB designed by a couple of Spanish stations. It uses only 84 parts.

Could we lose 2m?

France has proposed the re-allocation of the 144-146MHz band to aeronautical mobile.

In the distant past I seem to recall having to avoid certain spot frequencies in the EU 2m band, presumably as this band must have, at one time, been shared with aeronautical mobile services. If my memory is correct, this was a long time ago, possibly in the 1960s.

I suspect this would be discussed at WRC-2023 and implementation, if approved, could take a few years. In the end, I can see this becoming a shared band perhaps. With the low band occupancy, I cannot imagine much risk of interference. I guess they could make the higher band exclusive (145-146MHz) and the lower part shared (144-145MHz).

See http://www.arrl.org/news/no-strong-opposition-to-144-146-mhz-reallocation-proposal-at-cept-meeting

BREXIT uncertainty - NOT amateur radio

We seem to be sleep walking into one of the biggest political crises in the UK in hundreds of years. Personally, I think we are being "led" by a bunch of career politicians with little to commend them. And this is in all political parties! There is a real lack of politicians with backbone and integrity.

As for the EU and BREXIT I am convinced there is no plan, but lots of crossed legs and lots of hope. I think the country and UK parliament are deeply divided over BREXIT and it could be several years before wounds are healed.

My own views on BREXIT reflect many in the UK. We see the benefits of EU membership and want free trade and no tariffs, but want no political union and to have control over our borders and who lives and works here. Basically we want the EU with looser control and free of gravy trains.

6m FT8 CQ (2.5W)

Just before breakfast I called CQ on 6m FT8 with 2.5W to the V2000 vertical. No QSOs resulted but I was spotted by 8 G stations with the best being a spot by M0BEW (194km).

Since then, I see there is Es about with 47 stations so far spotted and it is only 0816z.

6m FT8 RX here to teatime
UPDATE 1653z: Now 158 stations in 21 countries spotted so far today on 6m FT8 RX. All were EU (apart from a couple in North Africa) with no "real DX".

Japan worked on 6m

Yesterday, I gather Japanese stations were being worked on 6m from the UK. I presume this was FT8 although I am not sure. I spotted nothing on my modest set-up!

These openings seem to happen every year at this time. I am sure big antennas must help.  It is 2 years now since I last spotted Japanese stations on 6m. That was JT65. In the last 2 years I have concentrated on FT8.

There seems to be a correlation between these openings and noctilucent clouds in the mesosphere.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/noctilucent