11 Dec 2018

Hacked - NOT amateur radio

One of my friends had his PayPal account hacked out of the blue. Luckily, he got his money back. He has no idea how this happened.

It is a good idea to:
  • check accounts regularly and often
  • use strong passwords
  • change passwords often.
He also suggested https://passwordsgenerator.net/ to generate strong passwords


PE4BAS, Bas said...

It seems these days one of the most dangerous hacks is by criminals taking over the SIM card of your telephone. It seems to be easy calling a phonecompany and persuide the innocent people of the callcenter you lost your SIM card and need to transfer your old number to the new one. When that's happening the criminal has virtually access to some of your apps. Not a good thing! 73, Bas

Paul Stam PAØK said...

It's a real problem nowadays. I have changed all my passwords with new strong ones. I use never the same password. I use a strong password generator. 73 Paul PAØK