6 Jun 2019

472kHz overnight

We are definitely seeing summertime activity and conditions. Only 2 stations spotted here on 472kHz WSPR overnight, and these were actually spotted first in the early evening yesterday. Until the autumn, I suspect I am rather wasting my time.
472kHz WSPR here overnight - disappointing

Sunspots - Thursday June 6th 2019

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN still 0. As the more active side swings into view I hope we see some spots. A=4 and K=1

5 Jun 2019

472kHz WSPR

The last time I was on 472kHz WSPR, not a single station spotted me, despite being on overnight. At about 1810z, I went back on 472kHz WSPR (20% TX, 10mW ERP, remainder on RX) hoping for better luck!

I guess the summer QRN is higher now and there are far fewer active stations on the band. Both factors make copying a weak QRPP signal much harder. Using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground, I still have a low noise floor.

Amazingly, I have already been spotted today on 472kHz WSPR by G4GIR (53km) who was also spotted here.

My new radio

Still thinking....

At the moment these are under consideration:
  • FT991A - probably not the best, but with a thermally controlled fan, 2m and 70cm and ATU.
  • IC7300 - SDR based. Probably the best radio and with 4m, but no 2m and 70cm and (possibly) noisy fan. Good ATU with wide range.
  • FT891 - much cheaper but with no 2m or 70cm. Gets good reviews.
  • FT450D - older and without 2m and 70cm. Inexpensive.
Or nothing!

At the moment the FT991A is probably the best for me. If I am buying, it will be this month.

Cooking - NOT amateur radio

Our elder granddaughter loves cooking and completely makes herself at home in the kitchen. This is how we like it.

We hope, in years to come, all our grandchildren look back on these days with fondness.

D-Day anniversary - NOT amateur radio

My father was a Pathfinder. He flew night raids over Germany in WW2 in Lancaster bombers. He rarely spoke of these days. I am sure my dad , and many others, was badly affected by the horrors of war.

With the anniversary this week of the D-Day landings I think the fear these brave people had must have been truly, almost unimaginably, horrific. As they landed on those beaches they must have known there was a high chance of being killed or wounded. No, these were very brave people and it is little surprise these horrors were too much for many to talk about.

Every night that my dad flew over Germany, my mother and grandmother must have been terrified. No wonder he loved his golf on the Devon clifftops.

OFCOM to share some spectrum at 8GHz and 26GHz

I am so thrilled. Said with a good dose of sarcasm. OFCOM is to make available some microwave frequencies.

The mystery of life - NOT amateur radio

Once in a while I post a philosophical question on this blog. I am no philosopher!

When we die those of a religious persuasion believe in some kind of life after death.  Those without a religious belief tend to believe life ceases and we just cease to exist.

Now, all we know is how little we know. We can experience only through our senses. In the last 150 years we realise how easily we cannot rely on our senses. As an example think of quantum mechanics which can be very counter-intuitive. All we can be sure about is how little we know.

There are so many things that we simply do not understand and probably can never know or understand. Human consciousness is perhaps the ultimate mystery.

Something tells me there is so much we cannot know.

6m FT8 RX

Even though it is just 0830z, 10 stations in 4 countries spotted already on 6m FT8 RX. There is some early Es about with best DX spotted so far being HA7TM (1429km).

UPDATE 0937z: So far this morning 15 stations in 5 countries spotted on 6m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1322z: Now 39 stations in 11 countries spotted today on 6m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1756z: Now 60 stations in 14 countries (all EU) spotted today on 6m FT8 RX.

160m FT8 RX

Although I remained on 160m FT8 RX overnight, there were fewer EUs active than previously and no "real DX" on the band.