28 Feb 2019

Rally on Sunday


America Hall, De la Rue Way, Pinhoe, Exeter EX4 8PW. Doors open at 10.30am (10.15am for disabled visitors). Admission £2 (under 16s free). There will be trade stands, Bring & Buy (book in from 10.15am), and catering will be available. Details from Pete, G3ZVI on 07714 198374 or g3zvi@yahoo.co.uk.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Still on 2m FT8 RX

Overnight and this morning, I am still on 2m FT8 RX with the best DX this morning being DG2BCP (597km) on RX. So far today, 19 stations in 7 countries already spotted on 2m FT8 with the big-wheel omni antenna.

UPDATE 1800z: 47 stations spotted today on 2m with best DX DK1FG (815km).

Sunspots - Thursday February 28th 2019

Unless I am mistaken, this was a spotless month. Solar flux is 70 and the SSN still zero. A=10 and K=2.

I shall be interested to see the latest predictions for solar minimum. To me, it looks like we are just bouncing along the minimum, so it will be interesting to read what the experts think.

27 Feb 2019

Return to 2m FT8

A brief CQ (2.5W to the big wheel omni) on 2m FT8 got 7 spots with best being by G7RAU (461km) in Cornwall and I have spotted 13 stations already with best DX DL6BF (479km). 2m FT8 really is amazing. Every time I try this I get spotted a long way away and I spot amazing DX. Much of this is tropo and not aircraft.

New QRP mag online

The latest edition of Vestnik is now available as a .pdf download.

See http://club72.su/vestnik/qv19.pdf

472kHz JT9 and FT8 frequencies?

Ok, so I am asking for some advice.

On 472kHz I mainly use WSPR, but wonder if there is a better mode now more widely used? If so, what dial frequency should I set?

UPDATE 1657z: In the absence of data I am currently calling CQ about 500Hz below the WSPR sub-band on 472kHz FT8. Nothing spotted yet.

UPDATE 1725z: As I have not heard about FT8 and JT9 frequencies, I have returned to 472kHz WSPR. G1GKN (99km) is a good signal, as always.

Oscar 100 amateur TV signals

Although I check the narrowband webSDR from time to time, I have not seen examples of amateur TV through the satellite. There is an HB9 site on the BATC streaming service, but I have not yet seen any pictures. By now, I would have expected to see someone posting videos or even still images. If you know where I can find some amateur TV images, please let me know.

UPDATE 1927z: Just found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yfb9_CHKDoQ

Is Trump in trouble? - NOT amateur radio

President Trump's former lawyer Mr Cohen is giving testimony to the US congress. It is quite damning.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-us-canada-47390300/trump-s-former-lawyer-talks-to-congress

Cambridge Proctors - NOT amateur radio

Cambridge colleges are "policed" by proctors, These men usually wear bowler hats. The  photo shows a few of these outside Trinity College earlier today.

See https://www.proctors.cam.ac.uk/

472kHz disappointment overnight

Last night, 472kHz WSPR was disappointing here. Just 6 stations spotted me with best spot one from DL3GAK (823km) and only 8 spots of others by me with best DX spotted here being IW4DXW (1190km). Maybe it is just me, but I get the feeling interest in the band is waning. Perhaps many have changed to a different mode?