12 Dec 2018

Free 60m QRP crystals

Saw this on Facebook:

"We offer FREE crystals for 60m band - 5.353 MHz.  Please share this post to all QRP builders.
Merry Christmas Alex OK1RS and Ondra OK1CDJ."

See https://www.hamshop.cz/

Pound versus the Euro - NOT amateur radio

Well, I am baffled.

Today we awoke to the news that the UK Prime Minister, Theresa May faces a no-confidence vote and could be out of her job tonight. The BREXIT vote in the UK House of Commons has been delayed. Frantically, Theresa May is trying to get words added by the EU to the UK exit deal so it gets a majority in the House of Commons.

Now, if I was a betting man - I am not - I would have expected the UK pound to fall in value against the Euro. What has happened? The UK pound has gone up against the Euro! Good job I am not in charge.

WSJT-X V2.0 now released

WSJT-X V2.0 has been officially released and should be adopted as soon as possible. There are new protocols for FT8 and MSK144. Joe Taylor K1JT is urging all amateurs to adopt the new standard as this is not compatible with older versions. For a period, this will cause some confusion, but I think I'll download the new version later. Call CQ above 2kHz audio with the new version!!

See David's note below: the "above 2kHz applied for the "rc" candidates only, so people can use below 2kHz audio with WSJT-X V2.0 fully released version, although FT8 using the old protocol will not decode

See https://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/Quick_Start_WSJT-X_2.0.pdf

See also https://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/wsjtx.html

10m FT8

Since breakfast, I have been mainly on 10m FT8 RX. No spots as yet.

There is usually a small Es peak in the northern hemisphere around December/January. Not sure why. This is nothing like the May, June, July period, but it might bring in a few more Europeans.

UPDATE 1027z: Still no spots.

UPDATE 1224z: Just G0OYQ (177km) spotted.

UPDATE 1700z: Just 3 G spots today on 10m FT8 with WSJT-X V1.9.

Sunspots - Wednesday December 12th 2018

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 11. A=7 and K=2.

Getting a bit better?

160m FT8 RX overnight

In all, 9 North Americans spotted in topband FT8 overnight, as well as loads and loads of Europeans. Best DX was W5XZ (7555km) in Texas, USA. As before, using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.

11 Dec 2018

432MHz UKAC Activity Contest

Every month, the RSGB organises an activity contest. On the second Tuesday it is the 432MHz contest. As I have no suitable antennas, I use either my 2m halo or 2m big wheel antenna and 5W from my FT817ND. Before my voice shouted "stop!" I worked 4 stations as shown on the map.

Top band FT8

G8BCG (394km) was worked when I was running 2.5W from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. On topband FT8 RX so far, loads of Europeans with best DX on RX RV6ADY (2980km).

UPDATE 2242z: No stations in North America spotted yet on 160m FT8 RX, but plenty of Europeans.

10m FT8

Since late morning, I have been on 10m FT8 RX. So far today, just one G spot on 10m FT8 RX G4SWR (149km).

UPDATE 1715z: Just a couple of G spots. Time to QSY to 160m.

Hacked - NOT amateur radio

One of my friends had his PayPal account hacked out of the blue. Luckily, he got his money back. He has no idea how this happened.

It is a good idea to:
  • check accounts regularly and often
  • use strong passwords
  • change passwords often.
He also suggested https://passwordsgenerator.net/ to generate strong passwords